Internal academic quality evaluation of Faculty of Education Comenius University Bratislava
Internal academic quality evaluation of Faculty of Education Comenius University Bratislava (FEDU CU) is developed in accordance with the Act No.269/2018 Coll. on Quality Assurance in Higher Education and change and Supplementation Act No.343/2015 on Public Procurement and on Amending and Supplements to Certain Acts, as amended; further in accordance with the Act No.131/2002 Coll. on universities and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended; in accordance with the Standards for the Internal System and the Standards for Study Programmes issued by Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education.
Standards for the Internal System (which are based on the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area of 2015) are a set of requirements for the internal quality assurance system for higher education and the way it is implemented.
Standards for Study Program shall be understood as a set of requirements, the fulfilment of which is conditional upon the granting of accreditation of a study programme and the decision of the Agency on the authorisation of a higher education institution to establish, carry out and modify study programmes in the relevant field of study and degree.
FEDU CU Internal system of quality assurance of higher education is a part of the internal system of quality of performance of activities at UK, which is a summary of all internal regulations of CU (especially the Rector's Directive No. 14/2023) and its own regulations issued at FEDU CU.
The internal system regulates the way of fulfilling the mission of the university, including FEDU CU, in the field of higher education mainly through:
a) the quality assurance strategy for higher education and the quality of research activities, development activities, artistic activities or other creative activities of the college;
b) quality assurance processes for higher education and quality assurance of creative activities;
c) the links between creative activity and the higher education of the college in the relevant field of study.
FEDU CU Internal system defines the structures of quality assurance of higher education, including its components, in particular the Quality Board of Comenius University Bratislava, the Scientific Board of Comenius University Bratislava and the Accreditation Board of Comenius University Bratislava.
FEDU CU has established Quality Board of Faculty of Education Comenius University, Accreditation Board of Faculty of Education Comenius University, Scientific Board of Faculty of Education Comenius University, Academic Senate of Faculty of Education Comenius University and Disciplinary Committee of Faculty of Education Comenius University for Students.
Maps of processes and responsibilities of bodies and guarantors
Competence of the Quality Board of the FEDU CU in Bratislava
Competence of the Accreditation Board of the FEDU CU in Bratislava
Competence of Study Programme Boards at the FEDU CU in Bratislava
Responsibilities of the guarantors and co-guarantors at the FEDU CU in Bratislava
Processes of modifications and updates of study programmes at the FEDU CU in Bratislava