Special education

General information about the study program

Field of study: 38. Teaching and Educational Sciences

Degree: Third (PhD.) 

Form of study: Full-Time/External

Usual duration: 3 years / 4 years 

Language of education: Slovak


Study programme committee

prof. PaedDr. Darina Tarcsiová, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Terézia Harčaríková, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Jana Lopúchová,  PhD.

doc. PhDr. Alexandra Biščo Kastelová, PhD.

doc. Mgr. Dagmar Nemček, PhD.

doc. Mgr. Margita Schmidtová, PhD. (representative of employers)

Mgr. Silvia Neuwirthová (representative of employers)

PaedDr. Karin Gažiová (representative of employers)

Mgr. Katarína Kelemenová (student representative)

Samuel Varga (student representative)

Richard Koiš (student representative)


prof. PaedDr. Darina Tarcsiová, PhD.
Faculty of Education Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Special Education

prof. PaedDr. Miroslava Bartoňová, PhD.
Faculty of Education Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Special Education

prof. PaedDr. Alica Vančová, CSc.
Faculty of Education Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Special Education

doc. PaedDr. Terézia Harčaríková, PhD.
Faculty of Education Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Special Education

doc. PaedDr. Jana Lopúchová, PhD.
Faculty of Education Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Special Education

doc. PhDr. Alexandra Biščo Kastelová, PhD.
Faculty of Education Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Special Education

doc. PaedDr. Ladislav Horňák, PhD.
Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences University of Prešov

doc. PaedDr. Lea Květoňová, Ph.D.
Faculty of Education Masaryk University in Brno

doc. Mgr. Eva Zezulková, Ph.D.
Faculty of Education Masaryk University in Brno

doc. Mgr. Jiří Langer, Ph.D.
Faculty of Education Palacký University Olomouc

PaedDr. Jarmila Klugerová, Ph.D.
The Jan Amos Komenský University Prague

Academic Professionals

prof. PaedDr. Miroslava Bartoňová, Ph.D

doc. PhDr. Alexandra Biščo Kastelová, PhD.

doc. PhDr. Mária Glasová, PhD.

doc. PhDr. Marián Groma, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Ján Gunčaga, PhD.

Mgr. Kristína Hankerová, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Terézia Harčaríková, PhD.

prof. PaedDr. Dušan Kostrub, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Lilla Koreňová, PhD.

doc. PhDr. Ivica Kolečáni Lenčová, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Jana Lopúchová, PhD.

prof. PhDr. Erich Mistrík, CSc.

Ing. Mgr. Jozef Strakoš, PhD.

doc. PaedDr. Martina Šipošová, PhD.

prof. PaedDr. Darina Tarcsiová, PhD.

prof. PhDr. Mária Vajičková, CSc.

prof. PaedDr. Alica Vančová, CSc.

prof. PaedDr. Katarína Žilková, PhD.

Study advisor (tutor):  

prof. PaedDr. Darina Tarcsiová, PhD. (2nd degree, full-time form, students with hearing impairment only), tarcsiova@fedu.uniba.sk

doc. PaedDr. Jana Lopúchová, PhD. (1st degree), lopuchovafedu.uniba.sk

PaedDr. Margaréta Osvaldová, PhD. (2nd degree), osvaldova@fedu.uniba.sk

Description of the study program

The doctoral study program as a third-degree study program focuses on the acquisition of knowledge based on the current state of scientific knowledge and artistic research and especially on the student's own contribution to it, which is the result of his scientific research and independent creative activity in science or technology or independent theoretical and creative activity in the field of art. Graduates of the doctoral study program obtain a third-level university education. The presented study program of the third level of higher education is in line with the current needs of scientific research in the field of special education and, if necessary, with the transition to other scientific areas arising from the urgent current need of practice in education and teaching as well as scientific research, management and strategic - conceptual work in institutions dealing with educational and comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled, disturbed and endangered individuals and the training of qualified professionals for these institutions not only in the Slovak Republic. The doctoral study program at the Faculty of Education of Comenius University has a personnel background and builds on the long-standing traditions and experience of the workplace in the field of preparation of third-level students for the department and the special education program.

The study program of doctoral studies in special pedagogy corresponds to level number 8 according to the Slovak Qualifications Framework as well as the European Qualifications Framework.

The study programme is conceived and implemented in such a way as to provide quality, relevant and accessible education in conceptual, content and structured processing and staffing as the only such conceived program in Slovakia. It preserves, identifies, supports and develops in its content the issues and specialisations of special education, which have no parallel at other Slovak universities, for the benefit of the preparation of students and with regard to their high competitiveness in practice. The study programme is conceived and implemented in such a way that it provides education linked to the scientific and research activities of teachers and the requirements of practice; bases teaching on the teachers' own scientific activity, on drawing on the best domestic and world sources of scientific knowledge, taking into account the specifics of the field and an interdisciplinary approach to problem solving; supports the involvement of students of the study programme in research activities, supports the participation of students in domestic and international scientific and practice-oriented events; maintains and develops good relationships with partner organisations in which, or in collaboration with which, student learning takes place; etc.

The study programme is provided by a sufficient number of professionally qualified teachers, teachers have a proven track record of creative activity at an appropriate level, practical experience, pedagogical skills and transferable competencies and the language skills.

In the implementation of the study program, the efforts of all stakeholders are focused on improving the quality of higher education, ensuring the professional level of teachers, support and development of cooperation with employers and with universities of similar focus at home and abroad. The aim is to increase competitiveness in the provision of education that will ensure the employability of the Faculty's graduates in the broader labour market.

The educational objectives of the study programme respect the current state and innovations of scientific knowledge and the needs of society. They promote student mobility, which contributes to the internationalisation of education, to the acquisition of experience in the international space and to its application in practice. The study programme gives sufficient space for flexibility in the study path according to the interests and needs of the students.


STUDY PLAN - full-time form

STUDY PLAN - part-time form

Admission Requirements

Applicants for the doctoral study program special education have to complete the 2nd level of higher education, preferably in the study program special education (or in its previous equivalents), or in the study program therapeutic pedagogy, teaching for primary education. They must successfully pass an entrance examination in which they demonstrate the high standard of knowledge required for doctoral studies with a focus on the chosen topic of the dissertation. They will submit a written project on the chosen topic of the dissertation. In the discussion on this project, they will demonstrate the prerequisites for scientific work, including a good orientation in foreign and domestic scientific production. The applicant registers for one of the topics listed by the faculty and published on the faculty's website at least two months before the date of the admission procedure. The admission procedures include: oral examination in special education, educational rehabilitation of the disabled and the disordered, the theory of communication of the disabled and the disabled, as well as the defense of the research project to be the project of dissertation, proof of the applicant's computer abilities (Word, Excel, Power Point, internet ). The entrance examination takes place in front of a commission, the composition of which is proposed by the union commission and approved by the dean of the faculty. Based on the results of the entrance examination, the Dean decides whether or not to accept the candidate within 30 days from the date of the entrance examination. The accepted applicant becomes a doctoral student on the day of registration, the date of which is determined by the dean. The approved individual study plan of the doctoral student is also a part of the registration documentation.

Graduate profile

The graduate of the study program of the 3rd degree of special pedagogy knows the standards, principles, and methods of scientific work in the field of special pedagogical research. The graduate has the knowledge about the history and development of special education science in the international comparative framework, its theoretical foundations and methodology. The graduate has extensive higher standard and systematic professional knowledge, knows, and uses scientific knowledge from several areas of the study program, scientific field, and related fields, which serve as a basis for research and development and the creation of new knowledge in the field of special education sciences. The graduate has an overview of the latest scientific knowledge in the field of special education sciences in an international context.
The graduate of the study program plans, designs, organizes, and evaluates special education research independently. The graduate work with national and international source databases. The graduate can design a research project, work as a member of a research team, but also manage a research and research team. The graduate is capable of interdisciplinary and international cooperation; can participate in international cooperation in the field of special education sciences. The graduate is actively involved in scientific communication in the field of special education sciences, regularly publishes the results of his research, and participates in the development of special pedagogical sciences. The graduate is characterized by a high level of scientific and publishing ethics, academic writing, and academic integrity. The graduate has developed presentation skills. The graduate actively participates in public professional discourse. Can bring and formulate innovative and new research problems or topics. Based on its outputs and findings, it can design, verify, and implement new research or working procedures. A Graduate has the prerequisites for supplementing and refining the scientific language of special education. A graduate has the prerequisites for the creation of new areas of knowledge within the special pedagogical field of science.
A graduate is characterized by independent, critical, and analytical thinking, which can be flexibly applied in terms of theoretical, empirical, and applied research. It independently presents the results of research and development in the field of special pedagogy to the professional community in the Slovak Republic and abroad. A graduate can conduct scientific communication in at least one world language. It considers social, scientific, and ethical aspects in the formulation of research intentions, research implementation and interpretation of research results. It is capable of positively influencing public opinion in favour of fulfilling the goals of the development of the study program and special pedagogical scientific field.
The graduate of doctoral studies can professionally perform the work of a university teacher in the field of special pedagogical disciplines, work in basic and applied special pedagogical research, the work of a conceptual or manager in the state administration of education and enlightenment. A graduate of the doctoral study masters in detail the specific issues which he dealt with in the dissertation. The graduate has excellent knowledge of the theory and methodology of special pedagogy, pedagogical and social sciences. He masters the developmental processes of special pedagogy. A graduate monitors and knows trends and paradigms in the disciplines of special pedagogy in Slovakia and abroad. Masters the knowledge of methodology and research methodology in the field of special pedagogy with an overlap into other scientific disciplines and disciplines, understands and understands the essential facts, concepts, terminology, principles, and theories related to research and practice.
A graduate of doctoral studies can research key problems of scientific research, use primary and secondary sources, work with a large amount of information, actively participate in domestic and international conferences dedicated to the researched issues. Can search for and acquire knowledge from the latest professional literature. A graduate knows professional resources focused on the issues of special education and related sciences. Has the ability to creatively use relevant knowledge from the field to identify, analyse and solve problem situations. A graduate can use all theoretical knowledge, skills, and competencies within his work as a university teacher, or as a research / development worker, or as a manager, conceptual, methodological, project participant.
A graduate of the department demonstrates the ability to actively educate and integrate into postdoctoral studies; can apply new innovative approaches in practice, and thus contribute to the development of the relevant study program and scientific field (also with an overlap into other scientific disciplines / areas of knowledge).
A graduate masters the scientific methods of research, which can be used to explain special education phenomena and the processes and laws that govern them. Masters the various methods for compiling programs regarding the requirements of special education. The graduate designs new or innovated educational rehabilitation programs, ways to implement them, can lead teams, cooperate with other professionals.

Graduate employment

A graduate of the study program of the 3rd degree of special education is competent for employment in the positions of pedagogical, scientific-research, andragogical, conceptual, enlightenment or management work in the field of special education, where is able to work and professionally address the issue of educational and comprehensive rehabilitation of the disabled and disordered, analyze it in terms of various aspects, apply it to educational, diagnostic, intervention, counseling and pedagogical-managerial practice; has the ability to independently and responsibly identify, analyze and solve challenging educational and rehabilitation special education problems of empirical and conceptual matter; demonstrates the ability to plan independently, responsibly plan, organize and evaluate research in special education; is equipped with the skills to actively participate in solving research and project tasks; is able to independently, professionally and competently teach university subjects (exercises and seminars) in special pedagogical issues (i.e. to lead the educational process in the form of seminars, exercises, internships, student teaching practice and other activities in the field); can apply methods of positively influenced by public opinion for the benefit of individuals with special educational needs.
A graduate is thus able to perform in a professional and responsible way of highly qualified work:

  • a university teacher in the field of special education and its special pedagogical disciplines (in the framework of undergraduate, postgraduate and lifelong learning, including further education - formal, informal and non-formal),
  • researcher in the field of special education and its special pedagogical disciplines in basic and applied special pedagogical research (for departmental, supra-ministerial and cooperating research and development institutes)
  • methodological-developmental (conceptual-developmental) worker in the field of special education and its special pedagogical disciplines (for departmental, supra-ministerial and cooperating methodological workplaces / institutes),
  • conceptual-program, educator in the field of special education and its special pedagogical disciplines (in state administration of education, in school self-government)
  • a manager in the field of special education and its special pedagogical disciplines, or related areas.

Partner Organisations

PhD. students in the study program Special Education can also take advantage of the of internships and student stays abroad, within the Erasmus+ student mobility in the following countries of European Union:

  • Czech Republic, Charles Univerzity, Faculty of Education, Prague
  • Czech Republic, Univerzity of Jan Amos Komenský Prague, Prague
  • Czech Republic, Masaryk University, Faculty of Education, Brno
  • Czech Republic, Palacký University in Olomouc, Faculty of Education, Olomouc
  • Czech Republic, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Education, České Budějovice
  • Finland, University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Jyväskylä
  • Hungary, Loránd Eötvös University, Faculty of Therapeutic Education, Budapest
  • Germany, Humboldt University in Berlin, Faculty of Culture, Social Sciences and Education, Berlin
  • Germany, Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Munich
  • Germany, Technical University, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, Dortmund
  • Poland, Krakow University of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Krakow
  • Poland, Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Arts, Kraków