Teaching of Italian Language and Literature (in combination)

Basic information about the study program

Field of study: 38. Teaching and Educational Sciences

Degree of study: first

Form of study: full-time

Standard length of study: 3 years

Language of instruction: Slovak (parts of the study program/subjects in Italian)


Study Program Board

prof. Dr. György Domokos, PhD. (study program chair)

doc. Tivadar Palágyi, PhD. (study program supervisor)  

doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Katarína Klimová, PhD. (study program supervisor)

<output>doc. Mgr. et Mgr. Katarína Klimová, PhD.</output>

Mgr. Iveta Holubcová (employers' representative)

Bc. Alexandra Jasencová (student representative)

Dr. Simona Brambilla (representative of universities not established in the Slovak Republic)

prof. Matteo Viale (representative of universities not established in the Slovak Republic)


doc. Mgr. Renáta Bojničanová, PhD.

prof. Dr. György Domokos, PhD. 

doc. Mgr. Katarína Klimová, PhD.

prof. PhDr. Zuzana Malinovská, CSc.    

PhDr. Mojmír Malovecký, PhD.

PhDr. Mária Medveczká, PhD.

doc. Tivadar Palágyi, PhD.

Mgr. Radana Štrbáková, PhD.

Mgr. Zuzana Tóth, Dr. Phil.


Study advisors: 

PhDr. Mária Medveczká, PhD. medveczkafedu.uniba.sk


Student study advisor for the faculty:

student Mária Bednáriková, bednarikova28uniba.sk

Coordinator for foreign mobility and Erasmus+:

Mgr. Radana Štrbáková, PhD., strbakovafedu.uniba.sk

Description of the study program

(Selected information from the Study Program Description)
The study program is formed by the combination of three modules - the Common Social Science, Pedagogical and Psychological Foundation of Teaching (Teacher Foundation) and two teaching specializations. The rules of the Teaching Italian Language and Literature (in combination) program are designed so that out of a total of at least 180 credits, the student must obtain 60 credits from the Teacher Foundation, 60 credits from the courses in one of the teaching specializations and 60 credits from the second teaching specialization in the combined program.

The forms of teaching are lectures, seminars and tutorials, conducted by teachers who are internationally recognized experts in the field. The method of study (organizational form) of the educational activity in full-time study is combined (primarily attendance). Detailed information on subjects, including form, scope, course completion requirements and evaluation of results, are part of the course information sheets available in the academic information system AIS2.
The study program is structured into compulsory subjects, compulsory electives and elective subjects. The subjects in the curriculum consider the current needs of practice and foreign language proficiency and enable students to develop communicative and intercultural competence in the Italian language and to acquire knowledge of pedagogical, psychological (within the framework of the Teacher Foundation), linguistic, literary and cultural disciplines.
The compulsory subjects prepare students in all areas relevant for future employment in the teaching of the Italian language (linguistic, literary-cultural, didactic areas) and lead to the acquisition of a starting base for the subsequent development of skills, competences and competencies in accordance with the current state of science and trends in foreign language teaching in the context of the Slovak educational environment. At the same time, they enable the development of communicative competence in Italian in relation to newly acquired knowledge and skills: Introduction to Linguistics for Students of Romance Languages; Introduction to Literature Study for Students of Romance Languages; Introduction to History and Culture of Italy; Italian Language System 1. and 2; Survey of the History of Italian Literature 1. and 2; Basics of Didactics of Foreign Languages; Methodology of Professional Text Writing; Language Activity in Interaction - Written Performance in Italian Language; Language Activity in Interaction - Oral Performance in Italian Language.
State examination: the defense of the bachelor's thesis is a compulsory subject (within the framework of the so-called Teacher Foundation) in which the student demonstrates adequate knowledge of the Italian language and mastery of the basic conceptual apparatus and the theoretical and methodological knowledge of linguistics, literature, history and culture in relation to the didactics of Italian.
A wide range of compulsory electives allows the student to further profile himself, deepen his knowledge and develop skills and competences, focusing on the development of communicative competence in Italian, the professional study of the language, the deepening of knowledge in the field of literature and culture, or the development of didactic skills, including the use of information technology: Language activity in interaction - listening comprehension in Italian; Language activity in interaction - reading comprehension in Italian; Exercises in phonetics, phonology and spelling; Exercises in morphology and syntax 1. and 2.; Exercises in lexicology and semantics; Language exercises in Italian language 1. - 6.; Mediation activities in Italian language 1.; Translation exercises in Italian language 1. - 3; Introduction to the Theory of Translation and Interpretation; History of Linguistic Theories; Practical Exercises in Didactics of Foreign Language; Inclusive Learning and Pluralistic Approaches to Languages; Methodology of Teaching Plurilingualism in EU Countries; Information Technology in Foreign Language Teaching 1. and 2.; Literature for Children and Youth; Culture and Civilization of Italy 1. and 2; Intercultural Communication.
In the elective courses, students can improve their communicative competence in Italian if necessary and focus on selected aspects: Practical Italian Language 1 - 3; Mediation Activities in Italian Language 2; Translation Exercises in Italian Language 4; Promoting Literary Reading; Creative Drama Workshop in Italian; Activation of Language Competence 1. to 4. Students may also choose courses from the University-wide undergraduate offerings.

Specifics of the study program

  1. Since Italian is a language whose meaning transcends geographical location and becomes a language of several disciplines (music, architecture, etc.), the study programme also has a broader focus, incorporated into the offer of subjects oriented towards culture and civilization of Italy or intercultural communication and mediation activities.
  2. Access to up-to-date knowledge based on new scientific trends, following a solid base of relevant and generally accepted knowledge in Romance Studies (in line with the concept and content of courses at foreign universities relevant to this study program).
  3. Courses focusing on pluri- and multilingualism and their contribution to the acquisition of foreign languages, as well as the possible didactic use of the results of the latest research in this field, in line with the EU language policy, which aims at preserving, exploiting and positively perceiving linguistic diversity.
  4. Systematic development of communicative competence in specific subjects (written expression, oral expression, listening comprehension, etc.). A large part of the study program is also taught in Italian.
  5. Emphasis on the acquisition of basic didactic skills, in addition to specific subjects, is also cross-cutting throughout the study program in connection with the content of subjects in linguistics, literature or the culture of Italian-speaking countries.



Requirements for the applicant

The condition for admission of applicants to the Bachelor's degree program is the completion of a complete secondary education with a high school diploma and the fulfilment of the admission procedure conditions set by the faculty for applicants for study so that applicants with the required knowledge, skills and prerequisites for successful completion of studies are admitted to the university studies.  

In case of a higher number of applicants than the expected number of applicants admitted to the study program, the faculty reserves the right to select applicants according to the average of their marks in the final examination of the high school (“maturita”).

Information on the number of applicants, accepted applicants, students and graduates and on the success of the study:
Number of applicants in the last admission procedure for the first degree: 86
Number of admitted applicants in the last admission procedure for the first degree: 52
Number of students at the first degree in the current academic year: 34
Number of first degree graduates in the last academic year: 1
Success rate of studies at the first degree (number of enrolled/number of graduates in the last academic year): 17%

Note: The low number of graduates was due to the fact that the new accreditation criteria created uncertainty in the possibility of aligning the ITA SPs. This has been communicated to 1st and 2nd year students of Italian language in the 2020/21 academic year. In this situation, the majority of students have either abandoned their studies or requested a transfer. For the next two academic years, only the ESIT and FRIT study programmes were offered, respectively, and we were hoping for the possibility to switch students to the new accreditation (which was not approved).

Graduate profile

Objectives of education
A graduate of the Bachelor's degree program Teaching Italian Language and Literature (in combination)  possesses basic theoretical and methodological knowledge in the field of didactics of languages, has a cross-cutting knowledge of linguistics and literary science corresponding to the current state of knowledge, with particular emphasis on their didactic use, as well as the ability to solve practical tasks and problems by applying the acquired knowledge, skills, competences and competencies. The graduate has developed communicative skills in Italian at least B2 level and his/her communicative linguistic competence is activated in the performance of various linguistic activities, including reception, production, interaction or mediation in spoken and written form.

Successful completion of the first cycle of the Teaching of Italian Language and Literature (in combination) program leads to the degree of Bachelor (Bc.) and a qualification corresponding to level 6 of the Slovak Qualifications Framework.

Learning outcomes
The graduate has general knowledge at the level of synthesis, reflecting basic knowledge in the fields of linguistics, literary studies, history and culture, as well as practical and methodological expertise in the key area of the field of teaching and pedagogical sciences, which serves as a basis for didactic practice and research:

  • has a foundation of theoretical and methodological knowledge in linguistics and literary studies and is proficient in the basic conceptual apparatus,
  • has relevant knowledge of the history and cultural realities of Italy and of intercultural specificities,
  • has knowledge of the Italian language system and its levels and an overview of the current state of the language,
  • has a cross-cutting knowledge of the history of literature written in Italian, the development of literary movements and genres, and is familiar with their major representatives and works,
  • is familiar with the basics of didactics and methodology in the field of foreign language teaching and in the specialization of the Italian language,
  • is familiar with modern methods and technologies in education, is familiar with pedagogical documentation for the Italian language,
  • is familiar with the principles of academic ethics

The graduate has cognitive and practical skills:    

  • has the ability to think and work creatively in his/her field of study, to collect, interpret and process basic professional literature and to apply it in solving the chosen problem,
  • is able to apply basic methodological competences in the profile educational area of foreign language teaching, has the basis of didactic skills applicable in teaching the Italian language,
  • can analyze texts in Italian, including literary texts, with an emphasis on didactic use,
  • knows Italian at B2 level and above and his/her communicative competence is activated in the performance of various linguistic activities, can apply in practice the basics of selected mediation activities,
  • can use information and communication technologies in language learning and teaching,
  • can work critically with professional sources and apply the principles of academic ethics in the production of his/her own professional texts,
  • is able to communicate information, problems and solutions in his/her field of specialization to both professional and lay audiences

The graduate is characterized by the following competences:

  • Independence in solving specific problems in his/her field in a changing environment, autonomy and responsibility in decision-making,
  • the ability to organize one's own education and learning,
  • the ability to take initiative and communicate effectively in social interaction, etc.

During their studies, students acquire transferable competences such as critical thinking, advanced analytical skills, attention to detail, problem-solving skills, teamwork skills, communication skills, digital skills, presentation skills.

The Teacher Foundation Graduate Profile, which outlines the objectives and key learning outcomes of the Teacher Foundation, is an integral part of this program of study. The graduate of the first degree (Bc.) of higher education studies in the study field 38 Teaching and Educational Sciences has acquired the basics of the issues of educational sciences, social and legislative contexts of education and training, has acquired the basics of digital and psychological literacy as a teacher (in the component of the Teacher Foundation).

Employability of the graduates of the study program

Successful completion of the first cycle of the study program Teaching Italian Language and Literature (in combination) will result in the student obtaining a Bachelor's degree (Bc.) and a qualification corresponding to level 6 according to the Slovak Qualifications Framework. Proof of qualification is a university diploma (1st degree), a certificate of state examination and a supplement to the diploma.

The graduate is ready to continue his/her studies at the second degree of higher education. The study program is primarily aimed at continuing at the second degree and obtaining full qualification for the performance of the professional activity of a pedagogical employee in the category of teacher (with prospective employment in secondary schools, at the second degree of primary schools, in state and private language schools).

In accordance with the legislation in force, a graduate of the first degree fulfils the qualification requirements for the performance of the professional activity of a pedagogical employee in the category of pedagogical assistant. The graduate of the study program is qualified to work as an Italian language teaching assistant in the field of language training and the development of pupils' communicative competences as instructed by the teacher.

Furthermore, the graduate of the Bachelor's degree program is prepared for the profession of Italian language lecturer.

The competences, knowledge and skills of the first-degree graduate, including the transferable competences acquired during the studies, enable him/her to be employed in other professions requiring a developed level of communicative linguistic competence in the Italian language and the knowledge, skills and competences of the graduate corresponding to level 6 of the Slovak Qualifications Framework.

Institution partners

Training schools - implementation of teaching practice in Italian language
(we are continuously updating the list):

  • Conservatory, Tolstého 11, Bratislava

Cooperating institutions:

  • Embassy of Italy
  • Italian Cultural Institute

Foreign institutions - bilateral Erasmus+ contracts:

  • Sapienza – Università di Roma
  • Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici CIELS, Padova
  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Universidad de Valladolid
  • Universidad de Granada
  • Universidad de Almería
  • Universidad de Huelva
  • Université Clermont Auvergne
  • Université de Lille
  • Sapienza - Università di Roma
  • Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici CIELS, Padova
  • Universidade do Porto
  • University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
  • Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest
  • Universitatea din București

International Inter-University Network CIII-HU-0809-05-2223 FISH (FRENCH, ITALIAN, ITALIAN) - ROMANCE LANGUAGES AND CULTURES - STRATEGIES OF COMMUNICATION AND CULTURE TRANSFER IN CENTRAL EUROPE: Masaryk University in Brno, Universities of Graz, Zagreb, Zadar, Krakow, Ljubljana, Budapest, Cluj and Novi Sad.