Study programmes and plans
The Accreditation Board Faculty of Education Comenius University adopted Resolution No.8.3.2 at its 8th meeting held on 3 June 2022 and Resolution No.14.3.1 at its 14th meeting held on 19 August 2022, by which it decided, pursuant to Article 10(2) of the Internal Regulation of the Comenius University in Bratislava No.23/2021, that the study programmes submitted by the Faculty of Education of the Comenius University in Bratislava are in compliance with the standards for the internal quality system of the Comenius University in Bratislava and with the standards for the study programme.
The list of assessed study programmes submitted by the Faculty of Education of Comenius University is attached to the Decision of the The Accreditation Board of Comenius University 5/2022.
List of assessed study programmes at the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava (annex to the decision The Accreditation Board Comenius University No. 5/2022)
Invitations, minutes and attendance register of the Study programme council meeting
Sample invitation of Study programme council meeting
Sample minutes of Study programme council meeting
Sample attendance register of Study programme council meeting
Status and powers of the Study programme council
The main task of the Study programme council is to prepare a proposal for the accreditation of a new study programme, a proposal for the modification of a study programme or a proposal for the suspension or cancellation of a study programme (hereinafter referred to as the "study programme proposal").
In the case of changes in the implementation of the study programme which are not a modification of the study programme, it shall approve modifications to the information sheet of a compulsory course, a compulsory elective course or an elective course, including updates of the teacher, and recommended reading; it shall draw up a proposal for a change in the conditions for the implementation of the study programme.
Study Program Council shall also carry out the following activities
a) It is responsible for the implementation of measures taken by the Faculty Accreditation Board or the Accreditation Board of Comenius University, or for the cancellation of a study programme and for ensuring the completion of studies for students of the cancelled study programme in another study programme in the given field of study,
b) verify once per academic year the sustainability of the study programme (this verification includes)
the fulfilment of the standards for the study program, including the spatial, material, technical, informational, informational and personnel provision of the study programme; the assumption of the fulfilment of the standards for the study program (including the spatial, material, technical, informational, informational and personnel provision of the study programme in the following academic year); adopts proposals for measures or adjustments to the study programme; is responsible for the preparation of an evaluation of the study programme and its submission to the Faculty Accreditation Board at least once per standard duration of study of the study programme; monitoring and evaluating the application of graduates of the studz programme and submitting it to the Faculty Accreditation Board at least once per standard study period of the study programme; responsible for the timeliness, availability and completeness of information about the study programme in Slovak and English and, if the study programme is conducted in another foreign language, also in that other foreign language, including in particular:
- information about the study programme in the structure according to the internal evaluation report and the description of the study programme, including information about the admission procedure and conditions of admission to the study programme, the content and scope of study, the forms and methods of study of the study programme and the assessment of learning outcomes, the conditions for the proper completion of studies, the profile of the graduate and the possible employment of the graduates of the study programme;
- information on guarantors, co-guarantors and other teachers of the profile subjects of the study programme;
- information on the number of applicants, the number of applicants admitted, the number of students, the number of graduates, the success rate and the number of teachers by category;
- evaluate and publish at least once a year the results of the evaluation of - student surveys in relation to the study programme; available data on graduates' employment in practice and information from employers; other information from students, graduates or teachers of the study programme;
- Responsible for the preparation of input to the faculty's educational activity report on an annual basis,
- perform other related tasks and activities.
If the Study Program Council identifies that a program of study is not meeting the internal system standards or the curriculum standards, it shall immediately notify the appropriate dean and the faculty accreditation council of this fact, along with a proposal for action to bring the standards back into compliance.
The members of the Study Program Council are:
- the guarantor and co-guarantors of the study programme,
- a representative or representatives of employers from the relevant field of education;
- a representative or representatives of students;
- other members, if appointed, in particular representatives from higher education institutions from abroad.
Meetings of the Study Program Council (Article 25) must be held at least once a calendar year. In addition to its members, the Dean and the Vice-Deans and, if circumstances so require, other persons shall be invited to attend meetings of the Study Program Council . These persons shall not have the right to vote.
The activities of the Study Program Council , its membership and other procedural requirements are described in detail in the Rector's Directive No. 23/2021.
Responsible persons for the provision of the study programme - guarantors and co-guarantors
Each study programme has a designated person who has the relevant competences and bears the main responsibility for the implementation, development and quality assurance of the study programme, the so-called main person responsible for the study programme (guarantor) and other persons providing profile subjects and co-responsible for the implementation, development and quality assurance of the study programme, the so-called persons responsible for the study programme (co-guarantors).
The guarantor may not be the main person responsible for the implementation, development and quality assurance of the study programme at another higher education institution in the Slovak Republic.
The level of creative activity of guarantors and co-guarantors must correspond at least to the level set for the given degree of higher education for teachers of profile subjects.
The guarantor/co-guarantor shall hold the position of associate professor/professor in the relevant field of study for the established weekly working time.
Roles of the guarantor and co-guarantors
a) coordinates the content preparation of the study programme or its integral part in cooperation with the teachers of the study programme,
b) ensure that the programme of study or part thereof is carried out in accordance with the accreditation standards and the internal accreditation file,
c) supervise the quality of the study programme or part of the study programme,
d) approve the topics of the final theses, and approve the topics of dissertations only after their approval by the thesis committee,
e) in cooperation with the heads of the workplaces of the university teachers, approve the teachers involved in the implementation of the study programme or its integral part, except if the head of the workplace where the teacher is working is also the head of the workplace where the teacher is working,
f) develops the study programme or its integral part in terms of content and methodology in accordance with the current level of knowledge in the field and in accordance with the requirements of practice for graduates,
g) submits proposals to the dean for the modification of the internal regulations relating to studies,
h) cooperates with the heads of faculty departments and with persons responsible for other study programmes or integral parts of study programmes,
i) participates in meetings of the faculty bodies for internal quality system processes, as appropriate,
j) monitors the activities of teachers involved in the implementation of the study programme, in particular by means of supervisions and hospitalizations,
k) provide assistance in the preparation of annual reports on teaching activities or other evaluation reports concerning information on the study programme or a comprehensive part thereof,
(l) implement measures taken to improve the programme of study or part thereof as part of the evaluation of the programme of study or part thereof.
a) ensure that the study programme, or an integral part thereof, is carried out in accordance with the accreditation standards and the internal accreditation file,
b) supervise the quality of the study programme or part thereof being carried out,
c) develop the study programme or its integral part in terms of content and methodology in accordance with the current level of knowledge in the field and in accordance with the requirements of practice for graduates,
d) monitor the activities of teachers involved in the implementation of the study programme, in particular by inspections and hospitalizations,
e) provide assistance in the preparation of annual reports on teaching activities or other evaluation reports relating to information on the programme of study or an integral part thereof,
f) implement the measures taken to improve the programme of study or part of it as part of the evaluation of the programme of study or part of it.