Faculty of EducationComenius University Bratislava

Social work

Basic information about the study program

Study field: 33. Social work

Degree of study: second

Form of study: full-time/ part-time

Standard length of study: 2 years/ 3 years

Language of instruction: Slovak/ English



Study Program Council (RŠP)

prof. PhDr. Ladislav Vaska, PhD. (HZO)

prof. PhDr. Jozef Leikert, PhD.

doc. Mgr. Miroslav Tížik, PhD.

doc. PhDr. Michaela Šavrnochová, PhD.

doc. PhDr. Pavol Kopinec, PhD.

Radovan Marák (student representative)

Mária Motúzová (student representative)

Mgr. Mária Skaličanová (student representative)

Mgr. Janka Dudoňová (representative of employers)

Mgr. Marek Roháček (representative of employers)

Mgr. Vladislav Matej, PhD. (representative of employers)

Mgr. Pavol Sabela (representative of employers)

PhDr. Silvia Bronišová (representative of employers)

Mgr. Martina Ondrejková (representative of employers)



doc. PhDr. Peter Brnula, PhD.

PhDr. Jana Budoš Vrťová, PhD.

Mgr. Katarína Čavojská, PhD.

PhDr. Martina Čierna, PhD.

doc. Mgr. Zuzana Fábry Lucká, PhD. - KLP

Mgr. Mária Habalová, PhD. - KLP

doc. PhDr. Martina Hrozenská, PhD.

doc. PhDr. Pavol Kopinec, PhD. - CIN

prof. PaedDr. Vladimír Labáth, PhD.

prof. PhDr. Jozef Leikert, PhD.

Mgr. Zuzana Ťulák Krčmáriková, PhD. - KLP

doc. PhDr. Branislav Malík, CSc. - KEOV

doc. PhDr. Michaela Šavrnochová, PhD.

doc. Mgr. Miroslav Tížik, PhD.

prof. PhDr. Ladislav Vaska, PhD. - head of the department

Mgr. Martin Valentíny, PhD.

doc. Mgr. Zlatica Zacharová, PhD. - KPP 


Study advisor/ (tutor/s):

prof. PhDr. Ladislav Vaska, PhD., vaskafedu.uniba.sk


Coordinator for foreign mobility and Erasmus+:   

Mgr. Katarína Čavojská, PhD. – for I. and II. degree, cavojskafedu.uniba.sk


Student study advisor for the study programme:  

Bc. Jasmina Straňovská  - II. stupeň, stranovska7uniba.sk



Description of the study program

The master's degree in social work is designed to provide students with an integrative intensive introduction to social work theories, relevant reference disciplines and research methodology. The theoretical scope is built on a broader basis, from which the student can choose his study line in seven areas/directions –
Counseling-therapeutic, social-political, managerial, media, forensic social work, social-healthcare for seniors, international migration and development. We also offer one course/module in English and it is focused on social work in healthcare.
Each of the mentioned directions/modules has one key subject, which is the starting point for further developing subjects leading to a deeper, intensive penetration into one of the selected areas. The choice of one theoretical area corresponds to the selection and implementation of practice, as well as the topic of the diploma thesis and the range of subjects of the state exam. Compulsory subjects create the basic framework of the theoretical focus of the study, optional ones subsequently lead to a deeper knowledge of the subject.

Master's studies are the second level of university education. The preparation of students is oriented towards the field of social work within socio-political contexts, management methods and research in the social field. Master's studies have an intensive nature. The content is based on the scientific and methodological concept of social sciences and social work.
The goal of the master's degree is to stimulate, prepare and develop the scientific, research, intervention, political and management concept of social work, to implement theoretical knowledge in social practice, to increase the professional and personal potential of students for qualified performance in the social field.


STUDY PLAN - full-time form

STUDY PLAN - part-time form

Requirements for selecting a candidate

The condition for the admission of applicants to the master's degree is the completion of a full first-level university education (bachelor's degree) in the social work study program, or in a related field (e.g. therapeutic pedagogy, social pedagogy, psychology, sociology) and fulfillment of the conditions of the admission procedure set by the faculty for study applicants so that applicants with the required knowledge, skills and prerequisites for successful completion of the studies are admitted to the master's degree.

Applicants for a master's degree in social work must meet the following conditions:

  1. have completed a full first-level university education (bachelor's degree) in the social work study program or in a related field;
  2. to fulfill the formal requirements for admission to the university established by the faculty for study applicants;
  3. in accordance with the current statement by the faculty, participate in the admission procedure, which consists of:
  • a knowledge test at the level of the bachelor's state exam, which is a prerequisite for the second part of the entrance exam,
  • the second part of the entrance exam - an individual interview or a group discussion, where applicants demonstrate integrative skills (the ability to integrate various aspects of social reality from the perspective of theoretical approaches of social work and reference scientific fields) resulting from the knowledge acquired in the bachelor's study.

Part of the admission procedure can be an admission exam, which is written and/or oral or a combination of both in front of the admissions committee appointed by the dean of the faculty. The examination committee has at least three members.

Applicants are accepted for a predetermined number of places. In the case of a lower number of applicants than the expected number of admitted applicants determined by the faculty, applicants may be admitted without an entrance exam.

Graduate profile

A graduate of the second degree of higher education in Social Work is able to:

  • Analyze and clarify various theories and current problems, apply knowledge and understanding in practice, use research results at work.
  • Analyze and evaluate one's own personal experience as well as the experiences of others.
  • Assist in providing various types of assistance, observe, understand and interpret behavior and attitudes, communicate in a wide variety of circumstances, negotiate, form relationships, develop cooperation, represent the interests of others.
  • Make decisions, if a decision is required, make decisions with regard to individuals, families or groups, together with them, identify decisions that require prior consultation with other personnel, act in the decision-making process of the institution, organization, make decisions in cooperation with institutions or experts, if necessary.
  • Create and maintain working relationships, be aware of emotions and work with them and their effect on yourself or other people, be aware of individual and cultural differences and work with them, use your authority, be aware of possible aggression, hostility, anger of clients and work with them fully aware of the risks to themselves and others.
  • Record your work thoroughly and consistently, enforce the institution's policy while taking into account the confidentiality and personal approach of the individual, process and present reports, organize, schedule and monitor work, obtain information using available and generally accepted forms.
  • Search for and determine the types of services provided, influence the development of services, know the meaning and creatively use resources provided by facilities or institutions in the social sphere.
  • Analyze and understand the essence of the problems of individuals, groups and communities,
  • Specify, design, implement and maintain large-scale integrated solutions including the determinants of macro, meso and microenvironmental problems .
  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the supporting areas of social work knowledge and theory together with the ability to exercise critical judgment across the full spectrum of social work related issues,
  • Find and present own solutions to problems in research, development, design and construction of solutions to problems in social work, knows how to implement complex solutions, use modern methods and means in solving problems.

He has the skills to work in projects that involve problem identification, analysis, design and implementation of large-scale solutions in social work, together with testing and appropriate first-second- and third-level documentation, while being aware of individual aspects of quality.
It is oriented in the management organization of public administration bodies (state administration and self-government).
A graduate of social work has cultivated communication skills, especially in the field of social communication, controls the self-concept process. He can solve interpersonal conflict situations.
Reflects on cultural differences in social cognition and applies a holistic style of thinking.
From personality qualities, he asserts the situational determinants of prosocial behavior. He is able to conduct professional discussions in a foreign language.
A graduate of social work has skills in the use and transfer of information through ICT. A social work graduate has cognitive, functional, personality, social, civic, cultural, communication, language and other competencies in the social work field of study at level II. degree of higher education. Can draw conclusions and name connections between concepts in the field of study. He can determine the level of social risk of his/her life situation, plan, choose and use an adequate work methodology for his intervention professional activity and evaluate the effectiveness of the assistance provided. Can identify the importance of social policy for the professional performance of social work. Acts ethically when performing social work. He can work in a team and strengthen inter-professional and inter-professional cooperation. He professionally presents his own opinions on social issues and social protection.
Graduates of master's studies master the theoretical concepts of social work, social policy and management. He knows how to implement conceptual solutions to social problems, participate in solving quality of life issues, manage conceptual issues with different target groups.
The graduate is ready to hold managerial positions in the social field, to plan and implement intervention and prevention programs. In the field of research, he will be able to coordinate and implement research in the social field, use quantitative and qualitative approaches.
Graduates II. degree of the Social Work study program meet the qualification requirements for performing the work of a social worker according to Act no. 219/2014 Coll . about social work

  1. in an employment relationship or in a similar employment relationship,
  2. performing independent social worker practice.

Partner organizations

  • Mgr. Janka Dudoňová – Riaditeľka Domova pri kríži (ZpS)
  • Mgr. Marek Roháček – Návrat
  • Mgr. Vladislav Matej, PhD. – Nadácia Socia
  • Mgr. Pavol Sabela – STOPA Slovensko
  • PhDr. Silvia Bronišová – VÚDPaP (Výskumný ústav detskej psychológie a patopsychológie)
  • Mgr. Martina Ondrejková – Slovenská komora sociálnych pracovníkov a asistentov sociálnej práce, Mosty integrácie, o.z.