Faculty of EducationComenius University Bratislava

Studying Social Work

Bachelor's study


Bachelor's degree is undergraduate academic degree awarded by University upon completion of a course of study lasting three (full time) to four years (part time). Undergraduate Social Work study at our department focuses on student preparation in the field of social work in a wide range of theoretical research of social work practice, field study and student growth.

The bachelor's degree program is mainly extensive in meaning of the theoretical foundation of social work methods and forms and the development of student's competencies. The study has an interdisciplinary character. Its content is based on sociological, psychological, philosophical, legal and ethical systems. Its aim is to build a new quality of knowledge through the interaction between social, legal and other disciplines. Therefore, Social work integrates various aspects including social, socio-cultural, socio-psychological, socio-legal, socio-economic and socio-political phenomena with main focus on analysing, correcting, developing and providing assistance at micro-social, inter-social and macro-social level.

The aim of the bachelor study is to develop the concept of social work as an academic applied discipline, support the ability to professionally and critically think, to understand social problem, analyse and implement theoretical models directly into the practice, acquire the skills of professional social work, and develop students' personal potential.

Every student of social work receives theoretical knowledge in social work, is able to apply this knowledge and skills in social work practice, support work of social services in primary prevention activities, fieldwork, outpatient, semi-residual, residential and post-residential forms of social work.

Study possibilities:

Field of study: Social Work

Study program: Social Work

Degree: Undergraduate Academic Degree /Bachelor (Bc.)

Form of study: Full Time / 3 Years Study

Form of study: Part Time  / 4 Years Study

Master's study


Master Degree

Master degree is graduate academic degree awarded by University upon completion of a course of study lasting two (full time) to three years (part time). Student must holding a bachelor's degree in order to be granted admission. The aim of master study is to prepare graduates for a career in the field of Social work, trough the understanding of socio-political contexts, management and its methods and by conducting of social research. The Master's degree is intensive. Its content is based on the scientific and methodological concepts of social sciences and social work. The second stage of training connects the professional, research, management and intervention aspects of social theory and practice.

The main aim of master studies is to encourage, prepare and develop academic, research, political and management concepts of Social Work. Implement theoretical knowledge in social work practice and develop professional and personal potential of students for competent execution of their work in the field of social work.

The graduate will master theoretical concepts of social work, social policy and management. He / She will be able to realize conceptual solutions to social problems, participate in solving quality of life issues and to solve conceptual issues with different vulnerable groups. The graduate will be prepared to hold managerial positions in the social field, plan prevention and implement intervention programs. In the field of research, he / she will be able to coordinate and carry out social research, using quantitative and qualitative approaches.

Student during his / her master studies may specialize in the following areas:

· Counselling - therapeutic direction

· Social Politic - socio-political direction

· Management - managerial direction

· Media – media direction

· Forensic social work

· Socio-health care for seniors

· International migration and development

· Social work in healthcare (lectures only in English language)


Study possibilities:

Field of study: Social Work

Study program: Social Work

Degree: Graduate Academic Degree /Master (Mgr.)

Form of study: Full Time / 2 Years Study

Form of study: Part Time  / 3 Years Study

Language: Slovak

Specialization: Social work in health care - lectures only in English language.

Doctoral study

The aim of the doctoral study program is to create a specialized form of training doctoral students for the field of social work in a wide range of theoretical investigations of social practice. Unlike some models of pre-gradual and gradual preparation of social workers with more extensive content the doctoral study of social work has more intensive character. It is focused on methodology of science and theoretical aspects of social work. In the sphere of research the focus is either on one particular phenomenon or on several phenomena with an intensive immersion in the problem area.

Rigorous continuation

Rigorous continuation and its characteristics

Rigorous examinations and defences of rigorous theses at the Faculty of Education of the Charles University in Bratislava are carried out in accordance with Act No.131/2002 Coll. 2/2002 (Principles of the Rigorous Examination and Defence of the Rigorous Thesis at the Charles University). The rigorous examination procedure at PdF UK in Bratislava is further specified in the relevant internal directive of the Dean.

By the rigorous examination and defence of the rigorous thesis, the candidate has to prove, on the basis of independent study, that in the given field of study:

(a) has a deeper knowledge of its broader basis and is capable of independently acquiring new knowledge of science and practice,

(b) is able to apply the acquired knowledge in a creative way in practice.

On the basis of the statement of the Accreditation Commission, an advisory body of the Government of the Slovak Republic, the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic, the Faculty of Education of the Charles University in Bratislava has been granted the right to carry out (as a catching-up rigorous proceedings under the so-called older accreditations) according to the above regulations rigorous examinations and defenses of rigorous theses in the field of study - social work (PhDr.)

Rigorous continuation




Description of study program

Bachelor in Social Work

Bachelor degree - profile of a undergraduate

A graduate of bachelor degree programme has knowledge that entitles him / her to perform professional activities at the level of a social work assistant. He / she masters the conceptual and categorical apparatus of social work in connection with interdisciplinary scientific disciplines, which are an integral part of social work curriculum. These are mainly the fields of philosophy, ethics, axiology, psychology, human biology, pedagogy - especially applied, sociology. At the level of social work assistant he / she is familiar with the fundamentals of law, the philosophy of selected laws (social security law, labour law, family law, civil law, administrative law, social and legal protection of children and social curators). The Social Work Assistant has knowledge from the scientific fields that complement his / her knowledge in the provision of social services by type such as: addictology, public health, social psychiatry, social anthropology, practical theology and others...

The Social Work Assistant is able to specify the provision of appropriate social services according to their definition, further according to the type, extent, and form of public and non-public providers. Can assess the nature of the problem of a natural person, family or community, can provide basic information on how to solve the problem, and, where appropriate, recommend and provide further professional assistance. Can provide basic counselling (first contact counselling) in the field of family support with children, crisis and early intervention also through telecommunication equipment’s. It specifies and recommends social services to address the individual's in unfavourable social situation due to a severe disability, unfavourable health condition or retirement age.

He / she has knowledge of measures to eliminate, alleviate and prevent the deepening or recurrence of disorders of the psychological, physical and social development of the child and the natural person and can provide assistance depending on the severity of the disorder and the situation of the child or the natural person. Can orientate in a set of measures to ensure the protection of the child, upbringing and universal development of the child in his / her natural family environment, as well as a substitute environment of the child, which can´t be raised in his / her own family.

They also know the methods of social work when providing social services in a community (group). He / She also provides assistance in community rehabilitation, ensures cooperation of communities, which in terms of social work are understood mainly family, municipality, educational institutions, employment service providers and health care providers. He / she directs the activities of members of the local community to help resolve social problems within the local community. Assists in drawing up a community plan for the municipality, town, as well as in drawing up preventive and re-socialization programs. Controls the potential risks of social intervention. Controls the creation, management, and archiving of managed social service recipient documentation while maintaining privacy. He / she participates in the elaboration of the individual plan of the recipient of social services and cooperates in its re-diagnostics with regard to the comprehensive assessment of the degree of dependence of the individual (Barthel index). He / she has skills in the field of social rehabilitation, development of work skills of the recipient of social services. If necessary, provides interpretation and personal assistance. Any performance of professional activities is subject to quality conditions according to legal standards and criteria.

He / she has knowledge and assists in performing other professional activities such as: assistance in the exercise of rights and legally protected interests controls of the proceedings in matters of social services and socio-legal protection and social guardianship. He / she is oriented in the coordination of organization of public administration bodies (state administration and self-government) and knows their competences in the field of social protection. The Social Work Assistant has communication skills, especially in the field of social communication, and controls the process of self-acceptance. Can solve interpersonal conflict situations. In his / her proceedings promotes ethical standards. He / she can create a creative working climate with the implementation of innovative elements. Reflects on cultural differences in social cognition and applies a holistic way of thinking. In terms of personality qualities, he / she promotes situational determinants of prosocial behaviour. He / she is able to conduct professional discussions in a foreign language, maintain contact with developments in the field of social work at the first level of acquired knowledge gained through University education.

Master's degree in social work

Master degree – profile of a graduate

A graduate of master degree programme has the knowledge, skills and competences that entitle him /her to manage, adjudicate, control, review, develop and innovate social assistance systems, types of social services, professional and specialised activities, which are carried out at the level of the social worker. He / she can distinguish between therapeutic methods and means, which may be use in social work only when are met the conditions of professional competence. He / she forms conceptual, methodological and analytical materials in the field of social work, social services facilities or in the facilities of socio-legal protection of children, as well as in other sectoral institutions where social work has its own status (medical facilities, prisons, asylum and integration centres and others). He / she can apply legal standards in the field of health, asylum and criminal law, as well as social, security, labour, family, civil and administrative law.

He / She provides specialised advice on the law of the socio-legal protection of child. Controls the principles of integration and migration policy and participates in their creation. He / She shall form and evaluate the specialised programmes of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention and resocialisation of drug and other addictions, analyse and form strategies at national and regional level, coordinate the activities of the multi-professional team for the specific area and other sociopathological phenomena. The social worker has knowledge in designing and programming social projects. The social worker controls selected socio-economic theories that affect or relate to the development of social work and are a stimulus to the emergence of new social services as well as new methods of social protection. The social worker has knowledge of the processes of micro and macroeconomic. Controls the differences between economic theories and the economy - the real application activity. He / She has knowledge of the underlying elements of economic activities, the basis of which is the satisfaction of the needs of man. He / She controls the basic principles of the management and redistribution of resources, whether in the form of material or non-material goods, as products of human activity. He / She has knowledge and control of legislation in the field of social economy and has the capability to set up social enterprises as a tool to reduce the unemployment of disadvantaged citizens. He / She controls active and passive labour market policy instruments. The social worker controls the legality of the market, knows the reasons for aligning environmental and social market regulation, competitiveness mechanisms from different perspectives, the legality of the development of market capital and its impact e.g. the pension scheme and other systems of social protection of the country's population. The social worker is controlling important economic and social dimensions and maintaining equilibrium between them. He / She has knowledge of the concept of poverty in terms of indicative, interpretative and interpretative schemes (absolute, subjective, relative, intergenerational, spatial, and others). He / She  has knowledge of the EU's integration processes in terms of negative and positive impacts on the development of public policies, in particular in the following participative areas (social, health, environmental, cultural, educational, economic, etc.) He / She is geared towards external political relations and the impact of globalisation on market development and home economy and socializing processes. He / She supports the appropriate and adequate participation of civil society in the cooperation of the State with the NGO´s.

The social worker has the ability to apply the theory of networking in the field of social protection and can evaluate its effectiveness and impact on the social development of society. The social worker has managerial skills and can apply in practice the theory of management and its main processes (leadership, organisation, planning, and control). He / She uses non-formal learning methods at the workplace (OJT on the job training), such as coaching, counselling, mentoring, supervision, which deepen the quality of professional and specialised activities in social work, while eliminating the emergence of possible Risk factors. It controls and can apply the principles of personnel management as a human resources development subsystem. It has practical experience in the Monolog and dialog presentation. In practice, it uses models of Interhuman communication. It can take constructive argumentation with the use of elements of reflective and reflective thinking towards the development tendencies of social work and its areas of interest. He / she has skills and knowledge in collective bargaining and understands the problematic of the Economic and Social Council of the Slovak Republic as well as the principle of tripartism. The social worker enforces and applies in practice the national quality Programme of the SR. It has capabilities in the application of its models (CAF, ISO, EFQM). Recommended within the EU. The social worker uses information-communication technologies to display social media work. It controls processes, methods and means of online marketing services, as non-material products of human activity. The social worker continues to apply the principles of scientific thinking, controls the methods and techniques of research and is competent to interpret the data obtained in accordance with the protection of personal data.

Doctor of Philosophy in Social Work

Doctoral degree - profile of a postgraduate

A doctoral degree graduate has extensive expertise in a number of fields of study, serving as a basis for the conduct of research and the creation of new knowledge in the field of social work. The graduate has knowledge of scientific research (the depth of the problem), science (such as the Theory of Knowledge), as well as research (such as the descriptors of the process and the detection of differences). Dissertation doctoral work is a picture of the author's own creativity in the context of a properly established scientific problem and its objectives, which have all the characteristics of criticality, moderation, accuracy and particularities.

The graduate can correctly identify the types of research and choose scientific methods accordingly. He / She understands and applies the ethical principles of verification, evaluation, interpretation of the data obtained. Can use software products to evaluate statistical data. It can establish and assess the time, financial, staffing plan for the implementation of research projects. He / she can coordinate research and project teams and can handle administrative activities as the project manager. He / she is oriented in the project challenges of the various scientific agencies and framework operational programmes for research and innovation (RIS 3) as well as EU programmes e.g. H2020. He / she understands the process of submitting of grants for research projects (SMART and RADAR systems) supported by EU.