Therapeutic Education

Basic information about the study program

Field of study: 21. Speech and language therapy and Therapeutic Education

Degree of study: second

Form of study: full-time

Standard length of study: 2 years

Language of instruction: Slovak


Study Program Council

prof. PhDr. Marta Horňáková, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Katarína Majzlanová, CSc.

doc. Mgr. Zuzana Fábry Lucká, PhD.

Mgr. Pavol Janoško, PhD.

doc. Mgr. Barbora Vodičková, PhD.

Bc. Magdaléna Seidmannová – representative of students

Bc. Katarína Rybárová – representative of students

Mgr. Mária Wirth, PhD. – representative of employers

Mgr. Katarína Kovácsová - representative of employers

Personnel cast

doc. Mgr. Zuzana Fábry Lucká, PhD.

Mgr. Mária Habalová, PhD.

prof. PhDr. Marta Horňáková, PhD.

Mgr. Pavol Janoško, PhD.

PhDr. Kvetoslava Kotrbová, PhD., MPH.

doc. PaedDr. Katarína Majzlanová, CSc.

Mgr. Petra Mitašíková, PhD.

Mgr. Barbora Vodičková, PhD.

Study advisor:  
Mgr. Zuzana Ťulák Krčmáriková, PhD.,

Coordinator for foreign mobility and Erasmus+:  
doc. Mgr. Zuzana Fábry Lucká, PhD.

Description of the Study program

The structure and content of the study program were formed in the last decades of its existence in cooperation with the first graduates, who brought their experience and knowledge from practice. Furthermore, foreign professors for therapeutic pedagogy and foreign visits made a significant contribution.

Another source of information for the construction of the study field was experience from EU projects (e.g. European Bachelor of Inclusion Studies (joint preparation of the study program) - led by Prof. Bloemers, Magdeburg, Early Intervention (early intervention, education of experts) led by Prof. Manfred Pretis, Austria , etc. All projects were connected with learning about educational programs and practice in participating EU countries.

The master's study program builds on the contents of the bachelor's program, deepens and supplements the student's knowledge and skills with specific subjects related to the field of application of the therapeutic pedagogue in institutional facilities, such as mainly social facilities, prison facilities, counseling centers, schools and school facilities, and to therapeutic-pedagogical issues in clinical practice in healthcare.

The number of credits are listed in the study path in point c), Knowledge, skills and competences are listed in the Information Sheets for the subjects. They are built in such a way that other subjects follow the laid foundation and their themes are reflected in subjects aimed at accompanying, developing, rehabilitating through movement, play, music, activity activities and various forms of art. As a rule, we have creative, gifted and hard-working students. Our intention is to motivate them to find their own path and develop their individual gifts in accordance with the starting point of therapeutic pedagogy, that everyone is unique and needs to become themselves above all. He must be able to appear authentic, aware that he is on a similar path to his client, just a little ahead of him. He must want to work on himself, reflect on his weaknesses and take full responsibility for his decisions. A student who realizes this studies conscientiously because he wants to learn as much as possible. However, we do not expect that everyone will follow the same path and at the same pace. Our task is to help them to progress.

The student compiles the study plan based on clearly defined rules in accordance with the conditions of the study program and in accordance with the Study Regulations of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Comenius University in Bratislava. The student determines his study plan for the next period of study by enrollment. He enrolls in subjects with such a credit value and in such a composition (compulsory subjects, compulsory optional subjects and optional subjects) that he can fulfill the conditions for enrollment in the next part of the study in the control stage of the study. In the academic year in which the student plans to finish his studies properly, he enrolls in subjects with such a credit value and in such a composition that, by successfully completing them, he fulfills the conditions for properly finishing his studies.

The study program, thanks to the number and composition of compulsory optional subjects, enables a high variability of study paths depending on the student's interest and the diversity of his needs and possible motivation. Recommended study paths are part of the study plan.

The main person in charge and the department communicates with the graduates through the PROLP website of the Association of Therapeutic Teachers, through Facebook, through the Revue liečebnej pedagogyky magazine and during the professional event Therapeutic Pedagogical Days, or, if necessary, normally - by phone or email. Those who work in the health sector have a Therapeutic Pedagogy Section at SKIZP (Slovak Chamber of Other Health Care Workers), which takes care of their professional growth and helps solve professional problems. There is close cooperation in both professional organizations. The center for the exchange of experience and knowledge is training as part of a specialized study in the field at SZU in Bratislava. Teachers receive intensive feedback from students in case studies and final theses that reflect their professionalism and needs. But not everyone can use this form of education. For a long time, we have been trying to ensure that all therapeutical educators who work with patients in other departments can also study, it looks promising, but the laws change slowly.



Applicant requirements

The conditions of admission are:

  • successfully completed bachelor's studies in the therapeutic pedagogy study program;
  • in the case of a larger number of applicants than the expected number of accepted applicants for the given study program, the faculty reserves the right to select applicants according to the weighted academic average for the entire Bc. the study.

Graduate profile

Profile of a graduate of the Master's study program Therapeutic pedagogy Preamble: The qualification characteristics of a graduate of study programs in the field of speech therapy and therapeutic pedagogy are based on international documents for higher education such as the Dublin descriptors, Fachqualifikationsrahmen Heilpädagogik (Qualification frameworks of therapeutic pedagogy, DE) as well as the National Qualification Framework of the Slovak Republic. The profile reflects international documents such as the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities, the rights of patients. It is in accordance with the description of the Department of Speech Therapy and Therapeutic Pedagogy, with the Professional Standard of the Therapeutic Pedagogue as a Professional Employee (Instruction of the Minister of Education No. 39/2017, No. 18), with the Concept of Health Care in Therapeutic Pedagogy (file:///C:/Users/pc/AppData/Local/Temp/vestnik-2006-08-31.pdf), with the Profesiogram of the therapeutic pedagogue approved by the PROLP Association of therapeutic pedagogues.

The graduate profile is characterized by the components of the study results of the department's programs:
A - Knowledge and ability to understand contexts
B - Ability to acquire and interpret data
C - Competence to plan, implement and evaluate professional actions
D - Personality prerequisites.

A. Knowledge and understanding
Objectives: to acquire knowledge as a basis from one's own field and from related helping fields, the ability to analyze life situations and act professionally for the benefit of individuals/groups who are exposed to risks, have a health handicap, or are socially excluded and to cooperate with other experts in helping professions; accompany a person in a difficult life situation at any age, know the risks and potentials, sources of coping, know the possibilities and tools for offering a formative experience through movement, play, activities, art; to gain knowledge about therapeutic and educational options to support the client in the context of health and further development; to learn to communicate receptively and in an interactive relationship to support a person in his development and health.

B. The ability to acquire and interpret data (description, analysis and evaluation)
The aim is to teach: to identify the factors that caused, maintained, or alleviated the human problem; use the rule - first understand, then educate/help; collect and evaluate data continuously and interactively; consult the conclusions in the team; to objectify the data and use them for designing assistance.

C. Competence to plan, implement and evaluate professional actions
Objectives: to know professional competences and tasks (towards prevention, therapeutic education, habilitation - to make the possible real, in rehabilitation - to strengthen/restore weakened functions and to reconstruction - building new prerequisites for perception, action, learning); to teach how to apply known procedures in a way that is acceptable for the person in question, given the age, situation, health problems, interests, circumstances and needs; teach to act professionally on the basis of relationship, cooperation, during interesting activities, in an atmosphere of safety; to teach the eco-system approach, to perceive a person as a unique being in relation to the environment; learn to focus on supporting participation (improving the competence to act), realizing values (developing potentials) and finding meaning (possibilities to apply); teach how to promote health using salutators as support for orientation, developing competences to act and finding individual meaning (hope, perspective, application).

D. Personality assumptions
The goal is to increase personal prerequisites for the profession: to teach to understand helping as help to help oneself, to respect the limits of competences, not to take the initiative where the person/patient can do it alone, to have respect and respect; to be autonomous, open to possibilities, sincere - in accordance with actions with attitudes and expression, patient, creative and responsible; know the principles of psychohygiene, your limits, ask for help if necessary, know that you still need to work on your personal and professional growth.

Employment opportunities

The study program of therapeutic pedagogy in the master's degree is aimed at obtaining full qualifications for the performance of work in the profession of therapeutic pedagogue. Although materials such as Concept of health care in therapeutic pedagogy (1996, 2006 amendment), Professional profile of a professional employee of a therapeutic pedagogue in education (2017) were adopted, the Statistical Classification of Occupations SK ISCO-08 does not include the therapeutic pedagogue by name, but they can be applied as:

  • 2269 Specialists in therapeutical and educational care,
  • 2269 000 Specialist in therapeutical and educational care,
  • 23 Pedagogical and professional workers in education
  • 341 12 Professional worker in the field of social care
  • 2635 Specialists in social work and counseling
  • 2635002 Marriage and family counselor
  • 3412006 Professional worker in crisis intervention
  • 2634010 Psychotherapist (after training)

Therapeutic pedagogy combines educational and therapeutic efforts in prevention, in difficult life circumstances due to illness, loss, trauma, weakening of functions, etc. It supports the competence to manage one's tasks, find meaning, opportunities to apply oneself and social inclusion.

Graduates can continue:

  • in doctoral studies (in the field, in a related field)
  • in a specialized study at the SZU in Bratislava,
  • in certification studies in training for therapeutic-educational practice - e.g., psychotherapeutic training, music therapy, art therapy, etc.

Competences, knowledge and skills of a graduate of the master's degree, including transferable skills acquired during studies, make it possible to apply in professions requiring an adequate level of communication competences in and knowledge, skills and competences (in interest organizations for children and youth, in charitable organizations aimed at helping people at risk, in community care for families in crisis, etc.

The graduate works in several departments:

  • In the Department of Education as a professional employee - therapeutic pedagogue in schools and educational facilities, as an advisory employee
  • In the health department as a therapeutic educator and a therapeutic educator with a specialization - especially in psychiatric departments. and treatment centers for children and adults, for the treatment of addictions, in sanatoriums for children and adults, in facilities for psychosocial rehabilitation, but also in wards for children, for long-term patients, in health centers and in our own clinics...
  • In the Department of Labor and Social Affairs as a therapeutic educator, especially in facilities such as Social Service Homes, facilities for the elderly, in Family and Children's Centers, as a professional parent, as a worker at the Early Intervention Center In the Department of Justice as a therapeutic educator in detention and prison institutions
  • In the Department of the Interior - as a specialist for victims of violence, as part of crisis intervention
  • In the third sector - in non-state facilities, low-threshold facilities, foundations, voluntary organizations, which are aimed at helping people in difficult situations.

Partnership organizations

In the therapeutic pedagogy study program Mgr. Pedagogical/professional practice subjects are included, in the provision of which professional employees participate in cooperation with contractual partners of the faculty, which are also used for other existing study programs.

Practice teachers ensure the practical part of the educational activity, which is related to the school, social and health environment.

The Pedagogical Faculty cooperates with institutions in the framework of practical teaching on the basis of the Agreement on cooperation and provision of practical teaching for PdF students of the Comenius University concluded in accordance with valid legislative provisions. The Faculty of Pedagogy of the Comenius University has a contract with all workplaces where students do their internships. The organization of practice for PdF UK is ensured by the methodologist of the relevant department of PdF UK and the Department of Pedagogical and Professional Practices. Practical teaching at primary and secondary schools, where students do internships, is led by teachers with many years of practical experience in the given subject. The list of training schools is regularly updated. The Faculty of Pedagogy of the UK has a cooperation agreement, e.g. with the following devices on which students carry out their internships:

  • Národný ústav detských chorôb Limbová 1, 833 40 Bratislava
  • Ambulancia liečebnej pedagogiky Mlynská 26, 040 01 Košice
  • Ambulancia liečebnej pedagogiky Bárdošova 2A, 831 01 BA
  • Centrum Memory Mlynarovičova 21, 851 03 BA
  • KASPIAN, komunitné centr. Furdekova 6/A, 851 03 BA
  • DSS pre deti SIBÍRKA Sibírska 69, 831 02 BA
  • DSS prof. K. Matulaya Lipského 13, 841 01 BA,
  • Rata o.z. Sadovská 206, 900 41 Rovinka
  • Autistické centrum Andreas, n.o. Galandova 7, 811 06 Bratislava
  • Ambulancia liečebnej pedagogiky ul. B. Bullu č. 13, Martin
  • A Centrum a OZ HANS Špecilizované centrum pre deti s Aspergerovým syndrómom Sídlisko 110/16, 985 22 Cinobaňa
  • o.z Ichtys – nízkoprahové zariadenie Štefana Králika 1 84108 Bratislava
  • MŠ Iľjušinova Triedy pre deti s autizmom na bežnej MŠ Iľjušinova 1 851 01 Bratislava
  • Výskumný ústav detskej psychológie a patopsychológie (VúDPaP), Cyprichova 42. 831 05 BA
  • SED Ba / DSS Partizánska 1248/2, 811 03 Bratislava
  • Základná škola Dubová 1, 811 04 Bratislava
  • DSS pre deti a dospelých INTEGRA Tylova 21, 831 04 Bratislava
  • OHEL DAVID Svoradova 11, 811 03 Bratislava

In addition to practice facilities, the Department of Curative Pedagogy cooperates with the IGHB (International Society of Professional and Professional Curative Pedagogical Organizations), Palacký University in Olomouc, and the University of Suffolk in the framework of foreign cooperation. Within domestic organizations, it is primarily ProLP, Association of Therapeutic Teachers, Inklukoalícia, Society ŠLV. As part of bilateral cooperation, we have signed contracts with Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences, Palacký University Olomouc, and Charles University in Prague.