Teaching Pedagogy
Basic information about the study programme
Field of study: 38. Teaching and Educational Sciences
Degree of study: second
Form of study: full-time
Standard length of study: 2 years
Language: Slovak
Study Programme Board
prof. PaedDr. Dušan Kostrub, PhD.
Ing. Eva Tóblová, PhD.
prof. PaedDr. Ján Danek, CSc.
Ivana Pavlovová (representative of students)
Mgr. Lucia Hradská (representative of students)
Patrik Lorko (representative of students)
Lenka Bugajová (representative of students)
PaedDr. Nina Hacurová (representative of employers)
Mgr. Lucia Turčinová (representative of employers)
PaedDr. Alena Devečková (representative of employers)
Mgr. Klaudia Kohútová (representative of employers)
prof. Ing. Peter Plavčan, CSc.
prof. PaedDr. Dušan Kostrub, PhD.
prof. PhDr. Mária Potočárová, PhD.
doc. Mgr. Mária Belešová, PhD.
doc. Mgr. Martin Kuruc, PhD.
doc. PaedDr. Eva Severini, PhD.,
Ing. Eva Tóblová, PhD. (na funkčnom mieste docent)
Mgr. Barbora Jaslovská, PhD.
Mgr. Ing. Jozef Strakoš, PhD.
Mgr. Peter Ostradický, PhD.
Mgr. Štefánia Ferková, PhD.
Mgr. Vladimíra Zemančíková, PhD.
Study advisor(s) (tutor(s)):
Mgr. Štefánia Ferková, PhD., ferkovafedu.uniba.sk
Student study advisor for the study programme:
Bc. Jakub Martinček, martincek7uniba.sk
Bc. Patrik Jenat, jenat1uniba.sk
Coordinator for international mobility and Erasmus+:
PaedDr. Lujza Koldeová, PhD., koldeovafedu.uniba.sk
Study programme description
Graduates of the study program Teaching Pedagogy (Combined) are awarded a master’s degree (Mgr.), which corresponds to level 7 on the Slovak Qualification Framework (SKKR). In addition to the university diploma (2nd level), an examination certificate from the state of residence and a supplement to the diploma are proofs of qualifications.
As provided in Decree No 1/2020 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic on the qualification prerequisites for pedagogical and professional staff, in the sense of §2, paragraph 1 and Annex No 6, point 1, the graduate of the second degree of the second cycle of the degree of teacher of pedagogy (combined) meets the qualification prerequisites for the performance of the professional activity - secondary school teacher, pedagogical assistant and educator.
In accordance with the SKKR, a graduate of the first cycle of the study program (level 7 of the SKKR) will be qualified for the following employment and occupation:
- secondary school teacher (in the subject area of pedagogy)
- pedagogical assistant
- educator
As part of the second cycle study programme, students will, among other things, can continue their doctoral studies. The knowledge, competencies, and skills of a master's degree graduate, including transferable competencies acquired during the studies, enable them to apply to professions requiring an appropriate level of communicative, social, and professional competencies corresponding to level 7 of the Slovak Qualification Framework.
The student's study plan determines the time (recommended study paths) as well as the content and sequence of courses (continuity of courses and their content), the method of teaching, the forms of assessment of learning outcomes, and the workload expressed in credits. The student draws up a study plan based on clearly defined rules in accordance with the conditions of the study programme. This is in accordance with the Study Regulations of the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava. The student determines his/her study plan for the following study period by enrolment. He/she enrols in subjects of such credit value and in such composition (compulsory subjects, compulsory elective subjects, and elective subjects) that he/she can fulfil the conditions for enrolment in the next part of the study in the control stage of the study. In the academic year in which the student plans to leave the course of study, he/she shall enrol in courses of such credit value and in such a composition that, by successfully completing them, he/she will fulfil the conditions for leaving the course of study.
The curriculum is designed as a set of courses of the programme Teaching Pedagogy (Combined), which is studied in combination with another study programme of the master’s degree (second subject approbation) and together with the third component 'Teacher´s base' (common social-scientific, pedagogical, and psychological basis of teaching). Among the courses in the field of study 38 are courses that cover all aspects of Teacher of Pedagogy - teaching and educational sciences.
The proportion of credits in the Teaching Pedagogy (Combined) study programme in the Teacher Combination study programme and in combination with the third component of the Common Social Science, Pedagogical and Psychological Foundations of Teaching is 120 credits in total.
Applicants Requirements
Master's degree study programmes offered by the Faculty of Education at Comenius University have set limits for the number of applicants admitted based on the results achieved during bachelor’s degree (1st degree). The condition for admission of applicants to the 2nd degree is successful completion of the 1st degree in the field of study.
Applicants for the master’s degree in Teaching Pedagogy (Combined) must have completed the bachelor’s degree in Teaching Pedagogy (Combined). Applicants may be admitted without an admissions interview, considering the capacity of the department to provide teaching. In the case of a larger number of applicants for the chosen study programme than the planned limit approved by the AS UK PdF, the Department is governed by the general conditions for applicants for master’s studies set by the PdF UK. Applicants are admitted to a predetermined number of places.
In the case of a lower number of applicants than the expected number of admissions set by the faculty, applicants may be admitted without an entrance examination. In the case of a higher number of applicants, the final order of admission is determined according to the weighted average of previous bachelor studies. This is done based on the entrance examination.
Graduate profile
Graduate of the master’s degree programme Teaching Pedagogy (Combined) in the field of study 38. Teaching and Educational Sciences is qualified to independently exercise the profession of a secondary school teacher in the field of pedagogy.
In the field of cognition, a graduate of the master’s degree programme in Teaching Pedagogy (Combined):
- has knowledge of the theoretical aspects of the designing, implementing and evaluation of education and training.
- knows and understands the philosophical theories of curriculum, and paradigms of teaching in the context of the current form of state and school curriculum in Slovakia.
- is familiar with the broad theoretical and practical contexts of educational content and didactics and methodology in his/her subject of approbation (teaching pedagogy).
- masters a wide repertoire of teaching strategies and methods, incorporating interactive methods of teaching pedagogical disciplines.
- knows and understands the issues of pedagogical work in the context of the diversity of the student population.
- knows and understands the pedagogical, philosophical, and other human sciences in the context of education.
- knows and understands the documentation and curriculum contexts of the teaching profession
In the area of competencies, a graduate of the Master of Education in Teaching Pedagogy (Combined):
- is capable of independently designing, implementing, and evaluating the teaching process of pedagogical disciplines and adapting it to the specific conditions of pupils, class, and school type at the level of upper-secondary education.
- can design (project) partial parts of the school educational programme of the school with an emphasis on the development of the school curriculum and curriculum.
- can apply interactive methods of teaching pedagogical disciplines.
- can creatively apply pedagogical-psychological and disciplinary-didactic knowledge in the teaching process of pedagogical disciplines.
- in the conditions of inclusive education, can communicate and cooperate effectively with other professional and pedagogical staff and follow their professional recommendations and conclusions.
- can creatively solve theoretical and practical tasks in the field of study and at the same time in broader contexts beyond the relevant discipline.
- can independently record, analyse, and evaluate diverse and challenging pedagogical situations, respond flexibly to unresponsive situations, make decisions even with incomplete or limited information, and creatively approach their solution.
- has developed the ability to critically evaluate himself/herself and to continue learning independently.
- has competence in academic writing.
- can apply ethical and social responsibility in the application of acquired knowledge and decision-making in the educational process and observe the principles of professional ethics of a teacher.
- can communicate and cooperate effectively with diverse actors in the exercise of the teaching profession, with the external environment, and can clearly and unambiguously communicate his/her conclusions and justifications to experts, and the public.
In the area of competencies, the graduate of the study programme Teaching Pedagogy (Combined) possesses:
- professional and didactic competencies in the subject area of pedagogy, especially psycho-didactic competencies aimed at mediating the content of the educational process, creating the conditions of the educational process and the ability to develop the personality of the pupil and his/her competencies.
- diagnostic competencies, the content of which is primarily the ability to identify and know the individual characteristics of the pupil.
- personal competencies oriented towards self-awareness, self-regulation and lifelong professional growth and self-development.
- social competencies consisting of effective communication and cooperation with pupils, legal representatives, other pedagogical and professional staff of the school and other external partners
Graduate placement
On the labour market, the graduate of the second degree of the second level of the study program will be employed as a pedagogical employee performing work activity in the category of a secondary school teacher in the subject of approbation pedagogy. The graduate of the second degree of the study programme Teaching Pedagogy (Combination) can also apply to the labour market in other spheres requiring the second degree of higher education, e.g., as a methodologist in the field of education and training, a specialist in the quality of education, etc.
In accordance with the SKKR, a graduate of the second level of the study program (level 7 of the SKKR) will obtain qualifications and be qualified for the following employment and profession:
- secondary school teacher (in the subject area of pedagogy)
- educator
- pedagogical assistant
Partner organizations
The Faculty of Education of Comenius University has a cooperation agreement with the following schools, where students of the Teaching Pedagogy (Combined) programme carry out their internships:
- SOŠ Pedagogická, Bullova 2, 840 11 Bratislava
- SOŠ Pedagogická Modra, Sokolská 6, 900 01 Modra
- Private Pedagogical and Social Academy, Sklenárova 1, 821 09 Bratislava
- Conservatory, Tolstého 11, 811 06 Bratislava
- Secondary School of Pedagogy, ul. F. Engels, Levice
The Department cooperates with the partner University of Bergen - UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, Det psykologisk fakultet, Institutt for pedagogikk, with ŠPÚ, MPC, VÚDPaP, NÚCEM, as well as with the companies Accenture, Microsoft, Maxman Consultants, n.o. Indícia, Leaf and AJ Ty in IT.
The Department providing bilateral agreements with partnering foreign universities, especially within the Erasmus+ mobility program:
Czech Republic:
- Charles University / Faculty of Education, Prague,
- Palacký University/Pedagogical Faculty, Olomouc,
- J.E. Purkyně University/ Faculty of Education, Ústí nad Labem
- Silesian University/ Faculty of Public Policy, Opava