Speech and Language Therapy

Basic information about the study program

Field of study: Speech and Language Therapy and Therapeutic Education

Degree of study: joined first and second degree

Form of study: full-time

Standard length of study: 5 years

Language of instruction: Slovak


Study Program Council

prof. PaedDr. Zsolt Cséfalvay, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Jana Marková, PhD.

doc. Mgr. Svetlana Kapalková, PhD.

doc. PhDr. Dana Buntová, PhD.

Mgr. et Mgr.art. Martina Zubáková-Peregrínová, PhD.

PhDr. Veronika Šteňová, PhD. (representative of the employer)

Mgr. Hana Laciková, PhD. (representative of the employer)

Mária Vasiľová (representative of the student section)

Tamara Peťková (representative of the student section)

Katarína Bartošová (representative of the student section)

Responsible authorities

prof. PaedDr. Zsolt Cséfalvay, PhD., https://www.portalvs.sk/regzam/detail/4959
teaching profile subjects: Aphasia, Augmentative and alternative communication, Dysarthria, Biomedical basics for speech and language therapists 1st, Voice disorders, Diploma seminar

doc. PaedDr. Jana Marková, PhD. https://www.portalvs.sk/regzam/detail/4936
teaching profile subjects: Cognitive-communication disorders in adults, Introduction to applied linguistics and neurolinguistics, Speech fluency disorders, Disturbed sound level of speech, Cleft-palate speech

doc. Mgr. Svetlana Kapalková, PhD. https://www.portalvs.sk/regzam/detail/4925
teaching profile subjects: Speech development, Developmental language disorder, Early intervention, Bilingualism, Dyslexia, Symptomatic speech disorders, Information technologies in speech and language therapy

PhDr. Dana Buntová, PhD. https://www.portalvs.sk/regzam/detail/15958
teaching profile subjects: Impaired sound level of speech, Speech therapy counseling, Augmentative and alternative communication

Mgr. et Mgr.art. Martina Zubáková Peregrinová, PhD. https://www.portalvs.sk/regzam/detail/19119
teaching profile subjects: Dyslexia, Symptomatic speech disorders in children, Introduction to speech and language therapy

Mgr. Viktória Kevická, PhD. https://www.portalvs.sk/regzam/detail/34428
teaching subjects: Biomedical basics for speech therapists 1st-3rd, Symptomatic speech disorders in adults, Aphasia, Speech and language therapy for special educators.

PhDr. Zuzana  Oravkinová, PhD. https://www.portalvs.sk/regzam/detail/31488
Teaching subjects: Cleft-palate speech, Cleft-palate speech case study seminar


Study advisor (tutor):
PhDr. Dana Buntová, PhD., buntovafedu.uniba.sk

Student study advisor for the study program:
Bc. Mária Vasiľovávasilova51uniba.sk

Coordinator for foreign mobility and Erasmus+:
prof. PaedDr. Zsolt Cséfalvay, PhD., csefalvayfedu.uniba.sk

Description of the study program

The aim of education is to prepare highly qualified and fully competent experts for the performance of the regulated profession of speech and language therapist. Graduates of the field of speech and language therapy (joined 1st and 2nd degree) can provide complex speech and language therapy intervention to people with impaired communication skills of any age. They are capable of working in a team with a doctor, psychologist, special pedagogue, therapeutic educator, etc., as an equal member of the team; acquire, receive and provide the necessary information and skills to team members in the context of comprehensive care for people with impaired communication skills. They can also manage teams, work independently and creatively, lead projects and take responsibility for complex solutions. The acquired knowledge enables them to have a solid scientific approach to the solved problem of impaired communication ability.



Requirements for the applicant

The condition for the admission of applicants to the joint bachelor's and master's studies in the study program of Speech and Language Therapy is the completion of a complete high school education with a high school diploma. The required proof of education is an officially certified copy of the school leaving certificate. General information about the admission procedure for the joined bachelor's and master's studies in speech and language therapy:

  • The study program of joined bachelor's and master's studies has a set limit for the number of applicants who will be admitted to study based on the results achieved during secondary school studies and the entrance exam.
  • The admission procedure for applicants for the joined bachelor's and master's studies in speech and language therapy consists of a talent and written exam. Only those applicants who successfully pass the talent test will be invited to the written part of the entrance exam.
  • The faculty will send registered applicants an invitation with information about the organization of the talent and written entrance exam within 28 calendar days before the date of its holding

Detailed admission criteria for the joined bachelor's and master's studies in speech and language therapy.

The admission procedure consists of:

  1. a talent test focused on communication skills (level of articulation, fluency of speech, voice quality, motility of articulatory organs, promptness in expression). The basic prerequisites for practicing the speech and language therapist profession will be assessed by a committee of experts. In the first round, applicants should bring a list of read literature related to the chosen study program, which they will present to the examination board at the talent test.
  2. written exam: from biology in the scope of the curriculum for grammar schools with a focus primarily on human biology, a test of general overview, a test of language sensitivity and a test of language competence in the English language.

Applicants who take part in the written part of the entrance exam are required to submit their high school graduation certificate no later than on the day of the written part of the entrance exam.

Applicants must pass both parts of the entrance exam on the set date (changes in exam dates are not allowed). If the applicant does not participate in the entrance exam, the faculty will not refund the fee for the admission procedure to the applicant. The conditions for the admission of foreign students are the same as the conditions for the admission of Slovak citizens. Accepted applicants must successfully complete both parts of the entrance exam. The dean of the faculty has the right to accept other applicants in the order of the results of the entrance exam, instead of accepted applicants who announce that they will not start their studies.

Evaluation of the admission procedure:

  • The transparency and objectivity of the evaluation of the written entrance exam (anonymous written tests) is ensured by a committee of at least 3 members. On the entrance exam or its part, i.e. equally practical or talented, at least two members of the examination board must be present. The commission corrects anonymous written tests and evaluates the performance of the applicant for studies according to precisely determined criteria and instructions approved by the chairman of the commission, who is also responsible for the objectivity and correctness of the assigned number of points.
  • The results of the entrance exam are evaluated with a maximum of 400 points. The final ranking of applicants is determined by the total number of points obtained. Of which max. 100 points can be obtained by the applicant for the achieved average of the graduation exam and max. 300 points for passing the talent and written entrance exams.
  • The results of the entrance exam (number of points) will be published by the faculty on its website no later than the day after the exam.
  • The admission of applicants who have demonstrated the highest degree of ability to study in the chosen study program is decided by the dean of the faculty at a meeting of the admissions committee based on the results of the talent and written entrance exams.
  • The overall results of the admission procedure will be published on the faculty's website within 24 hours after the end of the admission procedure, i.e. after meeting of the dean's admission committee in the form of a list of accepted applicants. The list is only informative, the dean's decision on admission, delivered to the applicant by mail no later than 30 days after the end of the admission procedure, is decisive.
  • The applicant has the right to inspect the documentation of his/her admission procedure, no later than 10 days after receiving the dean's decision. Only the applicant or a person authorized by him in writing with a notarized signature can inspect the materials. Telephone information is not provided.
  • In the appeal procedure, only those appeals that are justified by a violation of the rules of the admission procedure or a violation of Act No. 13/2002 Coll. about universities.

Graduate´s profile

A graduate of the study of Speech and Language Therapy (joined 1st and 2nd degree) will acquire sufficiently deep information to understand the facts, theories and interdisciplinary interrelationships associated with the emergence and elimination of impaired communication skills. He acquires adequate information from related disciplines, especially medicine, linguistics, psychology and pedagogy, regarding communication ability, its anatomical-physiological basis, diagnosis and correction possibilities, which he creatively applies in practice. He can apply theoretical concepts in such a way that he knows how to grasp the complexity of communication impairment in all its diversity, implement complex solutions and use the methods and means of modern speech and language therapy.

Key practical abilities and skills of a speech and language therapy graduate:

(a) can diagnose and analyze impaired communication skills in children and adults,

(b) is able to design, specify, implement and apply methods and techniques of speech and language therapy for people with impaired communication skills,

(c) within the framework of comprehensive care for people with impaired communication skills, he is capable of providing counselling services, implementing preventive and educational activities. As part of preventive activities, convey to the general public information about preventing impaired communication skills in an accessible form, implement screenings and preventive programs (Shortened version of the Communication Behaviour Test for children aged 17-36 months, Communication strategies course for parents of at-risk children, work with a marginalized group of the population, solve issues of bilingual education at an early age, implement the anti-discrimination program for children InterACT),

(d) process and publish the results of their diagnostic and therapeutic activities,

(e) implement post-specialization education in the field, manage his own continuous professional development.

The aim of education is to prepare highly qualified and fully competent experts for the performance of the regulated profession of speech and language therapist. Graduates of the field of speech and language therapy (joined 1st and 2nd degree) can provide complex speech and language therapy intervention to people with impaired communication skills of any age. They are capable of working in a team with a doctor, psychologist, special pedagogue, therapeutic educator, etc., as an equal member of the team; acquire, receive and provide the necessary information and skills to team members in the context of comprehensive care for people with impaired communication skills. They can also manage teams, work independently and creatively, lead projects and take responsibility for complex solutions. The acquired knowledge enables them to have a solid scientific approach to the solved problem of impaired communication ability.

Employability of graduates

A graduate of the Speech and Language Therapy study program can work as a speech and language therapist in three ministries: the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family.

By successfully completing the joined first and second degree of the Speech and Language Therapy study program, the student will receive a master's degree (Mgr.) and a qualification corresponding to level 7 according to the Slovak Qualification Framework (SKKR). Proof of qualification is a university diploma (second degree), a state examination certificate. On the basis of Decree no. 1/2020 Z. z. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic on the qualification requirements of teaching staff and professional staff, in accordance with §1 paragraph 3 and Annex no. 13 a graduate of the joined first and second degree meets the qualification prerequisites for the performance of work Professional employee speech and language therapist and school speech and language therapist. At the same time, in accordance with §1 par. 2. and annex no. 1 graduate of the joined first and second degree also meets the qualification prerequisites for performing the work of a teacher:


  • 1st grade elementary school for pupils with special education needs for teaching subjects communication skills, individual speech and language therapy care, individual speech and language therapy exercises, individual speech and language therapy intervention.
  • 2nd grade elementary school level for pupils with special education needs to teach subjects communication skills for the hearing impaired, communication skills, individual speech and language therapy care, individual speech and language therapy exercises, individual speech and language therapy intervention.
  • secondary schools for pupils with special education needs for teaching the subject of communication skills in a secondary school for the hearing impaired.

In accordance with SKKR, a graduate of the joined first and second level of SP (level 7 of SKKR) will obtain a qualification and be qualified for the employment and profession of speech and languuge therapists–professional employee or speech and language therapists–pedagogical employee for teaching subjects related to NKS (impaired communication skills).

On the basis of Government Regulation no. 296/2010 of the Slovak Republic on the professional competence for the performance of a health profession, the method of further education of health workers, the system of specialized fields and the system of certified work activities, in accordance with § 53 paragraph 1, by acquiring a second-level university education in a master's study program in the study field of speech and language therapy, he meets the professional ability to perform work activities in the medical profession of a speech and language therapist.

Within the Department of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, speech and language therapists are employed in several positions in Social Service Centers (CSS), Regional Diagnostic and Counselling Centers (RCA), Social Service Centers (DSS), or Early Intervention Centers (CVI) as a professional employee. Its operation is regulated, among other things, by Act no. 448/2008 Coll. on social services, where the Early Intervention Service is mentioned.

Partner organizations

  • ESLA (European Speech and Language Therapy Association)
  • ELTE, Logopédiai és Fonetikai Tanszék, Budapest
  • University of Warsaw, Faculty of Psychology
  • SAL (Slovak Association of Speech-Language Pathologists)
  • Chamber of school speech and language therapists
  • SKIZP (Slovak Chamber of Other Health Care Workers), Section of Clinical Speech and Language Therapy
  • Institute of Children's Speech, Bratislava
  • Center for children's speech, Trnava
  • 2nd Neurological Clinic of LFUK Bratislava
  • Department of Phoniatrics, University Hospital Bratislava
  • Clinic of plastic surgery LFUK and UNB
  • LEVITA, Neurorehabilitation Hospital in Lehnice
  • SANOM, a specialized hospital in the field of physiatry, balneology and medical rehabilitation
  • 3rd Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague
  • Speech and language therapy clinics throughout the Slovak Republic
  • Special schools for children with impaired communication skills throughout Slovakia