Faculty of EducationComenius University Bratislava

Teachers for primary education

Basic information about the study program

Field of study: 38. Teaching and pedagogical sciences

Degree of study: second

Form of study: full-time/external

The standard length of study: 2 years

Language of instruction: Slovak


Study Program Council

prof. PaedDr. Katarína Žilková, PhD. (HZO)

doc. PaedDr. Lilla Koreňová, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Eva Severini, PhD.

doc. Mgr. Mária Belešová, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Blanka Kožík Lehotayová, PhD.

Mgr. Michaela Mladá (student representative)

Bc. Andrea Šaríková (student representative)

Mgr. Alena Lampertová (representative of employers)

PaedDr. Martina Tománková, PhD. (representative of employers)


prof. PaedDr. Daniela Valachová, PhD.

prof. PaedDr. Dušan Kostrub, PhD.

prof. PaedDr. Katarína Žilková, PhD.

prof. PaedDr. Marián Merica, PhD.

prof. PhDr. Erich Mistrík, CSc.

prof. PhDr. Mária Kožuchová, CSc.

doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Šrank, PhD.

doc. Mgr. Mária Belešová, PhD.

doc. Mgr. Martin Kuruc, PhD.

doc. MUDR. Viacheslav Basaliukov, CSc.

doc. PaedDr. Eva Severini, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Ján Gunčaga, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Lilla Koreňová, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Martina Šipošová, PhD.

doc. PhDr. Ivica Kolečáni Lenčová, PhD.

doc. PhDr. Marian Groma, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Blanka Kožík Lehotayová, PhD. (FM docenta)

doc. PaedDr. Ján Záhorec, PhD.

PaedDr. Lenka Kaščáková, PhD.

PaedDr. Martina Totkovičová, PhD.

PaedDr. Peter Gergel, PhD.

PaedDr. Róbert Osaďan, PhD.

PhDr. Katarína Cabanová, PhD.

PhDr. Ľuboslav Moza, PhD.

PhDr. Sylvia Brychová, CSc.

Mgr. Adela Dúbravová, PhD.

Mgr. art. Branislav Dugovič, ArtD.

Mgr. art. Stanislava Maggioni, ArtD.

Mgr. Eva Faithová, PhD.

Mgr. Ivan Čavojský, PhD.

Mgr. Katarína Minarovičová, PhD.

Mgr. Lenka Nadányi

Mgr. Lenka Szentesiová, PhD.

Mgr. Ľubica Čierťažská, PhD.

Mgr. Mária Fuchsová, PhD.

Mgr. Mária Halašková

Mgr. Martina Bielová, PhD.

Mgr. Martina Zubáková Peregrinová, PhD.

Mgr. Miriam Adamková, PhD.

Mgr. Veronika Valkóová, PhD.

Mgr. Zuzana Štefanec, PhD.

Study advisor/s (tutor/s):

doc. Mgr. Mária Belešová, PhD.; belesovafedu.uniba.sk

doc. PaedDr. Blanka Kožík Lehotayová, PhD.; lehotayovafedu.uniba.sk

Coordinator for foreign mobility and Erasmus+:

Mgr. Lenka Szentesiová, PhD.; szentesiovafedu.uniba.sk

Description of the study program

By successfully completing the second stage of the study program teaching for primary education, the student will receive a master's degree (Mgr.) and a qualification corresponding to level 7 according to the Slovak Qualification Framework (SKKR). Proof of qualification is a university diploma (2nd degree), a certificate of the state examination, and an addendum to the diploma.

Competences, knowledge, and skills of a master's degree graduate, including transferable skills acquired during studies, enable them to apply in occupations requiring an adequate level of communication skills, establish practical prerequisites for problem-solving, create instructions, implementation projects and evaluation procedures for activities from the field, know how to use the acquired knowledge, their understanding and have the ability to creatively solve problems and tasks in new or unfamiliar environments, in broader contexts that go beyond their field of study and have mastered other knowledge, skills, and competencies of a graduate corresponding to level 7 of the Slovak Qualification Framework.

The master's study plan is basically divided into compulsory and compulsory optional subjects. In total, he must obtain at least 120 credits during his studies. During the course of study, the student must complete all of the compulsory subjects, for which he receives a total of 58 credits. A special group of compulsory subjects is represented by the subjects that are part of the master's state examination, specifically the subjects: Diploma thesis defense, Elementary pedagogy, Didactics of mathematics, and Didactics of Slovak language and literature. For the compulsory subjects belonging to the master's state exam, the student will receive 26 credits after their successful completion.

Mandatory optional subjects are also a necessary and important part of the study, and the student must obtain at least 36 credits for them during the course of study. The structure of compulsory optional subjects is arranged in subject blocks, each of them comprehensively and completely develops a given area of ​​the primary school curriculum. From each block of PV subjects, the student must obtain a minimum set number of credits during his studies, which ensures the comprehensiveness of his education.
The teaching of all subjects of the master's study program is provided by qualified experts, often with the rank of professor and docent. Teaching is primarily provided by employees of the Department of Pre-Primary and Primary Education, mathematics and science subjects are provided by teachers from the Department of Didactics of Science Subjects in Primary Education. Subjects requiring special professional skills are also provided by employees of the Department of Music Education, the Department of Special Pedagogy, the Department of Pedagogy and Social Pedagogy, the Department of English Language and Literature, the Department of German Language and Literature, the Department of Slovak Language and Literature, the Department of Psychology, the Department of Speech Therapy and the Department of Ethics and Civics education. The distribution of teachers to the given subjects takes into account the expertise and specialization of each teacher in order to ensure the highest possible quality of teaching. Teaching takes place not only in the form of lectures but also in seminars, exercises, and practice, the focus of which is a discussion with students and the solution of models and problem situations in teaching.

The choice of topics for future final theses of the study program teaching for primary education is related to the profile of the graduate of the said study program because they solve the current problems of the didactic practice of a wide spectrum within all educational areas. Students declare in their diploma theses that they know how to work correctly with bibliographic references and know ethical standards when working with sensitive data. Some final theses are also linked to the socio-economic interests of the company and are also based on the project and research tasks of the members of the department, thereby contributing to the improvement of the quality of their own professional activities in the future.


STUDY PLAN - full-time form

STUDY PLAN - part-time form

Requirements for applicants

The condition for admission of applicants to the master's degree in the study program teaching for primary education is a completed bachelor's degree in the study program Preschool and elementary pedagogy, Teaching for pre-primary education, or Teaching for kindergartens and teaching for school clubs or in another related study program in the field of Teaching and pedagogical sciences.
Applicants are accepted without an entrance exam if they have achieved a weighted academic average for the entire course of study up to 1.4 (inclusive). In the event that the planned capacity of applicants with the indicated average is not filled, the selection of additional applicants will take place in the form of a written entrance exam in the Slovak language and literature in the form of an essay and in mathematics in the form of a didactic test.

Graduate profile

The profile of a graduate of the master's study program teaching for primary education is defined by means of descriptors of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and fully reflects the description of the field of study 38. Teaching and pedagogical sciences, knowledge, skills, and competencies. According to the national qualification framework of the Slovak Republic, the graduate reaches the SKKR7 level.
A graduate of the master's study program possesses knowledge, skills, and competencies related to the practice of the profession of primary education teacher. He is able to implement theoretical knowledge, professional competencies, but also practical experience, and skills into pedagogical and didactic strategies in his own educational activities with the acceptance of pedagogical and psychological conditions of education and training of children of younger school age.

Theoretical knowledge

Graduate of the 2nd-degree master's degree in primary education teaching:

  • knows the current theoretical starting points of institutional education;
  • knows the psychological models of cognitive, psychomotor, and social development and the developmental peculiarities of a younger school-age child applicable in education and training;
  • knows pedagogical and didactic concepts and approaches in education and current theoretical models of learning and teaching;
  • knows the current curricular documents related to the upbringing and education of children of younger school age; knows the theoretical foundations of inclusive pedagogy;
  • knows the theoretical basis of work with pupils with special educational needs

Practical skills

Graduate of the 2nd-degree master's degree in primary education teaching:

  • can project and implement their own educational activity in all educational areas (language and communication, mathematics and work with information, man and society, man and nature, man and the world of work, art and culture, health and exercise, man and values);
  • can choose and apply appropriate organizational forms and teaching methods;
  • can create and use methodical materials and didactic aids;
  • can actively use didactic techniques and digital technologies in educational and administrative activities;
  • can diagnose and evaluate the level of development of primary education students;
  • knows how to apply pedagogical diagnostics and can design and implement appropriate interventions for pupils


Graduate of the 2nd-degree master's degree in primary education teaching:

  • is capable of solving standard problems of the educational process;
  • is professionally and methodically qualified to teach subjects of all educational areas;
  • is able to create a stimulating and non-threatening environment for education;
  • he knows how to use his digital competencies in education, work, and for active participation in events in society, or in self-education;
  • is able to respond flexibly to a changing environment;
  • can identify and evaluate the ethical, social, and other contexts of solved problems;
  • is able to sensitively perceive individual needs, interests, and abilities of students and reflect them;
  • can communicate professionally with teachers, educators, professional school employees, and the wider professional community from the external environment;
  • is able to present the results of his work to professionals and the general public;
  • is able to independently acquire, sort, process, effectively use new knowledge and apply it in the educational process;
  • is able to reflect on his own educational activity;
  • is able to plan and organize his own self-education and professional development;
  • has developed socially accepted civic attitudes and a positive attitude towards his profession and target group


Graduates of the study program are qualified to autonomously practice the profession of primary education teacher or related professions in the education sector, in which they apply the acquired transferable skills.
Evidence of the education obtained at the given level of the qualification framework: A graduate of the master's degree of the study program teaching for primary education will receive a university diploma and an addendum to the diploma, as well as the academic title of master. A graduate with a master's degree can continue in a doctoral study program within the field of teaching and pedagogical sciences.

Employment of graduates

A graduate of the teaching program for primary education will find employment in the labor market in professions directly related to the graduate's profile. The graduate has developed knowledge about the biological, psychological, and social aspects of individual development, and knows and understands the concept of the institutional socialization process of children of younger school age. The graduate understands the educational and other relevant needs and specifics of diverse groups of students. He masters the issue of pedagogical work in the context of the diversity of the educated population. He has extensive knowledge about differences in the development of individuals resulting from their health or social disadvantages, or gifts and talents, so he can effectively cooperate with special educators, psychologists, and other experts and follow their professional recommendations when implementing the educational process in the conditions of inclusive education. conclusions. The graduate possesses extensive scientific knowledge in profile educational areas or specializations of his activity. He knows the current state of educational programs, he knows the theoretical foundations of designing, implementing, and evaluating education and training. The graduate masters extensive theoretical and practical connections between the content of education and professional didactics or didactics and methodology in profile educational areas and specializations of their work. The graduate knows a wide repertoire of teaching strategies and methods. The graduate is oriented in the education and training system in the Slovak Republic, in the legal regulations and curricular contexts of the teaching profession, and knows the structure of the profession, the professional background of the field, and the principles of professional ethics.

A graduate of the study program teaching primary education will find employment in the labor market in professions directly related to the graduate's profile. The graduate has developed knowledge about the biological, psychological, and social aspects of individual development, and knows and understands the concept of the institutional socialization process of children of younger school age. The graduate understands the educational and other relevant needs and specifics of diverse groups of students. He masters the issue of pedagogical work in the context of the diversity of the educated population. He has extensive knowledge about differences in the development of individuals resulting from their health or social disadvantages, or gifts and talents, so he can effectively cooperate with special educators, psychologists, and other experts and follow their professional recommendations when implementing the educational process in the conditions of inclusive education. conclusions. The graduate possesses extensive scientific knowledge in profile educational areas or specializations of his activity. He knows the current state of educational programs, he knows the theoretical foundations of designing, implementing, and evaluating education and training. The graduate masters extensive theoretical and practical connections between the content of education and professional didactics or didactics and methodology in profile educational areas and specializations of their work. The graduate knows a wide repertoire of teaching strategies and methods. The graduate is oriented in the education and training system in the Slovak Republic, in the legal regulations and curricular contexts of the teaching profession, and knows the structure of the profession, the professional background of the field, and the principles of professional ethics.

Partner organizations

The Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University cooperates with schools in the framework of practical teaching on the basis of the Agreement on cooperation and provision of practical teaching for students of the PdF of Charles University concluded in accordance with valid legislative provisions. The list of training schools is regularly updated. The Faculty of Pedagogy of the UK has a cooperation agreement, e.g. with the following schools, at which students of the SP teaching primary education to carry out their internships (selection):

  • Primary school with kindergarten, Za kasárňou 2, 831 03, Bratislava
  • Elementary school with kindergarten, Riazanská 75, 831 03, Bratislava
  • Elementary school with kindergarten, Dubová 1, 811 04, Bratislava
  • Elementary school with kindergarten, Česká 10, 831 03, Bratislava
  • Elementary school with kindergarten, Sibírska 39, 831 02, Bratislava
  • Elementary school with kindergarten, Cádrova 23, 831 01, Bratislava
  • Elementary school, Malokarpatské nám. 1., 841 03, Bratislava
  • P. Marcely Elementary School, Drieňová 16, 821 03, Bratislava
  • SNP Primary School, Ostredková 14, 821 02, Bratislava
  • Elementary school, Karloveská 61, 841 04, Bratislava
  • Primary school, Pri kríži 11, 841 02, Bratislava
  • Private elementary school – Paneurópska, Sklenárova 1, 821 09, Bratislava
  • Matka Alexia Elementary School, Palackého 1, 811 02, Bratislava
  • Elementary school, Kulíškova 8, 821 08, Bratislava
  • Elementary school, Hlboká cesta 4, 811 04, Bratislava
  • Elementary school, Železničná 14, 821 07, Bratislava
  • Elementary school, Turnianska 10 , 851 07, Bratislava
  • Elementary school, Borodáčova 2, 821 03, Bratislava
  • Elementary school, Prokofievova 5, 851 01, Bratislava
  • Narnia Church Elementary School, Beňadická 38, 841 05, Bratislava
  • Elementary school, Pankúchova 4, 851 01, Bratislava
  • Elementary school Dr. Ivana Dérer, Jelenia 16, 811 05, Bratislava

Partner foreign institutions within the ERASMUS+ program with which the Department of Pre-Primary and Primary Pedagogy has concluded bilateral agreements:

  • Czech Republic: Charles University/Faculty of Pedagogy, Prague
  • Czech Republic: J. E. Purkyně University/Faculty of Education, Ústí nad Labem
  • Czech Republic: Palacký University/Faculty of Pedagogy, Olomouc
  • Poland: University of Natural Sciences and Humanities/Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Instytut Pedagogiki, Siedlce
  • Portugal: University of Algarve/School of Education and Communication, Algarve
  • Austria: Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg Stefan Zweig, Salzburg
  • Slovenia: University of Ljubljana/Faculty of Education, Ljubljana
  • Spain: University of A Coruña/Faculty of Educational Studies, La Coruña