Faculty of EducationComenius University Bratislava

Student support services

Do I need a careers advisor at university?

A career advisor assists students in developing their personal potential, evaluating and pursuing goals, interests, and career-related motivations, developing job search skills, and learning the etiquette required for job interviews. The student thus acquires the knowledge and competences to make career decisions, while the emphasis is on the use and application of the personal potential of each individual. 

A trend in university career services is the development of databases of alumni career resources who volunteer to act as mentors or otherwise assist students with career-related questions and connecting preparation for future careers with practice. In this case, the career counselor is the facilitator of the student's connection with the selected mentor.

Career counselling is provided on an individual basis and at the request of the student. Discretion in the counselling process is an essential condition for adherence to the ethical standards of career counselling.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a career counsellor at our faculty.

FEDU CU Career Counsellor:

doc. PhDr. Blandína Šramová, PhD.

Email: sramovab@fedu.uniba.sk

Phone number: +421 2 9015 9103



Registration of students with specific needs - manual

Students with specific needs can seek educational support from the coordinators for students with specific needs.

Faculty coordinators for work with students with specific needs are appointed by the dean of the faculty.

At FEDU CU we currently have three coordinators who focus on several types of specific needs of applicants and students - a coordinator for students with visual impairments, a coordinator for students with hearing impairments, a coordinator for students with physical disabilities and students with illnesses and disabilities, who also works with students with specific learning disabilities. The coordinators also consult other specific needs, e.g. autism spectrum disorders, psychiatric disorders, etc., in collaboration with other professionals, as required.

The management of the faculty strives to debarrierise the academic environment and to provide/implement such support services and appropriate measures (barrier-free entrances to buildings, barrier-free toilets, common areas and classrooms) that lead to the improvement of the quality and accessibility of education of students with specific needs. Every year, the Faculty prepares and implements further barrier-free access and spatial solutions for buildings and extends the material and technical provision of classrooms for students with specific needs.


Faculty Coordinator + coordinator for students with visual impairments
doc. PaedDr. Jana Lopúchová, PhD.
Phone number: 02/9015 9123, e-mail: jana.lopuchova(at)fedu.uniba.sk

Students with hearing impairment
prof. PaedDr. Darina Tarcsiová, PhD.
Phone number: 02/9015 9128, e-mail: darina.tarcsiova(at)fedu.uniba.sk

Students with physical disabilities, illness, impairments, learning disabilities
doc. PaedDr. Terézia Harčaríková, PhD.
Phone number: 02/9015 9121, e-mail: harcarikova(at)fedu.uniba.sk


The FEDU CU has a student study advisor in accordance with the Rector's Directive No. 14/2023.

The Student Study Advisor is a member of the student part of the academic community at FEDU CU and carries out his/her activities in cooperation with the study advisors of the relevant study programmes and coordinates with the relevant Vice-Dean.

The main task of the student study advisor from the student part of the academic community of the faculty is mainly to answer the questions of the students of the faculty concerning teaching and to submit their suggestions concerning teaching to the relevant vice-dean, dean, head of the study department or representatives of individual departments.

FEDU CU Student study advisor:

Mária Bednáriková  (OBHI)

Email: bednarikova28@uniba.sk


Study counsellor:

  • advises students on the development of their study plan and timetable,
  • provides students with more detailed information on individual courses, their position and importance in the structure of the recommended plan,  
  • provides information on the suitability of the chosen trajectory of study, future practice, the student's field of study or interests,
  • provides assistance to students and relevant faculty staff in dealing with study matters arising from the study regulations and other applicable legislation,
  • informs students and relevant faculty staff of important dates concerning their studies,
  • participates in coordination meetings and training of study advisors and communicates information from the meetings to students and relevant faculty staff,
  • collects suggestions from students, evaluates them and communicates them according to their nature and importance to the relevant part of the faculty,
  • coordinates with the teaching staff the updating of course offerings and the preparation of the curriculum for the following academic year, 
  • monitors the accuracy of data in the academic information system and draws the attention of lecturers to deficiencies,
  • cooperates in informing applicants for studies


In the field of social welfare, a study counsellor:

  • provides information on the wording of the Faculty's or CU's scholarship regulations, provides students with information on social support options, social, special and one-off scholarships, pregnancy scholarship,
  • informs about important dates related to social welfare,
  • advises on faculty opportunities and study rules in relation to student's exceptional life situations.