Faculty of EducationComenius University Bratislava

Teacher of German Language and Literature (in combination)

Basic information about the study programme

Field of study: 38. Teaching and Educational Sciences

Study level: first

Form of study: full-time/external

Standard length of study: three

Language of instruction: Slovak (German in selected subjects)


Study programme council

prof. PhDr. Mária Vajičková, CSc. (Study programme chair)

doc. PhDr. Ivica Kolečáni Lenčová, PhD. (Study programme supervisor)

doc. Mgr. Andrea Mikulášová, PhD. (Study programme supervisor)

PaedDr. Peter Gergel, PhD.

Anita Brillová (Students´ representative)

Mgr. Pavol Kupka (Students´ representative)

Mgr. Mária Dovičák (Students´ representative)

PhDr. Iveta Sládeková Ondrejková (Employers´ representative)

Mgr. Zuzana Tomčániová, PhD. (Employers´ representative

Mgr. Katarína Hromadová, PhD. (Employers´ representative)


prof. PhDr. Mária Vajičková, CSc. (HZO)

doc. PhDr. Ivica Kolečáni Lenčová, PhD. (ZO)

doc. Mgr. Andrea Mikulášová, PhD. (ZO)

Mgr. Roman Mikuláš, PhD. (IIa)

PaedDr. Peter Gergel, PhD. – Head of the Department

Dr. Phil. Franz Schörkhuber


Study advisor(s) / tutor(s):

PaedDr. Peter Gergel, PhD. (full-time form), gergelfedu.uniba.sk

doc. Mgr. Andrea Mikulášová, PhD.(part-time form), mikulasova@fedu.uniba.sk

Student study advisor for the study programme: 

Bc. Adrián Cetera, cetera1fedu.uniba.sk

Coordinator for international mobility and Erasmus+:

PaedDr. Peter Gergel, PhD. (main coordinator)

prof. PhDr. Mária Vajičková, CSc.

doc. PhDr. Ivica Kolečáni Lenčová, PhD.

Description of the study programme

The bachelor's study programme in German Language and Literature Teaching in Combination fulfils in its structure and content the description of the study field 38.Teaching and Educational Sciences in such a way that the profile of the graduate is in line with the profile of the graduate of this study field. The subjects in the curriculum are designed to cover proportionally the topics of the social science, pedagogical and psychological foundations of teaching and subject endorsements. Within the overall concept of the Bachelor's degree programme, out of a total of 180 credits, 60 credits are devoted to the common social science, pedagogical and psychological foundations of teaching, which are an integral part of every teacher education programme, 60 credits to the first subject endorsement and 60 credits to the second subject endorsement. The compulsory subjects of the common teaching foundation of the Bachelor's study programme reflect the supporting themes of the core knowledge of the field of study as defined in the description and at the same time the current needs of teaching practice, aiming at the development of pedagogical thinking, digital and psychological literacy of future teachers. A compulsory part of the core curriculum are courses of pedagogical practice focused on hospitality activities and the development of students' professional vision.

The study programme Teaching of German Language and Literature (combined) sets the direction of contemporary world and Slovak German studies, as well as the preparation of foreign language teachers using the scientific potential of the department, the possibilities of its meaningful deployment and further development in favour of the preparation of future teachers in this field. In this sense, the complexity of the discipline is taken into account. The study programme is composed of the core of the study programme, which consists of the profile subjects of German studies, mainly lectures, provided by professors and associate professors, and other subjects, seminars, which allow to ensure the profiling of the graduate of the study programme. The compulsory subjects are arranged in a logical sequence starting with overview lectures providing insight into the basics of linguistic, literary and didactic disciplines (introduction to the German language, introduction to literary studies, overview of history, literature, culture, introduction to the didactics of the German language), in which students will master the basics of the disciplines, become familiar with the terminological instrumentarium, through the linguistic disciplines (German morphology, German syntax, German lexicology), the literary disciplines (German literature 18.  German literature of the 18th century, literature for children and youth), by completing which the student will gain knowledge of the theories of the discipline of German studies, its development and subsystems, as well as an overview of the methods and definitions of the subject of linguistic, literary research, will learn about the tendencies of the development of German literature, will master the procedures of working with the text in the field of literary science, as well as linguistics, is equipped with extensive knowledge of local linguistics, is able to use the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice.

The student also possesses basic knowledge and skills in the didactics of German language and literature. The profile subjects include literature for children and young people, which has a special relevance in teacher training programmes. By attending language seminars aimed at developing receptive and productive competences, the student will acquire the ability to communicate formally and correctly orally and in writing in the German language in various specific situations at an appropriate general and professional level (level B2 according to the SERR). The main aim is to prepare students for their studies in the 2nd cycle of higher education in order to obtain a fully-fledged qualification as a German language teacher. The aim of the Bachelor's degree programme is also to provide students with the theoretical knowledge and to develop the skills resulting from the graduate's profile, which are necessary for employment in the labour market.

The student also possesses basic knowledge and skills in the didactics of German language and literature. The profile subjects include literature for children and young people, which has a special relevance in teacher training programmes. By attending language seminars aimed at developing receptive and productive competences, the student will acquire the ability to communicate formally and correctly orally and in writing in the German language in various specific situations at an appropriate general and professional level (level B2 according to the SERR). The main aim is to prepare students for their studies in the 2nd cycle of higher education in order to obtain a fully-fledged qualification as a German language teacher. The aim of the Bachelor's degree programme is also to provide students with the theoretical knowledge and to develop the skills resulting from the graduate's profile, which are necessary for employment in the labour market.

STUDY PLAN - full-time form

STUDY PLAN - part-time form

Admission procedure

Every academic year, the Faculty od Education has information for applicants published on the faculty's website in the usual way - according to the offer in a given academic year for all study programmes. It has specific admission criteria for applicants, rules of the admission procedure, conditions for admission to a higher level of study, as well as criteria for advancement to the next part of studies. The criteria are regularly published in the usual way and are made publicly available to the general public well in advance and published for applicants on the basis of statutory deadlines. All the criteria for a given SP, including detailed and specific criteria, are published on the Faculty's website and are available continuously once published.

The conditions for changing the study programme or for changing the form of study, as well as the criteria for differential examinations for transfer students, are also published and precisely specified.

The procedure and rules for admission, transfer to a higher degree or transfer to another programme or another form of study within the University are laid down in the Study Regulations of the Faculty od Education (VP No. 1/2020).

Graduate profile

A graduate of the Bachelor's degree programme in Teaching German Language and Literature (combined) in the field of study Teaching and Educational Sciences is prepared to continue his/her studies in this field at the 2nd level of higher education. He has acquired knowledge of educational sciences and the social and legislative contexts of education and education and the basics of digital and pedagogical-psychological literacy as a teacher. In the field of subject approbation, the graduate has sufficient knowledge of the theoretical foundations of scientific work, research methods in the field of literary science, linguistics and didactics. He/she has extensive knowledge of the theories of the discipline of German studies, its development and subsystems, and an overview of the methods and definition of the subject of linguistic research. He or she is familiar with the development of German literature and the German language, is equipped with a broad knowledge of regional studies and the ability to communicate fluently in German in a variety of specific situations at an appropriate professional level. He/she has mastered the theoretical knowledge and research results of the didactics of foreign languages and reference disciplines and the characteristics of interactive didactics, forms and methods of working with text in the field of literary studies, linguistics and didactics. The student is familiar with the extent and nature of the influence of other disciplines on the formation of German studies and is able to make practical use of this knowledge in every field. The student has acquired basic knowledge and skills in didactics, oral and written communication skills, and the ability to lead a team and to establish and maintain contacts. Can functionally and effectively use the influence of mother tongue and L2 in the foreign language teaching process. On this basis, he/she is sufficiently equipped to develop and deepen the acquired knowledge and skills at the 2nd cycle of higher education studies in the teaching of German language and literature and in related fields, as well as to use them for the basic educational support activities of a teaching assistant. On the practical side, the graduate is prepared to apply the acquired knowledge in basic assistant teaching, translation, editorial practice and for the needs arising from the function of intercultural and interlingual mediator, if necessary. Provided that the graduate has completed a full secondary vocational education in kindergarten teaching and education, he/she is qualified to exercise the profession of teacher/educator in bilingual kindergartens, as well as the profession of German language teacher in pre-school institutions and animator in after-school clubs and leisure-time centres.

Employability of graduates of the study programme

In accordance with the Slovak Qualifications Framework (SQF), a graduate of the first level of the SP (level 6 of the SQF) will obtain the following qualifications and will be qualified for the following jobs and occupations in accordance with the SQF:

  1. Qualification code: U2359001-00459, SK ISCO-08: 2359001 teaching assistant, occupation title: teaching staff (specialisation in the subject of German language and literature). The graduate is also eligible to pursue the following alternative employment options, provided that the above qualification requirements are met
  2. Qualification code: U2342001-00463, SK ISCO-08: 2342000 pre-school teacher, occupational title: kindergarten teacher (with a specialisation in the German language or external teacher/lecturer of German in kindergarten). Qualifications: full secondary vocational education in kindergarten teaching and education.
  3. Qualification code: U2359005-00464, SK ISCO-08: 2359005 Educator (except educator for children with special needs), Occupational title: Educator (in schools and kindergartens with extended German language teaching or leisure time animator). Qualifications: full secondary vocational education in the field of education and care, kindergarten teaching and education, social-educational worker, leisure-time animator or pedagogical assistant.

Graduates may continue their studies in this study programme at level 2 of higher education.

Institution partners

  • Institute of World Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava,
  • Faculty of Arts, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Department of German Studies   
  • Faculty of Philosophy, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Department of German Studies,
  • Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Bratislava, Department of German, Nordic and Scandinavian Studies,
  • Institute of Languages, The Technical University in Zvolen,
  • Goethe-Institut Bratislava
  • Austrian Cultural Forum
  • VW Slovakia Foundation
  • SUNG - Society of German Language Teachers and Germanists of Slovakia