Teaching Pedagogy

Basic information about the study programme

Field of study: 38. Teaching and Educational Sciences

Degree of study: first

Form of study: full-time

Standard length of study: 3 years

Language: Slovak


Study Programme Board

prof. PaedDr. Dušan Kostrub, PhD.

Ing. Eva Tóblová, PhD.

prof. PaedDr. Ján Danek, CSc.

Bc. Natália Mojžišová (representative of students)

Mgr. Lucia Hradská (representative of students)

Hana Soczeková (representative of students)

PaedDr. Nina Hacurová (representative of employers)

Mgr. Lucia Turčinová (representative of employers)

PaedDr. Alena Devečková (representative of employers)

Mgr. Klaudia Kohútová (representative of employers)


prof. PaedDr. Ján Danek, CSc.

prof. PaedDr. Dušan Kostrub, PhD.

doc. Mgr. Martin Kuruc, PhD.

prof. Ing. Peter Plavčan, CSc.

prof. PhDr. Mária Potočárová, PhD.

Ing. Eva Tóblová, PhD. (na funkčnom mieste docent)

doc. PaedDr. Ján Záhorec, PhD.

Mgr. Štefánia Ferková, PhD.

Mgr. Barbora Jaslovská, PhD.

PaedDr. Lujza Koldeová, PhD.

doc. Mgr. Martin Kuruc, PhD.

Mgr. Peter Ostradický, PhD.

Mgr. Adriana Poliaková, PhD.

Mgr. Ing. Jozef Strakoš, PhD.

Ing. Eva Tóblová, PhD. (na funkčnom mieste docent)

Mgr. Vladimíra Zemančíková, PhD.


Study advisor(s) (tutor(s)): 

Mgr. Štefánia Ferková, PhD., ferkovafedu.uniba.sk

Student study advisor for the study programme: 

Bc. Jakub Martinček, martincek7uniba.sk

Bc. Patrik Jenat, jenat1uniba.sk  

Coordinator for international mobility and Erasmus+:

PaedDr. Lujza Koldeová, PhD., koldeovafedu.uniba.sk

Study programme description

The study program Teaching Pedagogy (combined) is studied in combination with another study program of the bachelor’s degree (second subject approbation) along with the third component: 'Teacher´s base' (the common social-scientific, pedagogical, and psychological foundation of teaching), a minimum of 180 credits.

Successful completion of the first cycle of the Teaching Pedagogy (combined) study program results in the student obtaining a bachelor’s degree (B.Sc.) and a qualification corresponding to level 6 of the Slovak Qualifications Framework (SKKR). The evidence of qualification is a university diploma (level 1), a certificate of the state examination, and a supplement to the diploma.

Based on Decree, no 1/2020 Coll. of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic on the qualification requirements for pedagogical and professional staff, in the sense of §2, paragraph 1 and Annex No 6, point 1, first-degree graduates meet the qualifications required to perform professional activities related to pedagogy in the category of pedagogical assistants or educators.

The study program for the first degree is aimed, among other things, at the continuation of the master's degree. The knowledge, competencies, and competencies of a graduate of a bachelor's degree, including transferable competencies acquired during studies, enable him/her to apply to professions requiring an appropriate level of communicative, social, and professional competencies corresponding to level 6 of the Slovak Qualification Framework.



Applicants Requirements

The admission condition for applicants to the bachelor’s degree program in Teaching Pedagogy (Combined) is the completion of full secondary education with a secondary school leaving certificate. A certified copy of the school leaving certificate is the required proof of education. Admission requirements for the bachelor’s degree in Teaching Pedagogy (Combined): Applicants are admitted to a predetermined number of places. In the event of a lower number of applicants than the expected number of admissions set by the faculty, applicants may be admitted without an entrance examination. When there are more applicants, the final order of admission is determined by the results of secondary school studies or the entrance exam.
The selection of applicants shall be carried out as follows:

  • Based on secondary education results. The final ranking of applicants is determined by the total number of points obtained by the applicant according to the results of the secondary school-leaving examination. The faculty thus ascertains the applicant's general readiness to cope with the requirements of higher education.
  • Or based on the results of an entrance examination of a type determined by the faculty, considering some of the results of secondary school studies. In this case, the weight of the entrance examination shall be at least ¾ of the total result of the admission procedure.

In the case of a larger number of applicants than the expected number of applicants admitted to a given study program, the faculty reserves the right to select applicants according to the average marks in the final examination. Applicants are admitted to a predetermined number of places.

Graduate profile

Graduates from the bachelor’s Teaching Combination study program in the field of study 38 Teaching and Educational Sciences are ready to continue their studies at the second level of higher education. The graduate has mastered the basics of educational sciences and the legislative contexts of education and acquired the basics of digital literacy. The individual can practice the role of pedagogical assistant and educator independently.
In the field of cognition, the graduate of the bachelor's degree program in Teaching Pedagogy (Combined):

  • possesses basic pedagogical and didactic knowledge enabling him/her to understand the relationship between the processes of upbringing and education, learning and teaching.
  • is familiar with the structure and subject matter of the pedagogical disciplines.
  • knows and understands the basic principles and laws of the processes of education and training; understands the basic models of education and training and modern concepts of teaching.
  • has a theoretical overview of the origins and development of educational institutions and the pedagogical thinking of important personalities of pedagogy in the world and in Slovakia.
  • is familiar with the school system, the organizational structure, and characteristics of the school system in Slovakia and its specific features.
  • is familiar with school legislation; is familiar with generally binding legal regulations related to the performance of the profession of a pedagogical employee.
  • has basic knowledge of the differences in the development of individuals resulting from their health or social disadvantages or talents, understands their educational needs and the specifics of the educational process.
  • knows the basic categories of research methodology in educational sciences and the methodology of writing professional texts in pedagogy.

In the area of competencies, the graduate of the bachelor’s degree program in Teaching Pedagogy (combined):

  • can apply a variety of theoretical principles and practical procedures to analyse and solve diverse pedagogical situations.
  • can identify, analyse, and evaluate current problems in education.
  • can effectively plan, design, and manage the educational process.
  • can effectively use information and communication technologies to support the educational process.
  • can identify the individual educational needs of the pupil and accept the individuality of the pupil.
  • in the conditions of inclusive education, can communicate and cooperate effectively with other professional and pedagogical staff and follow their professional recommendations and conclusions.
  • can communicate and cooperate effectively with the external environment (e.g., parents, community).
  • is competent in school legislation, regulations, and documents.
  • has developed the ability to critically evaluate himself/herself and to continue learning independently.
  • can write professional texts.
  • can exercise ethical and social responsibility and observe ethical principles, particularly in relation to the teaching profession.
  • can undertake further education and training and to continue his/her studies

In the area of competencies, the graduate of the bachelor’s degree program in Teaching Pedagogy (Combined) possesses:

  • basic professional and didactic competencies; he/she is competent to plan, organize, implement, and evaluate educational activities belonging to the level of the profession of pedagogical assistant, or educator.
  • personal competencies oriented towards self-awareness, self-regulation, and lifelong professional growth and self-development.
  • social competencies consisting of effective communication and cooperation with pupils, legal representatives, other pedagogical and professional staff of the school, and other external partners

Graduate placement

On the labour market, the graduate of the study program will be employed as an educational employee performing work activity in the category of pedagogical assistant and tutor. The graduate of the first degree of the study program Teaching Pedagogy (combined) can apply to the labour market in addition to the employment and profession of pedagogical assistant and educator in other spheres requiring the first degree of higher education, e.g., as a lecturer of further education, lecturer in youth work, methodologist of work with youth, youth worker, etc.
According to Act 138/2019, teaching assistants belong to the category of teaching staff involved in the implementation of a school education or upbringing program. According to the requirements of the teacher, tutor, or Master of Vocational Education and in cooperation with professional staff, the pedagogical assistant creates equal opportunities in education and training, assists a child, pupil, or group of children or pupils in overcoming architectural, information, language, health, social or cultural barriers. Teaching assistants can work in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, private, religious, and special schools, not only in the classroom but also in the school children's club, and in extracurricular or extracurricular activities.
According to Act 138/2019 on pedagogical and professional staff, an educator provides education and training to children and pupils in a school facility in the implementation of the educational program and is responsible for the quality of the course and results of education and training in time outside school hours or education in a social assistance facility.

Partner organizations

The Department of Pedagogy cooperates with the partner University of Bergen - UNIVERSITET I BERGEN, Det psykologisk fakultet, Institutt for pedagogikk, with ŠPÚ, MPC, VÚDPaP, NÚCEM, as well as with the companies Accenture, Microsoft, Maxman Consultants, n.o. Indícia, Leaf and AJ Ty in IT.

The Department providing bilateral agreements with partnering foreign universities, especially within
the Erasmus+ mobility program:
Czech Republic: 

  • Charles University / Faculty of Education, Prague,
  • Palacký University/Pedagogical Faculty, Olomouc,
  • J.E. Purkyně University/ Faculty of Education, Ústí nad Labem
  • Silesian University/ Faculty of Public Policy, Opava

