Teacher of German Language and Literature (in combination)

Basic information about the study programme

Field of study: 38. Teaching and Educational Sciences

Level of study: second

Form of study: full-time/external

Standard length of study: two

Language of instruction: Slovak (German in selected subjects)



Study programme council

prof. PhDr. Mária Vajičková, CSc. (Study programme chair)

doc. PhDr. Ivica Kolečáni Lenčová, PhD. (Study programme supervisor)

doc. Mgr. Andrea Mikulášová, PhD. (Study programme supervisor)

PaedDr. Peter Gergel, PhD.

Anita Brillová (Students´ representative)

Mgr. Pavol Kupka (Students´ representative)

Bc. Adrián Cetera (Students´ representative)

PhDr. Iveta Sládeková Ondrejková (Employers´ representative)

Mgr. Zuzana Tomčániová (Employers´ representative)

Mgr. Katarína Hromadová, PhD. (Employers´ representative)


prof. PhDr. Mária Vajičková, CSc.

doc. PhDr. Ivica Kolečáni Lenčová, PhD.

doc. Mgr. Andrea Mikulášová, PhD.

Mgr. Roman Mikuláš, PhD. (Iia)

PaedDr. Peter Gergel, PhD.

Dr. Phil. Franz Schörkhuber

Study advisor(s) (tutor(s)):
PaedDr. Peter Gergel, PhD. (full-time form), gergelfedu.uniba.sk

doc. Mgr. Andrea Mikulášová, PhD. (part-time form), mikulasovafedu.uniba.sk

Student's study advisor for the study programme:  

Bc. Adrián Cetera, cetera1fedu.uniba.sk


Coordinator for international mobility and Erasmus+:

PaedDr. Peter Gergel, PhD. (main coordinator)

prof. PhDr. Mária Vajičková, CSc.

doc. PhDr. Ivica Kolečáni Lenčová, PhD.

Description of the study programme

The Master's degree programme in Teaching of German Language and Literature in Combination fulfils in its structure and content the description of the field of study 38.Teaching and Educational Sciences in such a way that the profile of the graduate is in line with the profile of the graduate of this field of study. The subjects in the curriculum are designed to cover proportionally the topics of the social science, pedagogical and psychological foundations of teaching and subject endorsements. Within the overall concept of the Master's degree programme, 36 credits out of a total of 120 credits are devoted to the common social science, pedagogical and psychological foundations of teaching, 42 credits to the first subject endorsement and 42 credits to the second subject endorsement. The compulsory subjects of the common teaching foundation of the Master's study programme reflect the supporting themes of the core knowledge of the field of study as defined in the description and at the same time the current needs of teaching practice, aiming at the development of pedagogical and scientific thinking and teaching competences of students. Within the compulsory courses, the student will gain an overview of the philosophical and anthropological contexts of education (philosophical anthropology and axiology), research methodology in educational sciences (methodology of educational research, pedagogical diagnostics).

A compulsory part of the core curriculum are courses of pedagogical practice focused on independent design and implementation of teaching in secondary education in both subject areas. The offer of compulsory elective courses covers other topics of the core curriculum: models of personal and social development of children and adolescents and developmental disorders in this area. The state examination is carried out in the subject state examination: thesis defence thesis defence thesis defence and subject approbations (colloquial examinations in the field of theoretical knowledge of the field of study at the cross-section of the theory of the field and its didactics) for a total of 20 credits. The study programme in the field of Teaching German Language and Literature (combined) sets the direction of contemporary world and Slovak German studies, as well as the training of foreign language teachers. In this sense, the complexity of the discipline of German studies is taken into account, and viable ways of fusion of various influences are sought in its constitution for educational needs. In addition, the curriculum of the department determines the ways of interdisciplinary communication, thus supporting the scientific activities of the department, which will enrich the process of students' preparation to a great extent. The main aim of the study programme is to prepare German language teachers who are able to teach German in primary and secondary schools and other educational institutions in such a way that they are able to develop students' foreign language skills and overall communicative and intercultural competence in line with the requirements of contemporary society. The methodological basis for profiling a graduate as a teacher of German language and literature is the formation of his/her cognitive, social and affective aspects of personality. The starting point is the building of communicative competence, which is necessary for work in the German language at a given level and type of school. Closely related to the development of communicative competence is the development of the professional, personal and pedagogical aspects of the teacher's personality, which are an integrated part of the studies.  Teaching practice at each level and type of school. Emphasis is also placed on contemporary literature, the use of literature to develop foreign language communicative competence, as well as the development of intercultural awareness.

The originality of the study programme in the combined teaching of German language and literature lies in the fact that students are prepared in accordance with the requirements of educational practice in terms of the scope and quality of knowledge as well as in terms of the type of skills. The overarching concept is the didactics of the discipline. Based on the premises of didactics, a graduate of the German language and literature teaching study programme has specific knowledge and tools, is prepared to reflect the needs of foreign language education in Slovakia and to respond flexibly to them in practice.

In didactic subjects we convey new approaches and models in foreign language teaching (holistic approach, functional connection of new media with artistic artefacts), didactics of literature in the context of post-communicative interactive didactics and alternative pedagogical concepts (holistic pedagogy in line with the rapid development of neurosciences, neurodidactics and psychology of learning in recent years. In the intent of the requirements of humanistic pedagogy for the acceptance of the learner, the facilitation of his/her self-realisation in a multicultural society, the individualisation of teaching, the importance of the affective component of learning, as well as a favourable teaching climate and mutual respect for each other.

We emphasize cross-curricular cooperation, innovate didactic disciplines by implementing artistic artifacts and their functional use in connection with new technologies.

We respond to the demands of society and offer students the basics of inclusive foreign language education with concrete examples from German language teaching, thus promoting tolerance, greater openness and an individual approach through innovative forms and methods of work in order to enable and ensure the participation of each student in the teaching process.

STUDY PLAN - full-time form

STUDY PLAN - part-time form

Admission procedure

Every academic year, the Faculty od Education  has information for applicants published on the faculty's website in the usual way - according to the offer in a given academic year for all study programmes. It has specific admission criteria for applicants, rules of the admission procedure, conditions for admission to a higher level of study, as well as criteria for advancement to the next part of studies. The criteria are regularly published in the usual way and are made publicly available to the general public well in advance and published for applicants on the basis of statutory deadlines. All the criteria for a given SP, including detailed and specific criteria, are published on the Faculty's website and are available continuously once published.

The conditions for changing the study programme or for changing the form of study, as well as the criteria for differential examinations for transfer students, are also published and precisely specified.  

The procedure and rules for admission, transfer to a higher degree or transfer to another programme or another form of study within the University are laid down in the Study Regulations of the Faculty od Education (VP No. 1/2020).

Graduate profile

Graduates of the Master's degree programme in Teaching German Language and Literature (combined) in the field of study Teaching and Educational Sciences are qualified to pursue the teaching profession independently at the lower and upper secondary education level. He/she is able to design, implement and reflect on educational activities within his/her subject specialisation as well as in cross-curricular contexts. Can create educational and methodological materials, find innovative solutions by linking disciplinary knowledge with digital technologies and new media. Has knowledge and experience in research methodology in educational sciences in general and within the field of didactics.  As part of the qualification, the graduate has a broad knowledge of the theories of the discipline of German Studies and its development. He or she is familiar with the tendencies of the development of German literature and the German language, is equipped with extensive knowledge of local history, is able to communicate fluently in the German language in a variety of specific situations, both verbally and non-verbally, and is able to take into account specific aspects of interculturality and the heterogeneity of society. He has developed strategic, conceptual and creative thinking skills which enable him to communicate effectively and manage the educational process creatively. He/she has sufficient knowledge of the theoretical basis of scientific work, research methods in the field of both literary science and linguistics. He/she has an overview of the development and current state of the field of German studies and the tendencies and directions of the didactics of the German language, which creates an opportunity to continue in the 3rd cycle of higher education and to apply as a scientific researcher in the relevant fields. The graduate has developed the required professional, pedagogical and personal prerequisites and is qualified to pursue the profession of a teacher of German language at the second level of primary school, secondary school and the profession of a teaching assistant. He/she is qualified to practise the profession of language school teacher in language courses in full-time, online and blended-learning formats. In the asynchronous form of distance education, he/she has the qualifications to act as a tutor in language courses. Within the scope of his subject specialisation, he is qualified to teach non-linguistic academic subjects or art and educational subjects in German, and thus to be employed in bilingual grammar schools and primary/secondary schools that teach using the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) method. It is open to interdisciplinary cooperation and to changes in the educational conditions of the school in the intentions of an inclusive approach in education by creating conditions for the implementation of innovative practices and alternative offers. In addition, due to its high level of communicative competence and broad knowledge base, it can also be applied in other areas of social life - translation and interpreting services within the framework of a bound trade, work in the mass media, in publishing houses, etc.

Employability of graduates of the study programme

In accordance with the Slovak Qualifications Framework (SQF), a graduate of Level 2 Level 7 of the SQF will obtain the following qualifications and will be qualified for the following occupations and professions in accordance with the SQF:

  1. Qualification code 1: U2341002-00446, SK ISCO-08: 2341002 Primary school teacher, Occupation title: Second level primary school teacher;
  2. Qualification code: U2330001-00445, SK ISCO-08: 2330001 secondary school teacher, occupational title: teacher of academic (general education) subjects in secondary school;
  3. Qualification code: U2353001-00448, SK ISCO-08: 2353001 language school teacher, occupational title: language school teacher;
  4. Qualification code: U2359001-00459, SK ISCO-08: 2359001 teaching assistant, occupational title: teaching staff.

Institution partners

  • Institute of World Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava,
  • Faculty of Arts, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Department of German Studies,    
  • Faculty of Philosophy, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Department of German Studies,
  • Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Bratislava, Department of German, Nordic and Scandinavian Studies,
  • Institute of Languages, The Technical University in Zvolen,
  • Goethe-Institut Bratislava
  • Austrian Cultural Forum
  • VW Slovakia Foundation
  • SUNG - Society of German Language Teachers and Germanists of Slovakia