Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature (combined)

General information about the study programme

Field of study: 38. Teaching and Educational Sciences

Degree of study: second (Mgr.)

Form of study: full-time/external

Standard length of study: 2 years

Language of course: Slovak

Study Programme Council:

prof. PhDr. Peter Žeňuch, DrSc.

doc. PhDr. Erika Brtáňová, CSc.

doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Šrank, PhD.

Bc. Eva Frtúsová (student representative)

Adela Zemková (student representative)

Anežka Gernešiová (student representative)

Filip Lopuch (student representative)

PaedDr. Elena Backová (employer's representative)

Mgr. Jitka Vaňová (employer's representative)

Mgr. Róbert Jedlička (employer's representative)


prof. PhDr. Ján Kačala, DrSc.

prof. PhDr. Peter Žeňuch, DrSc.

doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Šrank, PhD.

doc. PhDr. Erika Brtáňová, CSc.

Mgr. Eva Faithová, PhD.

Mgr. Ľubica Blažencová, PhD.

Mgr. Ľubica Horváthová, PhD.

Mgr. Mária Dziviaková, PhD.

Mgr. Monika Turočeková, PhD.

Study Advisors (tutors):

Mgr. Eva Faithová, PhD., faithova1uniba.sk – study advisor for 1st and 2nd year of bachelor study in full-time form and 1st - 3rd year of bachelor study in external form

doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Šrank, PhD., srank1uniba.sk – study advisor for final years

Student Study Advisors for the Study Programme:

Mária Bednáriková, bednarikova28@uniba.sk

Coordinator for International Mobility and Erasmus+:

Mgr. Eva Faithová, PhD., faithova1uniba.sk

Description of the Study Program

The study programme Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature (combined) at the Master's degree level in both full-time and external form is fully focused on the professional training of future teachers whose knowledge, skills and competences are based on the intersection of the contents of the component of the Common Social-Scientific, Pedagogical and Psychological Foundation of Teaching ("Teaching Foundation") with professional profile, compulsory, compulsory elective and elective courses. The profile compulsory and compulsory elective courses take into account the current requirements for the development of communicative competences, the acquisition of skills for a creative and inventive approach in the preparation of future communicative and experiential teaching of the Slovak language and literature and a constructivist approach to independent learning.

The study programme is designed in a three-pillar approach:

  • critical exploration of contemporary Slovak language and literature from a developmental (diachronic) point of view and developing knowledge of current developments in the areas of language norms and culture,
  • application of professional knowledge to the educational and pedagogical process, development of competence to learn independently, evaluate and critically approach information and sources of knowledge,
  • developing acquired knowledge and value attitudes.

Professional subjects are primarily oriented towards the practical dimension of the preparation of the future teacher, who profiles himself as a comprehensively prepared personality. The main body of compulsory courses is represented by the structure of linguistically, literary and didactically oriented lectures and seminars.

The first pillar is represented by courses focused on the history of standard Slovak and the basics of language culture, in which the student acquires knowledge about the history of the standard language and forms a concrete idea of the logical sequence of knowledge about the main historical-periodisation stages in which the Slovak language was used in oral and written communication in the pre-standard and standard periods.

The second pillar consists of courses in the history of older literature, literary Classicism, Romanticism and Realism, which provide a picture of the application of the Slovak language in literary works within the individual periods of the development of the Slovak language and culture and point out the processes and contexts of linguistic-cultural and value communication of the Slovak environment in the European context.

The third pillar represents the didactic-applicational framework of the courses, which enable the student to learn and practice the application of professional knowledge in the practical field. These courses are used for the fundamental and comprehensive profiling of the personality of a teacher who is well versed in the educational standards of Slovak language and literature in his or her future position as a teacher of lower and upper secondary education.

The compulsory courses are followed by compulsory elective and elective courses, which develop the main professional knowledge in the field of the different levels of the contemporary standard language, forming and activating additional and new skills of students. The study programme allows to create one's own path of professional profiling of the future teacher of Slovak language and literature. It stimulates the creative approach of future teachers to pupils, to linguistic communication, to the development of pupils' reading competences, their analytical-interpretive approaches to literary texts, to the processes of acquiring knowledge and skills. The study programme develops skills in the field of working with information, builds a positive attitude towards literature as a tool for personal expression and development, and an understanding of language as an important means of lifelong learning, a tool for interpersonal communication, including intercultural communication and belonging.

STUDY PLAN - full-time form

STUDY PLAN - part-time form

Requirements for Applicants

The basic prerequisite for admission to the Master's degree (2nd degree of study) is the completion of a Bachelor's degree (1st degree of study) in the required field of study and study programme.

Graduate´s Profile

Graduates of the Master's degree programme in Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature (combined) in both full-time and external form possess knowledge, skills and competences that can be accurately, creatively and effectively applied in the educational environment.

Knowledge of the Graduate:

  • he/she has a comprehensive set of knowledge in linguistics and literary science oriented courses focused on the history of standard Slovak, on contemporary Slovak and its standard and codification in relation to its history and Slovak dialects, on the basics of language culture, as well as on the periodization context of Slovak literary development, the history of older literature, literary Classicism, Romanticism and literary Realism,
  • is familiar with the contexts of cultural communication, reflected in particular in the relations of Slovak linguistic and literary communication with the cultural strata participating in the formation of the Slovak cultural environment,
  • possesses a comprehensive body of knowledge in the field of the history of the Slovak language and literature, on the basis of which he or she has a reliable knowledge of the laws and conditions of the functioning and practical use of the Slovak language and literature, in relation to neighbouring languages and cultures,
  • has a thorough knowledge of the didactics of the Slovak language and the didactics of literature, knows the methods and forms of teaching aimed at developing the knowledge and abilities of primary and secondary school pupils in the context of practice-tested and modern concepts of teaching, also in the light of the latest trends in information and communication technologies,
  • is familiar with pedagogical documents, the content of textbooks, teaching texts and guides for Slovak language and literature used in primary and secondary schools, and is familiar with generally binding legal and other regulations relating to the work of teachers.

Skills of the Graduate:

  • he/she can reliably apply the knowledge which is the result of the acquired education and qualification and is conditioned in particular by the needs of school practice in secondary education and the labour market,
  • can communicate, link and evaluate knowledge in historical and current discourses on Slovak language and literature,
  • can implement new knowledge and approaches in educational work, based on basic pedagogical documents, reflecting the current requirements of modern education oriented to the pupil and based on creativity and learning through the discovery of knowledge and the use of the results of critical thinking,
  • is able to participate in the creation of pedagogical documents of the school, to carry out works and tasks related mainly to direct pedagogical activity, to design, implement and reflect on educational activities within the scope of his/her subject specialization, to prepare educational and methodological materials, also with the support of the latest digital technologies,
  • knows the bases and procedures of empirical cognition in his/her field.

Graduate Competencies:

  • he/she understands the connections between past and present linguistic and literary strata, traditions, events and stereotypes, understands the logic and content of the different periods and can provide a reliable interpretation of current frameworks in a comparative and interdisciplinary context,
  • has internalised the basic processes and contexts of cultural communication,
  • is able to teach Slovak language and literature in secondary education, is well versed in pedagogical documentation, school documents, is able to create methodological materials and apply them also through e-learning or multimedia educational tools, to use forms, ways and methods of teaching stimulating the active role of the pupil in the learning process, as well as to diagnose and evaluate the course and results of teaching,
  • can integrate individual linguistic, literary and didactic knowledge into teaching and also in the context of developing creative and critical thinking,
  • can apply current information and communication technologies, use, evaluate and integrate knowledge obtained from information sources into the educational process, use it with regard to the development of the field and communicate it to the professional and lay public,
  • can communicate in a cultured manner in the standard language and assess linguistic expressions at all levels of language construction,
  • can educate himself/herself independently and be well versed in the current results of scientific research in his/her field of study, including overlapping with related fields,
  • connects knowledge, skills and competences with other socially and culturally relevant areas of life,
  • can communicate and cooperate effectively with internal and external environments,
  • can solve problems, coordinate procedures in teams, make independent and responsible decisions.

Graduates' Career Opportunities

By successfully completing the second degree of the study programme Teaching Slovak Language and Literature (combined) in both full-time and external form, the student obtains a Master's degree (M.Ed.) and a qualification of a teacher of Slovak language and literature in lower and upper secondary education, corresponding to level 7 according to the Slovak Qualification Framework (SKKR). This is a qualification:  

  • primary school teacher in lower secondary education;
  • secondary school teacher in upper secondary education (gymnasium, secondary vocational school, secondary sports school, school of artistic industry, conservatory).

Completion of the master's degree enables the graduate to continue in the third (doctoral) level of higher education studies carried out at a higher education institution in Slovakia, abroad or in a public research institution which, according to the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic on Higher Education (No. 131/2002 Coll.) and the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic on Quality Assurance of Higher Education (No. 269/2018 Coll.), participates in the implementation of a doctoral study programme.

Partner Organisations

List of training schools where students of the Slovak Language and Literature Teaching (combined) programme carry out their internships:

  • Základná škola, Malokarpatské nám. 1, 841 03 Bratislava
  • Gymnázium L. Novomeského, Tomášikova 2, 821 07 Bratislava
  • Súkromné gymnázium, Vážska 32, 821 07 Bratislava
  • Základná škola s materskou školu M. Hodžu, Škarniclova 1, 811 01 Bratislava
  • 1. súkromné gymnázium v BA, Bajkalská 20, 821 08 Bratislava
  • Základná škola P. Marcelyho, Drieňová 16, 821 03 Bratislava
  • Základná škola s materskou školou M. R. Štefánika, Grösslingová 48, 811 09 Bratislava
  • Základná škola SNP, Ostredková 14, 821 02 Bratislava
  • Spojená škola, Tilgnerova 14, 841 05 Bratislava
  • Súkromná základná škola, Sklenárova 1, 821 09 Bratislava
  • Základná škola s materskou školou, Cádrova 23, 831 01 Bratislava
  • Základná škola, Kulíškova 8, 821 08 Bratislava
  • Súkromná základná škola pre žiakov s intelektovým nadaním CENADA, Majerníkova 60, 841 05 Bratislava
  • Základná škola, Pankúchova 4, 851 04 Bratislava
  • Základná škola, Vazovova 4, 811 07 Bratislava
  • Základná škola s materskou školou, Za kasárňou 2, 831 03 Bratislava
  • Základná škola s materskou školou, Česká 10, 831 03 Bratislava
  • Základná škola s materskou školou, Sibírska 39, 831 02 Bratislava
  • Súkromná základná škola FELIX, Krásnohorská 14, 851 07 Bratislava
  • Základná škola, Hlboká cesta 4, 811 04 Bratislava
  • Základná škola s materskou školu J. A. Komenského, Hubeného 25, 831 53 Bratislava
  • Základná škola s materskou školou, Dubová 1, 811 04 Bratislava

List of Cooperating Institutions:

  • Centre for Children's Literature, Reading and SK IBBY,
  • Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, v. v. i.
  • Orbis Pictus Istropolitana

Partner Foreign Universities:
Comenius University has the opportunity to send students abroad for study or internship in the framework of its partnerships (Utrecht Network, SYLFF, some bilateral agreements) to 63 foreign universities in more than 30 countries in Europe and beyond. Even wider opportunities covering practically the whole world exist under other schemes, in particular under the Erasmus+ programme and activities under the umbrella of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic, implemented through SAIA. These are in particular: the Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies (CEEPUS), the National Scholarship Programme (NSP), the Austria-Slovakia Action, the Visegrad Fund, etc. New mobility opportunities within the broader Erasmus+ programme are offered by the ENLIGHT University Alliance, under which Comenius University in Bratislava has established educational cooperation with eight European universities in 2020: the University of Bordeaux, Ghent University, University of Groningen, University of Göttingen, University of Uppsala, University of Tartu, National University of Ireland, University of Galway and University of the Basque Country. The universities have committed themselves to offering their students a variety of learning formats ranging from short-term physical and virtual mobility to joint study programmes, building on accredited study programmes in each country, as well as recognising each other's courses.

Partner Foreign Institutions within the ERASMUS+ programme, with which the Department of Slovak Language and Literature has concluded bilateral agreements:

  • Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Education
  • Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, Faculty of Education
  • University of Hradec Králové, Faculty of Education.