Teaching of Citizenship Education (in combination)

Basic information about the study programme

Field of study: 38. Teacher Training and Educational Sciences

Level of study: 2nd degree

Form of study: full-time / part-time

Standard length of study: 2 years

Language of teaching: Slovak



Board of studies

prof. PhDr. Erich Mistrík, CSc. (guarantor– principal responsible person)

doc. PhDr. Branislav Malík, PhD. (co-guarantor)

Bc. Zuzana Danišová (student representative)

Daniela Stejskalová (student representative)

Mgr. Kristína Valášková, PhD. (employers' representative)


Prof. PhDr. Erich Mistrík, CSc.

Prof. PhDr. Jozef Lysý, CSc.

Doc. PhDr. Branislav Malík, CSc.

Doc. PaedDr. ThDr. Monika Zaviš PhD.

PhDr. Slávka Drozdová, PhD.

Mgr. Michal Bizoň, PhD.

Mgr. Katarína Minarovičová, PhD.

Mgr. Jozef Miškolci, PhD.

Mgr. Veronika Valkovičová, PhD.


Study advisor(s) (tutor(s)):

Prof. PhDr. Erich Mistrík, CSc., mistrikfedu.uniba.sk

Student study advisor for the study programme:

Bc. Zuzana Danišová, danisova77uniba.sk

Coordinator for international mobility and Erasmus+:   

Prof. PhDr. Erich Mistrík, CSc., mistrikfedu.uniba.sk

Description of the study programme

The study programme Teaching of Citizenship Education (in combination) fulfils the description of the study field 38. Teacher Training and Educational Sciences in its structure and content.

The structure of the study programme Teaching of Citizenship Education (in combination) allows for sufficient internal flexibility (variation of study paths also according to the student's interest and his/her abilities/abilities/work type) in both compulsory and optional subjects, which enables the student to focus on his/her areas of interest (especially in CE and E subjects), as well as the possibility of choosing subjects within the offer of the whole faculty and the university.

The structure of the courses primarily reflects the graduate's profile and learning objectives and outcomes.

Lectures, seminars, tutorials, practicals, trainings and internships are represented in the curriculum, which creates space for discussion and a more personalised approach to the student.

The compulsory courses of the subject approbation of citizenship education (in combination) extend the knowledge and skills of students on citizenship and civic education, which they have acquired so far. Therefore, these courses do not focus on the core disciplines necessary for citizenship education. On the one hand, they focus on updating the basic issues of citizenship in relation to contemporary reality (Current Issues in Citizenship, Media and Media Education, Global and European Dimensions in Education). On the other hand, they develop students' competences to teach in schools and to implement school citizenship education (Didactics of Citizenship Education).

Required electives in the program also offer the student a broader complement to the theory and practice of citizenship education (e.g., Political Philosophy, Professional Ethics, Family and the Child in Society, Society and Religion, Research and Project Work, etc.). The student also has the opportunity to gain insight into the foundations of nearby educational practices (Multicultural Education, Ethics Education, Education for Human Rights).

All subjects in this programme are oriented towards the context of contemporary and prospective social practice. Because society is evolving rapidly, the courses also focus on critical and independent thinking, as well as on the development of other students' skills and abilities.

Compulsory profile subjects: Current Problems of Citizenship, Global and European Dimension in Education, Media and Media Education, Didactics of Civic Education I., Didactics of Civic Education II.
State Examination: Theory of Education for Citizenship, State Examination: Didactics of Education for Citizenship,

Compulsory elective subjects - group A
Political and Philosophical Questions of History, Social Philosophy, Professional Ethics, Educational Anthropology, Family and Child in Society

Compulsory electives - group B
Art in Citizenship Education, Human Rights Education, Multicultural Education, Ethics Education, Citizen and Globalisation, Society and Religions, Research and Project Work in Citizenship Education, Basics of Sex education

Re-orientation of Education and Education for Sustainable Development, Internship II.

The study programme Teaching of Citizenship Education (in combination) is characterised by an inclusive teaching and learning environment based on democratic principles, in which all students have equal opportunities to learn and use their individual abilities, exploiting their educational potential.


STUDY PLAN - full-time form

STUDY PLAN - external form

Requirements for the applicant

The admission condition for applicants to the master’s degree programme in Teaching of Citizenship Education (in combination) is the completion of the first cycle study programme (bachelor's degree programme) in the same study programme. In case of greater interest of applicants in the chosen study programme than the planned limit approved by the AS PdF UK, the order of admissions will be processed on the basis of the weighted study average for the entire bachelor’s degree I study programme, calculated only from the completed courses, including the state examination. The admission criteria apply equally to both full-time and part-time students.
The study programmes offered by the Faculty of Education at Comenius University have set limits on the number of applicants. Estimated admission numbers are given in the published offer of study programmes for respective academic year on the faculty's website.

Graduate profile

A graduate of the 2nd degree of study programme Teaching of Citizenship Education (in combination) in the field of study Teacher Training and Educational Sciences, acquires the theoretical knowledge, skills and competences at the level required for entry into the teaching profession. The student acquires the opportunity to work as a teacher of citizenship education subjects (civics, social science seminar, etc.) in primary schools (lower secondary education); also in secondary schools; as a teaching assistant; as a professional worker in state and public administration, and in non-governmental organisations with a focus on education and training in the field of citizenship education. The profile courses serve to broaden the student's theoretical knowledge from the first cycle of studies, to orientate him/her in the current issues of citizenship, global and European dimensions of education, the influence of media and media education in citizenship education. The student will acquire didactic skills and competences in citizenship education.
Theoretical knowledge of the graduate        
The graduate knows the basics of social science disciplines that participate in education for citizenship, reflects current problems of society. He/she thinks flexibly and is able to adapt to new conditions in school and society. During the master's studies, he/she mainly gains insight into the current state of citizenship in Western civilization, the current state of citizenship theory, and new trends in civic education. He/she understands the contemporary transformations of the world and reflects on them in terms of citizenship education. Thinks critically about the world and can analyse the relationship of media, global processes, and citizenship education.
He/she knows current state curricula, standards for civics education. He/she knows the organization and goals of Slovak education, reflects on its transformations. He/she knows the theoretical and practical contexts of the content of education and didactics of civic education. The graduate knows a wide repertoire of teaching strategies and methods suitable for teaching civics.
The graduate is familiar with the principles of professional ethics. Understands the needs of children and young people as well as the emerging needs of children. Understands the methodological context of research in educational sciences related to citizenship education.
Graduate skills and competences
The graduate can plan, prepare, implement and manage a lesson. He/she can actively manage children's activities related to active citizenship.
The graduate can work with a group of pupils, plan and manage group and individual learning with emphasis on diversity and individuality of pupils, apply the principles, procedures, methods of education for citizenship in school reality.  The student can transform his/her knowledge of the didactics of citizenship education into practical activities. He/she can evaluate and reflectively approach his/her own work.
He/she can work with school documents, collaborate in the development of the school educational programme, work effectively as a member of a team. He/she can work with information and communication technologies and can use them creatively in the educational process.
He/she is socially engaged, has developed socially accepted civic attitudes, positive attitude towards his/her profession, target group and his/her own lifelong learning.
The graduate is able to carry out research on pedagogical phenomena in the environment of education and training, to formulate conclusions of his/her own research and has the competence of academic writing.

An indispensable part of the profile of a graduate of Teaching of Citizenship Education (in combination) is the profile of a graduate of the compulsory component of the common social-scientific, pedagogical and psychological basics of teaching, the so-called "teacher's basis".

Graduate employment

Successful completion of the second cycle of the study programme Teaching of Citizenship Education (in combination) will result in the student obtaining a master’s degree (M.A./mgr.) and a qualification corresponding to level 7 according to the Slovak Qualification Framework (SKKR). The proof of qualification is a university diploma (2nd degree), a state examination certificate and a supplement to the diploma.

On the basis of Decree No 1/2020 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic on the qualification requirements for teaching and professional staff, in accordance with §2, paragraph 1 and Annexes 1 and 6, the second-level graduate meets the qualification requirements for the performance of the professional activities of a teacher in primary schools (in lower secondary education); a teacher in secondary schools; and a teacher in civics (and subjects related to education for citizenship).

In accordance with the SKKR, a graduate of the second cycle of the SP (level 7 of the SKKR) will be qualified and qualified for the following occupations and professions:

  1. teacher in primary schools,
  2. teacher in secondary school subjects of apprenticeship (civics)
  3. teaching assistant
  4. professional worker in school clubs
  5. professional worker in state and public administration with a focus on education and training.

At the master's level, he/she obtains full qualification for the performance of the professional activity of a pedagogical employee in the category of a teacher of subjects belonging to his/her subject approbation (education for citizenship, e.g. civic education) at the level of lower and upper secondary education (or a primary school teacher, secondary school teacher), pedagogical assistant. The competences, knowledge and skills of a Level 2 graduate, including transferable competences acquired during the studies, enable the graduate to be employed in professions requiring an appropriate level of communicative competences, personal, social and professional competences, knowledge, skills and competences of the graduate corresponding to Level 7 of the Slovak Qualifications Framework.

Partner organisations

The Department of Ethics and Civic Education also cooperates with NGOs that focus on civic education. The Institute for Active Citizenship in cooperation with the Department is implementing a pilot project for an innovative civic education programme in schools. As part of the validation of a new approach to teaching sex education as relational sex education, the Department is working with the InTyMyta (Planned Parenthood Society) to validate methodologies in the Fundamentals of Sexuality Education course. Members of the Department have been cooperating for many years with Slovak NGOs that focus on civic education, education and culture (e.g. Citizen, Democracy and Responsibility, Milan Šimečka Foundation, People in Peril, UNESCO, Institute for Active Citizenship, Open Society Foundation, Pontis Foundation, Indícia, Dobrá škola).

Under the Erasmus+ programme, citizenship education students can do part of their studies at the following partner universities abroad:

  • Finland: Oulu University, Department of Teacher Education, Oulu
  • Czech Republic: Masaryk University, Faculty of Education, Brno
  • Latvia: Daugavplis University, Educational Sciences, Daugavpils

Faculty of Education at Comenius University in the framework of practical teaching cooperates with primary and secondary schools on the basis of the Contract on cooperation and provision of practical teaching for students of the Faculty of Education at Comenius University concluded in accordance with the valid legislative provisions.