Didactics of art-educational subjects

Basic information about the study programme

Field of study: 38. Teacher Training and Education Science

Degree of study: third (PhD.)

Form of study: full-time/part-time

Standard length of study: three years/four years

Language of teaching: Slovak


Study Programme Council

prof. PaedDr. Daniela Valachová, PhD. (HZO)

doc. Mgr. art.  Xénia Bergerová, ArtD. (university professor)

prof. PhDr. Erich Mistrík, CSc

doc. PaedDr. Mariana Kološtová, PhD.  

doc. Mgr. art. et Mgr. Monika Bažíková, ArtD. (university associate professor)

Mgr. Hana Juhás Muchová (representative of the student section)

Mgr. Jana Razgyelová (employer's representative)

Mgr. Miloslava Borošová Michalcová, PhD. (employer's representative)

PaedDr. Martina Pavlikánová, PhD. (representative from a foreign university)


prof. PaedDr. Daniela Valachová, PhD.
Faculty of Education Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Arts and Culture, Section of Fine Arts Education

doc. Mgr. Art. Xénia Bergerová, ArtD., PhD.
Faculty of Education Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Arts and Culture, Section of Fine Arts Education

prof. PhDr. Erich Mistrík, CSc.
Faculty of Education Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Ethics and Civic Education

doc. PhDr. Magdaléna Kvasnicová, PhD.
Faculty of Education Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Arts and Culture, Section of Fine Arts Education

doc. akad. mal. Martin Činovský, ArtD.
Faculty of Education Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Arts and Culture, Section of Fine Arts Education

doc. PaedDr. Mariana Kološtová, Ph.D.
Faculty of Education Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Arts and Culture, Section of of Music Education

doc. Mgr. art. Monika Bažíková, ArtD.
Faculty of Education Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Arts and Culture, Section of of Music Education

doc. PaedDr. Barbora Kováčová, PhD.
The Faculty of Education Catholic University in Ružomberok

doc. PhDr. Adriana Récka, PhD.
Faculty of Education Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra

prof. Mgr. art. Stanislav Zamborský, ArtD.
Faculty of Education Comenius University in Bratislava, Department of Arts and Culture, Section of of Music Education

doc. PaedDr. Miloš Kodejška, CSc.
Faculty of Education Charles University Department of Music Education


prof. PaedDr. Daniela Valachová, PhD. 

doc. Mgr. art. Xénia Bergerová, ArtD. 

prof. PhDr. Erich Mistrík, CSc.

prof. Mgr. Stanislav Zamborský, ArtD.

prof. PaedDr. Miroslava Bartoňová, PhD.

prof. PhDr. Mária Vajičková,CSc. 

prof. PaedDr. Katarína Žilková, PhD. 

prof. PaedDr. Dušan Kostrub, PhD. 

doc. Mgr. Zlatica Zacharová, PhD. 

doc. PhDr. Mária Glasová, PhD.

doc. PhDr. Marian Groma, PhD. 

doc. PaedDr. Ján Gunčaga, PhD. 

doc. PaedDr. Lilla Koreňová, PhD. 

 Paul Vincent McCullough, M.A. 

Mgr. Adriana Poliaková, PhD. 

Mgr. Zuzana Ťulák Krčmáriková, PhD. 

PhDr. Mojmír Malovecký, PhD. 

PaedDr. Peter Gergel, PhD. 

Mgr. art. Anabela Sládek, ArtD. 

In the doctoral study, there is no specific study adviser, but the responsible persons are available to the students in e-mail accounts where they can contact them and communicate on their study questions. Students can contact them in person, by phone, by e-mail, by video call via MS Teams or by other pre-arranged means. Their contact details and consultation schedule are available on the department ’ s website and are also made available to students at the first contact meeting on the day of enrolment. The consultation schedule shall be updated at the beginning of each semester.

Student guidance counsellor for the study programme: 

Mgr. Hana Juhás Muchová, muchovafedu.uniba.sk (daily study)

Mgr. Slávka Gécová, gecova5uniba.sk  (external study)


Coordinator for foreign mobility and Erasmus+:

Mgr. art. Natália Okolicsányiová, ArtD., okolicsanyiovafedu.uniba.sk

Description of the study programme

The student's study plan determines the time (recommended study paths) as well as the content sequence of subjects (continuity of subjects and their content), teaching method, forms of evaluation of study results, workload expressed in credits. The student compiles the study plan based on clearly defined rules in accordance with the conditions of the study program and in accordance with the Study Regulations of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Comenius University in Bratislava. The student determines his study plan for the next period of study by enrollment. He enrolls in subjects with such a credit value and in such a composition (Compulsory courses, Compulsory elective courses and Elective courses) in order to meet the conditions for enrolment in the next part of the study during the follow-up phase of the study. In the academic year in which the student plans to finish his studies properly, he enrolls in subjects with such a credit value and in such a composition that, by successfully completing them, he fulfills the conditions for properly finishing his studies.

The curriculum, in the framework of the study programme didactics of art-educational courses in full-time form, includes a group of compulsory, compulsory elective and elective courses. The study plan shall also include other necessary components.

The group of compulsory courses includes courses that are also profile courses. Four courses are six-credit, four courses are five-credit. For compulsory courses, the student receives a total of 44 credits. Compulsory courses include subjects related to contemporary art reflection, research project creation, qualitative and quantitative research methodology, creativity in art-educational subjects, research methodology in art-educational subjects, applied art didactics and university didactics. Within the compulsory profile courses, the student acquires competencies that are directly related to the profile of the graduate.

Group A of compulsory elective courses includes a total of four four-credit courses that are not profile courses. The student must obtain at least four credits.

In Group B  are included six four-credit of compulsory elective courses. Two of them are profile courses. The student must obtain at least 12 credits of the selected group.

In the group of elective courses there are six three-credit courses. This group complements the range of subjects on offer and allows the student to choose his/her study path.

The full-time study programme includes a scientific part, where the student must obtain 60 credits, and a pedagogical part, which is an integral part of the full-time study.  

The number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for the proper completion of the doctoral studies in didactics of art-educational subjects in the full-time form is 180 credits.   

For the completion of compulsory courses the student must obtain 44 credits. The mentioned courses are profile courses.

Among the compulsory courses are also included the courses of the state examination, the state examination - dissertation examination for which the student receives 20 credits and the state examination - defence of the dissertation for which the student receives 30 credits.

In group A of compulsory optional courses the student must obtain 4 credits. 

In group B of compulsory optional courses the student must obtain 12 credits.   

In the group of optional courses, the student has a choice and can obtain a maximum of 18 credits. 

For the publication activity, the student must obtain 60 credits.

A full-time student receives 20 credits each semester for teaching activities. A student in external studies does not carry out pedagogical activity.

For other activities within the department, a full-time student has the opportunity to obtain additional credits.

In the first and second years, a full-time student must obtain at least 40 and 40 credits. In the first, second, and third year, an external study student must obtain at least 30, 30 and 30 credits respectively.

Before defending the dissertation, a full-time student must have a minimum of 150 credits. Before defending the dissertation, a part-time student must have a minimum of 210 credits. 

Professional practice is not carried out as part of the doctoral studies. 

A student may apply for the dissertation examination, which is one of the state examinations, once he or she has obtained at least 60 credits, including 40 credits of study. A full-time student may apply for the dissertation examination no later than 18 months after the beginning of the studies. Students may apply for the dissertation examination in the external form no later than 24 months after the beginning of their studies.

Content of the dissertation examination: 
A. Research project for the dissertation 
B. Courses of the dissertation examination:
Methodology of art-educational subjects 
Didactics of art-educational subjects  
Electives (choose one of two courses):  
Art Therapy  
Art strategies in the present 

Dissertation defence

The aim of the dissertation defence is to demonstrate the ability and readiness for independent scientific and creative activity in the field of research or development. The dissertation defence takes the form of a scientific debate between the doctoral candidate, the dissertation opponents, members of the examination committee and other participants on the knowledge gained and the contribution of the dissertation, or as an artistic debate on the created work of art or the performed artistic performance elaborated in the dissertation. During the defence of the dissertation, the reasonableness and plausibility of the conclusions and proposals contained in the dissertation shall also be examined.

The study programme is implemented in the premises of the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava, the subjects of pedagogical practice are also carried out in the premises of training schools. The buildings of the Faculty of Education at Šoltésova 4 and Moskovská 3 are located in the centre of Bratislava, the building at Račianska 59 is located in the wider centre of Bratislava with easy accessibility and equipped infrastructure.

By successfully completing the third degree of the study programme didactics of art-educational courses in the full-time form, the student obtains the degree philosophiae doctor (PhD.) and the qualification corresponding to level 8 according to the Slovak Qualification Framework (SKKR - Slovenský kvalifikačný rámec). Proof of qualification is a university diploma (level 3), a certificate of state examination and a supplement to the diploma.

The graduate of the third degree meets the qualification prerequisites for the performance of work in the field of higher education and work in applied disciplinary and didactic research, the work of conceptual and programme worker (or management work) in the state administration of education and enlightenment. They are proficient in the history and perspectives of the field and its current concepts, principles and theories, and are able to systematically analyze model disciplinary-didactic problems and propose solutions.

In accordance with Slovak Qualification Framework (SKKR), a graduate of the third level of SP (level 8 of SKKR) will obtain a qualification and be qualified for the following employment and profession:

1. university teacher in the relevant field and specialisation
2. conceptual and programme worker in the relevant field and specialisation

Competences, knowledge and skills of a graduate of the doctoral degree, including transferable skills acquired during studies, enable employment in occupations requiring an adequate level of communication competences, professional and scientific competences and knowledge, skills and competences of the graduate corresponding to level 8 of the Slovak Qualification Framework.

Comenius University has the opportunity to send students abroad for study or internship within its partnerships (Utrecht Network, SYLFF, some bilateral agreements), to 63 foreign universities in more than 30 countries in Europe and beyond. Even wider possibilities covering practically the entire world exist within other schemes, especially within the Erasmus+ program and activities covered by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Slovak Republic, implemented through SAIA.

The most used mobility programme is the Erasmus+ study, within which part of the study can be completed in EU countries:

  • Czech Republic, University of Ostrava, Faculty of Education, Department of Art Education, 
  • Czech Republic, Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Education, Department of Art Education,  
  • Czech Republic, Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education, Department of Art Education, 
  • Czech Republic, UJEP in Ústí nad Labem, Faculty of Education, Department of Art Education, 
  • Czech Republic, Palacký University in Olomouc, Faculty of Education, Department of Art Education,
  • Czech Republic, UHK in Hradec Kralove, Faculty of Education, Department of Art Culture and Textile Design.


STUDY PLAN - full-time form

STUDY PLAN - part-time form

Requirements for the applicant

Successful completion of a master's degree is a condition for the admission of applicants to doctoral studies in the didactics of art-educational courses.
The study programme is primarily intended for graduates of master's studies in teaching and non-teaching study programs:

  • teaching of Fine Arts - single-subject study or combined study,  
  • graduate of a non-teaching course in fine arts with the requirement of completing the teaching minimum.

The entrance exam for doctoral studies takes place in front of a committee - the composition of which is proposed by the union committee and approved by the dean of the faculty. The minimum number of members of the examination committee at admission interviews is 3 persons - the chairman and two members of the committee. Based on the agreement of the guarantors, chairmen of trade union commissions - the maximum number of points for the entire entrance exam is 200 points. The foreign language exam is in written form and is aimed at the translation of a professional contribution focused on the issue of the given study program and is evaluated independently by a person who has been approved as an examiner in the given examination committee.

The other parts of the examination are conducted orally. The scores are as follows: - Max. 100 points - dissertation project and debate on the dissertation project, methodological preparedness of the candidate. - Max. 30 points - foreign language examination (or award of points for the state examination in a foreign language), - Max. 50 points - other areas of the entrance examination (prerequisites for PhD studies, knowledge of the required master's degree, scope and depth of studied literature ), - Max. 20 points - publication activity and other factors worthy of consideration - work experience, connection to a national or international project, study stays abroad, placement in 2 faculty and national competitions of the SVOUČ, commendation of the Rector and/or commendation of the Dean for the Bachelor's thesis, diploma thesis, or excellent results during studies, successful participation in competitions related to the relevant study programme, work in a civic association.

Graduate profile

The graduate profile is defined by:

  • European Higher Education Area (EHEA) descriptors,
  • reflects the full description of the field of study 38. Teaching and Educational Sciences, Knowledge, Skills and Competencies,
  • is in line with the latest scientific knowledge of didactics with a focus on art-educational subjects.

Graduates of the doctoral study programme in didactics of art-educational subjects obtain a degree of education according to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) - code 864. In terms of the level of the National Qualification Framework of the Slovak Republic - SKKR, the graduate obtains SKKR level 8.

The graduate is competent in the following descriptors:

Theoretical knowledge:

  • know the norms, principles and methods of scientific work in the field of pedagogical research in the pedagogical-artistic field,
  • knows and applies the theoretical foundations and methodology of pedagogical research in the pedagogical-artistic field,
  • has an overview of the latest scientific knowledge in the field of didactics of art-educational subjects in the international context,
  • knowledge of the history and perspectives of the field and its current concepts, principles and theories,
  • can systematically analyse model union-didactic problems and propose solutions.

Practical skills and abilities:

  • is able to creatively use relevant knowledge to identify, analyse and solve didactic problem situations,
  • creatively apply concepts, principles and procedures associated with planning, organizing and evaluating teaching, especially student teaching of teacher candidates,
  • independently reflects and self-reflects on didactic work in the field of didactics and subjects with an artistic focus,
  • competently assesses the quality and effectiveness of scientifically investigating the systemic relationships between the phenomena of teaching and training, particularly the dependence of educational and training effects on their programmatic, procedural, and contextual determinants.

Professional competences:

  • is able to conceive a research project, work as a member of a research team, and manage the research and the research team,
  • actively participates in scientific communication in the field, regularly publishes and presents the results of his/her research to the professional community, participates in the development of the field,
  • demonstrates metacognition, self-awareness, self-reflection, and the ability to collaborate with union faculty, middle or elementary school teachers, and those in related professions.

Graduates of the study programme Didactics of Art and Educational Subjects, Department of Didactics can professionally perform the work of a university teacher of didactics, work in applied didactic research, work as a conceptual and programme worker (or management work) in the state administration of education and enlightenment.

Graduate employment

On the labour market, the graduate of the doctoral study programme in didactics of art-educational subjects will be employed as: 

  • university teacher in the relevant field and specialization, 
  • conceptual and programme worker in the relevant field and specialization. 

Employment in these professions is directly related to the graduate's profile. The study programme is designed to prepare the graduate for employment in the above professions.

Partner organizations

In the study program didactics of art-educational subjects of doctoral study in the full-time form, courses of pedagogical/professional practice are not included, but the department cooperates with schools in the case of the possibility of conducting pedagogical research and various studies of the school environment.
The Faculty of Pedagogy of the UK has a contract with all the schools in which students do their internship, in the case of doctoral studies, it is possible to carry out research studies at the mentioned schools.

Students of study programme didactics of art-educational subjects of doctoral studies in full-time form can cooperate with the following schools:

  • Primary school Dubová 1, 811 04 Bratislava,  
  • Kindergarten Malá 6, 811 06 Bratislava,  
  • Primary School Tbiliská 4, 831 06 Bratislava,  
  • Private Primary Art School, Prokofievova 5, 851 01 Bratislava,  
  • Július Kowalski Primary Art School Laurinská 20, 811 01 Bratislava,     
  • Primary Art School Vrbenského 1, 831 53 Bratislava.

The Department of Art Education, which provides the study programme didactics of art-educational subjects of doctoral studies in full-time form, also cooperates with other institutions:  

  • ÚĽUV Bratislava,  
  • SNG Bratislava,  
  • Museum of the City of Bratislava,  
  • Kunsthalle Bratislava,  
  • Nedbalka Gallery,  
  • Slovak Design Museum.

The Department of Art Education cooperates closely with similar departments abroad:  

  • Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic,  
  • Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic,  
  • Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, UJEP in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic,  
  • Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic,  
  • Department of Art Education, Faculty of Education, Palacký University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, 
  • Department of Art Culture and Textile Design, Faculty of Education, Charles University, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic.  

Other foreign cooperation of the department:

  • University of Oulu, Faculty of Education, P.O.Box 2000, FIN-90014, Oulu, Fínsko, kontakt: Dr. Tapio Tenhu, tapio.tenhuoulu.fi,  
  • Aristotele University, Fine Arts Department, Thessaloniki, Grécko, University Campus 54124 Tesaloniki, kontakt: Prof. Xenofon Sachinis, Christiana Iliopolos, Helen Bexevanidou, internat-relauth.gr

The Department of Art Education also cooperates with the Methodological and Pedagogical Centre in Bratislava.