Teaching of psychology (in combination)
Basic information about the study programme
Field of Study: 38. Teacher Training and Education Science
Degree of study: Bc.
Form of study: full-time/ external
Standard length of study: 3 years
Language of instruction: Slovak
Board of the study programme
doc. PhDr. Mária Glasová, PhD. (main responsible person)
doc. PhDr. Marian Groma, PhD. (responsible person)
doc. MUDr. Viacheslav Basaliukov, CSc. (responsible person)
PaedDr. Dana Janotová, school psychologist (employers' representative)
PaedDr. Nina Brunovská, secondary school teacher (employers' representative)
Andrej Burdiga (student representative),, burdiga1uniba.sk
Silvia Sedláčková (student representative), sedlackova74uniba.sk
Staffing (Personal Security)
doc. MUDr. Viacheslav Basaliukov, CSc.
PhDr. Katarína Cabanová, PhD.
doc. PhDr. Mária Glasová, PhD.
doc. PhDr. Marian Groma, CSc.
PaedDr. Anežka Hamranová, PhD.
Mgr. Zlatica Zacharová, PhD.
Mgr. Miroslava Lemešová, PhD.
PhDr. Mgr. Romana Schunová, PhD.
doc. PhDr. Blandína Šramová, PhD.
Mgr. Zuzana Štefanec, PhD.
PaedDr. Eva Vancu, Ph.D
Study advisor(s) (tutor(s)):
Mgr. Miroslava Lemešová, PhD.
Student study advisor for the study programme:
Andrej Burdiga,burdiga1uniba.sk
Silvia Sedláčková, sedlackova74uniba.sk
Coordinator for international mobility and Erasmus+:
doc. PhDr. Mária Glasová, PhD.
Description of the study programme
Educational activities, structure and sequence of profile courses of the study programme Teaching of psychology in combination with another academic subject at the first cycle of study in both full-time and part-time form are designed in such a way that they enable the achievement of the objectives and learning outcomes specified in the profile of the first cycle graduate at the level of knowledge, skills and competences, including transferable ones. The structure of the courses and their sequence take into account the requirements of professional training for the subsequent application of the graduate in the performance of the future profession of a pedagogical assistant (and in the case of continuing studies at the second level - a teacher of psychology). The subjects of the study plan enable students to acquire knowledge and competences for the work of a pedagogical assistant, such as those that are applicable when working with pupils with disabilities or pupils with special educational needs in inclusive educational conditions.
The study programme Teaching of Psychology in in combination with another academic subject is combined with another subject specialisation (Teaching of Academic Subjects) and its integral part is the common social-scientific, pedagogical and psychological basis of teaching. From these 3 components, the student will earn a total of 180 credits (ECTS) in the Bachelor's degree.
The compulsory subjects of the study programme reflect the core knowledge topics of the study field and take into account the current needs of practice. The core disciplines of the study programme consist of basic psychological disciplines and applied psychological disciplines. For example, General Psychology, Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System, Social Psychological Training I, History of Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Introduction to the Teaching of Psychology, and others are included as compulsory courses.
Compulsory electives are divided into two groups. The first group includes subjects that are complementary to psychology, as well as related and significant for psychology and the teaching of psychology disciplines (e. g. Introduction to the Studying of Psychology, Philosophy of Education, Basics of Sociology, Training of Communication Competence, etc.). The second group of required electives quite explicitly reflects the unique focus of the department. In it can be found subjects such as Psychology of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities, Psychology of Individuals with Visual Impairments, Psychology of Individuals with Hearing Impairments, Psychology of Individuals with Physical Disabilities and Chronic Illness are directly related to the compulsory subject of General Pathopsychology and allow students to choose a specific area according to their own interest.
The group of elective courses emerged later in the continuity of the history of this study programme and the courses offered directly reflect the orientation towards interdisciplinary cooperation in educational practice, already at the bachelor's degree level. Courses such as Basics of Art Therapy, Basics of Play Therapy and Social Psychological Training II are useful in practice due to the possibility of participatory cooperation with other pedagogical and professional staff of the educational system, and at the same time provide the opportunity to acquire knowledge, practical skills and extra competences more effectively, including, in several subjects, those that contribute to the personal and psychosocial development, psychological integration and health of the graduates themselves.
The study programme is oriented towards the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of Teacher Training and Education Science with the subject specialisation Teaching of Psychology in combination (with another academic subject specialisation) and their selection is directed towards the development of theoretical knowledge and the building of practical competences.
Requirements for the applicants
The admission condition for applicants to the Bachelor's degree programme in the combined study programme of Teaching Psychology in SF/AS 38. Teacher Training and Education Science at the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava is the completion of a complete secondary school education with a secondary school-leaving exam (Abitur). The required proof of the acquisition of education is an officially certified copy of the secondary school-leaving exam certificate (Abitur).
Candidates are selected on the basis of the results of the entrance exam, taking into account, in part, the results of their secondary education. In this case, the weighting of the entrance examination shall be at least ¾ of the total result of the admission procedure. The entrance examination shall consist of a written and an oral part.
The oral part of the entrance examination focuses on motivation and personal prerequisites for the study of Teaching of Psychology in combination (with another academic subject specialisation). In the written part, the candidate will demonstrate knowledge of:
- in human biology at the level of secondary school (gymnasium) education
- in psychology at the level of secondary school (gymnasium) social studies
- general overview
In the case of a larger number of applicants than the expected number of applicants admitted to a given study programme, the faculty reserves the right to select applicants according to the average of marks at the secondary school-leaving exam (Abitur). Applicants are admitted to a predetermined number of places.
Profile of the graduate
The profile of the graduate is in accordance with the mission of the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava (which is to prepare highly qualified professionals for employment, especially in the departments of education, social work, services, aid and health care, who possess not only professional knowledge, but also the necessary skills, transferable competences and personal prerequisites based on solid ethical and moral foundations) and the National Qualifications Framework of the Slovak Republic (level 6) and its link with the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (level 6). On the basis of the knowledge, skills and competences given by the first level of higher education of this field, the graduate of the Bachelor's study programme of Teaching of Psychology in combination (with another academic subject specialisation) in the field of study Teacher Training and Education Science (in accordance with its general description according to the Decree 244/2019 Coll. of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, Part 38 in its Annex) is ready or prepared to: firstly, continue his/her studies in this field at the 2nd cycle of higher education of the Slovak Republic. degree of higher education successfully, and on the other hand to apply them creatively in the educational system at the lower and upper secondary education level, especially as a pedagogical assistant or other pedagogical or professional worker (target application of graduates of the bachelor's degree). Thus, graduates will gain insight into the issues of educational sciences and the social and legislative context of education and training and will have acquired the basics of digital and psychological literacy.
In the field of Teaching of Psychology in combination (with another academic subject specialisation) they have erudition in the basics of the field of psychology, they are familiar with the structure and subject matter of psychological disciplines, the theoretical foundations of institutionalized education, the broader context of education and training, and they have acquired relevant information literacy. They are oriented in the system and organisation of education and the system of counselling services in the department of education; therefore they can operate effectively in practice, especially in the supporting components of institutionalised education.
Theoretical knowledge
A graduate (he/she) of the first degree (B.Sc. / Bc.) in Teaching of Psychology in combination (with another academic subject specialisation) knows and is able to critically analyse and reflect:
- social-scientific and legislative contexts of institutional education,
- psychological concepts and models of cognitive and psychosocial development, personality development, socialization and inclusion with application in relevant educational settings
- theoretical principles of creating and planning the educational process, especially in secondary education
- the concept of the institutional socialization process in a social scientific context
- the comprehensive organisational characteristics of the school system as well as the institutional rules of the school
- principles of pedagogical and didactic design in the environment of secondary education
- acquired selection of theoretical knowledge from relevant basic psychological disciplines
- basic psychological research methodology as well as general research methods
- basic theoretical, empirical methods of analysis, comparing to define the problem, conclusions to implement in the educational process
A graduate (he/she) of 1st degree (B.Sc. /Bc.) in Teaching of Psychology in combination (with another academic subject specialisation):
- is familiar with pedagogical documentation and school legislation,
- can proactively use digital technologies to support the educational process,
- can analyse and creatively reflect on and develop individual components of the educational process in the classroom,
- can use competently the acquired information to develop the cognitive, affective and psychosocial competences of pupils and students,
- is able to analyse and conceptually grasp the pedagogical and didactic characteristics of classroom teaching,
- is able to handle school legislation, regulations and documents,
- can apply creative working solutions using modern methods and resources
A graduate (he/she) of 1st degree (Bc.Sc./Bc.) in Teaching of Psychology in combination (with another academic subject specialisation):
- at the level of, in particular, a teaching assistant, or other pedagogical or professional worker, can responsibly carry out and manage complex tasks in teaching, learning management and psychosocial processes in the classroom and in the educational institution, including the continuous evaluation of their effectiveness,
- can plan and organise the activities of groups of students at secondary education level,
- acquires competences for developing creativity and other aspects of literacy, psychosocial integration and harmonious development in pupils and students (as well as in herself/himself),
- participates in the implementation of primary prevention activities in the department of education,
- is capable of assisting a psychologist with a master's or higher degree in professional tasks in the context of institutional education,
- makes a versatile use of modern information and communication technologies.
Complementary knowledge, skills and competences
A graduate (he/she) of 1st degree (Bc.Sc./Bc.) in Teaching of Psychology in combination (with another academic subject specialisation):
- can organise and plan his/her own learning,
- knows how to critically orient oneself in professional and scientific psychological and pedagogical literature,
- participates and creatively develops various innovative forms of activity at the level of non-formal education
- has a basic orientation in the issues of developmental disorders, psychopathology, psychology of individuals with disabilities (pathopsychology), social pathology, as well as inclusion, therefore has the qualifications to act as a pedagogical assistant or assistant to a specialised worker with a higher degree of education (teacher, special educator, therapeutic educator, psychologist, social educator or social worker, etc. ), who work in the school system, social and counselling services, prevention in health services and government administration.
Employment of the graduates
On the labour market, the graduate will be employed as a pedagogical employee performing work activities, especially in the category of pedagogical assistant.
In the curriculum there is a sufficient number of subjects, especially profile subjects, but also compulsory elective subjects from the range of basic psychological or pedagogical disciplines, especially also disciplines focused on inclusion, by completing which the graduate will acquire sufficient knowledge, skills, competencies for the performance of future profession/qualification, especially as a teacher of psychology in combination (with another academic subject specialisation) in the case of continuation of studies at the second level in the relevant field of study and programme, or as a pedagogical assistant.
As a teaching assistant, he or she may participate effectively in the implementation of the school's educational programme. As required by the teacher, educator or in collaboration with other professional staff, to create equality of opportunity in education and training, to assist a child, pupil or student (of the secondary school concerned) to overcome architectural, informational, linguistic, cultural, health, social or other cultural barriers. It may do so in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools (including, private, religious and special schools), either in teaching or in education and in extracurricular or out-of-school activities.
Partnership organisations
The Faculty of Education of Comenius University has a cooperation agreement with, for example, the following schools, where the students of the Bachelor's degree of the study programme Teaching of Psychology in combination (with another academic subject specialization) undertake their internships:
- Základná škola, Hlboká cesta 4, 811 04 Bratislava
- Základná škola s materskou školu J.A.Komenského, Hubeného 25, 831 53 Bratislava
- Súkromná základná škola FELIX, Krásnohorská 14, 851 07 Bratislava
- Základná škola, Malokarpatské nám.1, 841 03 Bratislava
- Gymnázium L. Novomeského, Tomášikova 2, 821 07 Bratislava
- Súkromné gymnázium, Vážska 32, 821 07 Bratislava
- Základná škola s materskou školu M. Hodžu, Škarniclova 1, 811 01 Bratislava
- Súkromné gymnázium v BA, Bajkalská 20, 821 08 Bratislava
- Základná škola P. Marcelyho, Drieňová 16, 821 03 Bratislava
- Základná škola s materskou školou M. R. Štefánika, Grösslingová 48, 811 09 Bratislava
- Základná škola SNP, Ostredková 14, 821 02 Bratislava
- Spojená škola, Tilgnerova 14, 841 05 Bratislava
- Súkromná základná škola, Sklenárova 1, 821 09 Bratislava
- Základná škola s materskou školou, Cádrova 23, 831 01 Bratislava
- Základná škola, Kulíškova 8, 821 08 Bratislava
- Súkromná základná škola pre žiakov s intelektovým nadaním CENADA, Majerníkova 60, 841 05 Bratislava
- Základná škola s materskou školou, Dubová 1, 811 04 Bratislava
- Základná škola, Pankúchova 4, 851 04 Bratislava
- Základná škola, Vazovova 4, 811 07 Bratislava
- Základná škola s materskou školou, Za kasárňou 2, 831 03 Bratislava
- Základná škola s materskou školou, Česká 10, 831 03 Bratislava
- Základná škola s materskou školou, Sibírska 39, 831 02 Bratislava
In order to improve the connection between higher education studies and practice and to create a real space for students to participate in activities beyond the space allocated to PdF UK, the staff of the department continuously aims at the development and close cooperation with other, also foreign institutions.
In addition to the above mentioned educational institutions (schools, gymnasia), the department makes continuous efforts to improve the quality of students' teaching practice. This is mainly a close cooperation and relevant activities - conferences, seminars, professional discussions, etc., also with the participation of students, organised in the Slovak Republic and abroad (in 2011 students' participation in the Spring School for Teachers of Psychology in Dortmund, Germany) - especially with the two professional organizations EFPTA / EU and SAUP / SR; event. NIE (National Institute for Education) and the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic (doc. L. Sokolová, dr. M. Lemešová, dr. Z. Zacharová and others).
Students in the combined psychology teaching programme can take advantage of the mobility offer based on contracts concluded by the Department of Psychology and Pathopsychology of the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava, in the long term, which allow students to go on a study stay at a foreign university. The most used mobility programme is the Erasmus+ Study Programme (SMS), under which it is possible to complete part of the studies in EU countries. The Department has the following bilateral agreements with foreign universities (in the past there was also an active agreement with the Portuguese University of Oporto): the Czech Republic: the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice /CZ CESKE01 Czech Republic; Charles University in Prague /CZ Praha07 Czech Republic; the University of Ostrava /CZ Ostrava02.
Documents - VTC, VUPCH
- Basaliukov_VUPCH_SK.pdf
- Glasova_VUPCH_SK.pdf
- Groma_VUPCH_SK.pdf
- VTC_Basaliukov_1_bc_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Basaliukov_2_bc_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Basaliukov_3_bc_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Basaliukov_4_bc_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Basaliukov_5_bc_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Glasova_1_bc_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Glasova_2_bc_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Glasova_3_bc_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Glasova_4_bc_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Glasova_5_bc_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Groma_1_bc_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Groma_2_bc_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Groma_3_bc_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Groma_4_bc_mgr_PdF.pdf
- VTC_Groma_5_bc_mgr_PdF.pdf