Art education in combination
Basic information about the study programme
Field of study: 38. Teaching and Educational Sciences
Degree of study: second (Mgr.)
Form of study: full-time
Standard length of study: two years
Language of instruction: Slovak
Study Programme Council
prof. PaedDr. Daniela Valachová, PhD. (HZO)
doc. Mgr. art. Xénia Bergerová, ArtD. (ZO) (university professor)
Mgr. art. Martin Ševčovič, ArtD. (ZO) (university associate professor)
Mgr. Hana Juhás Muchová, student representative
Mgr. Jana Razgyelová, employer's representative
Mgr. Miloslava Borošová Michalcová, PhD., employer's representative
prof. PaedDr. Daniela Valachová, PhD.
doc. Mgr. art. Xénia Bergerová, ArtD. (university professor)
Mgr. art. Martin Ševčovič, ArtD., (university associate professor)
doc. PhDr. Magdaléna Kvasnicová, PhD.
Mgr. art. Natália Okolicsányiová, ArtD.
Mgr. art. Anabela Sládek, ArtD.
Mgr. Miroslava Repiská, PhD.
Mgr. art. et. Mag. art. Martina Šimkovičová, ArtD.
Mgr. art. Karin Patúcová-Lunterová, ArtD.
Study advisor(s) (tutor(s)):
prof. PaedDr. Daniela Valachová, PhD.,, this one for Master's studies
Student study advisor for the study programme:
Bc. Bianka Pokusová,
Bc. Daniela Bödová,
Coordinator for international mobility and Erasmus+:
Mgr. art. Natália Okolicsányiová, ArtD.,
Description of the study programme
The student's study plan determines the time (recommended study paths) as well as the content sequence of courses (continuity of courses and their content), the method of teaching, forms of assessment of learning outcomes, workload expressed in credits. The student draws up the study plan on the basis of clearly defined rules in accordance with the conditions of the study programme and in accordance with the Study Regulations of the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava. The student determines his/her study plan for the following period of study by enrolment. He/she enrols in subjects of such credit value and in such composition (compulsory subjects, compulsory elective subjects and elective subjects) that he/she can fulfil the conditions for enrolment in the next part of the study in the control stage of the study. In the academic year in which the student plans to leave the course of study, he/she shall enrol in courses of such credit value and in such a composition that, by successfully completing them, he/she will fulfil the conditions for leaving the course of study.
The student's study plan shall include the composition of courses in the group of compulsory courses, compulsory elective courses and elective courses.
In the group of compulsory elective subjects, there are a total of 10 subjects, of which six are profile subjects. The profile subjects in the group of compulsory elective subjects are subjects focused on contemporary art in Central Europe, one subject focused on art projects. The profile subjects also include subjects focusing on contemporary forms of painting, graphic overlaps, visual communication and digital image. Compulsory electives also include subjects focusing on art therapy, object and jewellery, intermedia creation and creative laboratory in the landscape.
The programme of study also includes a group of elective subjects, of which there are 8 in total, within which the student has the opportunity to develop his/her artistic preferences and interests in the area of the programme of study. A student may earn a maximum of 14 credits.
The individual components of the study programme build on each other, at the same time providing the student with opportunities to choose and create his/her own study path.
The study programme is specific in its content focus and opportunities for students' self-development. At the same time, the study programme provides space for the study of students with specific educational needs, thus covering the inclusive philosophy of education
Thanks to the number and composition of compulsory elective courses, the study programme allows for a high variability of study paths depending on the student's interest and the diversity of his/her needs and possible motivation. The recommended study paths are part of the study plan.
The number of credits to be achieved as a condition for graduation: 120 credits in all components of the study, 40 credits in the general foundation, 40 credits in one approbation and 40 credits in the second approbation.
The programme of study in the second cycle of study with the title of art education in combination is designed so that the student can obtain the appropriate number of credits, 120 credits in total. Of these, 40 credits must be obtained for the art education in combination qualification:
- 32 credits must be obtained in compulsory courses in the Art Education in Combination
- a minimum of 10 credits must be obtained in compulsory elective courses,
- the group of elective subjects in the study programme in the apprenticeship in combined art education is structured in such a way that the student can develop his/her personal preferences and the possibility to develop his/her abilities and interests, the student can obtain a maximum of 16 credits in the above mentioned group, which do not form part of the credits required for the proper completion of the study or part of the study,
- the final thesis, which in the above programme is the diploma thesis, is formally included in the general basis, but the combined art education programme has specificities resulting from the content focus of the programme,
- the teaching practice forms an integral part of the study programme, is included in the general basis and has two components, for which it is necessary to obtain a total of 4 credits
Specifics of the final thesis - diploma thesis in the study programme of art education in combination:
- In the thesis, the student generally demonstrates the ability to treat the selected topic at the level of a scientific study with a representative selection of literature,
- within the specifics of the Combined Art Education study programme, the thesis focuses on the treatment of the topic in the theoretical, didactic or research area and in the artistic output,
- the student has the right to adapt the formal aspect of the diploma thesis appropriately to the intention, he/she can process a theoretical thesis with a proposal for an artistic-didactic application in school art education, or a theoretical-research thesis without an artistic realization output
Specifics of the final thesis defence - the defence of the diploma thesis in the study programme of art education in combination has specifics resulting from the nature and content focus of the programme:
- the thesis defence is one of the state examinations,
- the thesis defence is a colloquial examination where the student demonstrates his/her knowledge and competence in relation to the thesis topic and also the context of the specifics of the study programme,
- during the defence, the student demonstrates the ability to articulate his/her knowledge at the required level, also within the breadth of the content and profile of the Master's degree,
- in the case of the defence of a thesis consisting of an artistic output, the student demonstrates his/her skills and knowledge in the medium in which this part of the thesis is realised.
The study programme is implemented in the premises of the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava, the subjects of pedagogical practice are also carried out in the premises of training schools. The Department of Art Education, providing the combined programme of art education, is located at Šoltésova 4, in Bratislava.
In the study programme of art education in combination there are included subjects of pedagogical practice, in the provision of which teachers of primary and secondary schools of different types and focus participate, in cooperation with contractual partners of the faculty used also for other existing study programmes. Practical teachers provide the practical part of the educational activity, which is linked to the school environment.
By successfully completing the second cycle of the combined study programme in art education, the student obtains a Master's degree and a qualification corresponding to level 7 according to the Slovak Qualification Framework (SKKR). Proof of qualification is a university diploma (level 2), a certificate of state examination and a supplement to the diploma.
The qualification obtained by completing the second cycle of the combined study programme in art education and the learning outcomes meet the sector-specific professional expectations for the performance of the professions for which the SP prepares graduates as a priority, namely:
- the graduate has general knowledge of didactic categories at the level of evaluation of the educational process,
- the graduate has professional and methodological knowledge in the art-pedagogical areas of the field and the professional practice, serving as a basis for innovation and originality in educational practice,
- the graduate is able to propose and evaluate solutions to methodological, professional, artistic, practical problems in the art-pedagogical areas of the field and professional practice,
- can formulate recommendations for the development of the scientific field of art pedagogy,
- can establish scientific assumptions for solving problems in the field of art-artistic context of the study programme,
- the graduate can propose solutions to methodological, professional, artistic, practical problems in the art-pedagogical areas of the discipline and professional practice,
- the graduate creates guidelines, implementation projects and evaluation procedures for activities in the field of art-artistic context of the study programme,
- the graduate is characterized by a high degree of independence and foresight in both familiar and unfamiliar art education implementation environments,
- is characterised by initiative and responsibility for managing the work of a working team in the context of art education,
- the graduate is characterised by innovative, creative thinking and professional presentation of the results of his/her own studies or practice
Comenius University has the opportunity to send students abroad for study or internship in the framework of its partnerships (Utrecht Network, SYLFF, some bilateral agreements) to 63 foreign universities in over 30 countries in Europe and beyond. Even wider opportunities covering practically the whole world exist under other schemes, in particular under the Erasmus+ programme and activities under the umbrella of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic, implemented through SAIA.
The Department of Art Education has long been closed and thanks to which students can go on a study stay at a foreign university. On average, 1-2 students of the department go on mobility annually.
Requirements for applicants
Applicants for admission to the Master of Arts in Art Education Combined Studies program must have completed a Bachelor's degree in an identical or related program of study. The required proof of the acquisition of education is a certified copy of the diploma of completion of the first cycle of higher education. Applicants are admitted on the basis of an entrance examination.
The admission requirements are:
- a candidate for a master's degree must have successfully completed a bachelor's degree in a given study programme,
- successful completion of the entrance examination
The entrance examination is to demonstrate a serious interest in the field of study and the study programme, the level and depth of knowledge, skills and creative inventiveness for the study of a demanding study programme.
The entrance examination will consist of:
- a written examination, which takes the form of a test designed to ascertain the applicant's state of knowledge and general overview of the visual arts and culture,
- a talent test consisting of a presentation of a set of home or school work. That is to say, a presentation of the best works of art or projects carried out in the last 4 years prior to the examination. During the presentation of the works, there is room for oral debate with the members of the commission. It is recommended that the outputs are compiled in the form of a portfolio or presentation, which can be brought in digital or printed form. Submission of original work is also welcome, if the implementation of the work allows it.
In the case of a larger number of applicants than the expected number of applicants admitted to a given study programme, the faculty reserves the right to select applicants according to their weighted undergraduate grade point average. Applicants are admitted to a predetermined number of places.
Graduate profile
The graduate profile is defined by:
- European Higher Education Area (EHEA) descriptors,
- reflects the full description of the field of study 38 Teaching and Educational Sciences, knowledge, skills and competences,
- is in line with the latest scientific knowledge of the combined art education programme
Graduates of the Master's degree programme in Art Education Combined will obtain a degree according to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) - code 767. In terms of the level of the National Qualification Framework of the Slovak Republic - SKKR, the graduate will obtain SKKR level 7.
A graduate of the Master's degree programme in Art Education in Combination is qualified to exercise independently the profession of a teacher at the level of the first and second level of primary school. He/she is able to design, implement and reflect on educational activities within his/her subject specialisation. Can create educational and methodological materials with the support of digital technologies. Has knowledge and experience in research methodology, in educational sciences in general and in the didactics of his/her subject specialisation.
In the area of subject endorsement, he/she is qualified to be a teacher of subjects belonging to his/her subject specialisation. In interdisciplinary studies, he is qualified as a teacher for the first and second levels of primary school.
Theoretical knowledge
Graduate of 2nd degree (MA) art education combined:
- Knows the principles of the application of digital technologies in education,
- knows the principles of pedagogical diagnostics also with regard to the individual characteristics of pupils and students,
- knows the methodology and methods of research in educational sciences,
- knows the current theoretical models of emotional and cognitive socialisation and education of a person, his/her personal and socio-emotional development,
- knows the theoretical and practical contexts of the didactics of the relevant subject specialisation,
- has knowledge of the broader theoretical contexts of his/her subject specialisation,
- knows and analyses the latest trends in the field of contemporary visual arts,
- is able to independently apply theoretical knowledge in the field of classical and digital visual media
Practical abilities and skills
Graduate of the 2nd degree (M.A.) art education combined:
- Can analyze and evaluate educational programs according to the conditions of a specific educational setting,
- can design and implement a research project in educational sciences,
- can master the skills, art techniques and/or technologies of the individual areas of his/her subject specialisation,
- has the ability of didactic interpretation of his/her specialisation,
- has the ability to independently design, organise and direct the educational process,
- can analyse, assess and implement elements of alternative educational programmes,
- can effectively communicate pedagogical and professional knowledge to the wider lay and professional community,
- can demonstrate empathetic and assertive behaviour in relation to pupils,
- is able to apply practical skills in classical and digital art media in an independent programmatic manner
Additional knowledge, skills and abilities
Graduate of 2nd degree (MA) art education combined:
- The ability to think critically and methodically, the ability to cultivate respect and love for human on the principles of humanism and altruism ,
- experience in the creation of local didactic projects, methodological texts,
- knowledge of the legal, economic and ethical aspects of work in their field
Graduate employment
The application of graduates of the Master's degree programme in combined art education is oriented towards educational activities aimed at expanding and deepening the knowledge, skills and habits of pupils with the use of educational and educational methods, carried out by a primary school teacher at the level of first and second level of education with the content focus of the relevant study programme. The graduate of the master's degree programme in art education combined is applied as:
- Teacher of the relevant general education (or vocational) subject(s) (groups of subjects) at the level of first and second level of education in primary schools,
- Methodologist for teaching a specific subject,
- specialised public and public administration staff in the field of education and training
Partner organisations
In the study programme of art education in combination are included subjects of pedagogical practice, in the provision of which participate teachers of primary and secondary schools of different types and focus, in cooperation with contractual partners of the faculty used also for other existing study programmes. Practical teachers provide the practical part of the educational activity, which is linked to the school environment. The list of training schools is regularly updated.
The Faculty of Education of the Charles University has a cooperation agreement with the following schools where students of the Combined Studies in Art Education carry out their practice:
- Primary School Dubová 1, 811 04 Bratislava,
- Kindergarten Malá 6, 811 06 Bratislava,
- Primary School Tbiliská 4, 831 06 Bratislava,
- Private Primary Art School, Prokofievova 5, 851 01 Bratislava,
- Július Kowalski Primary Art School Laurinská 20, 811 01 Bratislava
- Primary Art School Vrbensky 1, 831 53 Bratislava
The Department of Art Education providing the study programme of art education in combination also cooperates with other institutions in the following subjects: didactics of art education 2 and pedagogy of art:
- ÚĽUV Bratislava,
- SNG Bratislava,
- Museum of the City of Bratislava,
- Kunsthalle Bratislava,
- Nedbalka Gallery,
- Slovak Design Museum
The Department of Art Education cooperates closely with similar departments abroad:
- Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic,
- Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic,
- Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, UJEP in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic,
- Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic,
- Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic,
- Department of Art Culture and Textile Design, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic,
- University of Arts, Poznan, Poland
Other foreign cooperation of the department:
- University of Oulu, Faculty of Education, P.O.Box 2000, FIN-90014, Oulu, Fínsko, kontakt: Dr. Tapio Tenhu,
- Aristotele University, Fine Arts Department, Thessaloniki, Grécko, University Campus 54124 Thessaloniki, Grécko, kontakt: Prof. Xenofon Sachinis, Christiana Iliopolos, Helen Bexevanidou,
The Department of Art Education also cooperates with the Methodological and Pedagogical Centre in Bratislava.
Documents - VTC, VUPCH
- VTC_Bergerova_1_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Bergerova_2_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Bergerova_3_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Bergerova_4_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Bergerova_5_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Sevcovic_1_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Sevcovic_2_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Sevcovic_3_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Sevcovic_4_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Sevcovic_5_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Valachova_1_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Valachova_2_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Valachova_3_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Valachova_4_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Valachova_5_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VUPCH_Bergerova_EN.pdf
- VUPCH_Sevcovic_EN.pdf
- VUPCH_Valachova_EN.pdf