Scientific activity

Here is an overview of the most important projects that have been implemented at the Department of Social Work. Within the framework of the projects and their outputs, the Department of Social Work realized various professional lectures, realized researches connected with the publication of publications, held professional conferences and others.

The most significant project so far is the project that was created in response to the refugee crisis and was implemented in cooperation with UNICEF, and its output is the establishment of the Innovation Centre under the Department of Social Work.


Supporting social work interventions with the refugee population and strengthening the overall social service workforce capacity within the refugee response in Slovakia.

Project name: Supporting social work interventions with the refugee population and strengthening the overall social service workforce capacity within the refugee response in Slovakia.

Project date: 2022-2024

Project Number: ECARO/PCA 202283/HPD202263

Project leader: Dr.h.c. prof. PhDr. Monika Mačkinová, PhD.

Principal investigator: doc. PhDr. Pavol Kopinec, PhD.

Co-researchers: employees of the Department of Social Work 

The cooperation within the project between Comenius University in Bratislava, the UNICEF office in Slovakia and the Migration Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Migration resulted in the establishment of the Innovation Centre under the auspices of the Department of Social Work of the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava on 19 April 2023.

Innovation centre

<output>Spolupráca medzi Univerzitou Komenského v Bratislave a UNICEF vyústila do vzniku Inovačného centra, dňom 19. apríla 2023, a to pod gesciou Katedry sociálnej práce Pedagogickej fakulty Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave</output>



Religion as a factor of integration and disintegration in contemporary societies. Innovation of the study course with a focus on the creation of a distance learning form and a new educational tool.

Project title: Religion as a factor of integration and disintegration in contemporary societies. Innovation of a study course with a focus on the creation of a distance form of education and a new educational tool.

(Religion as a factor of Integration and Disintegration in Contemporary Societies. Innovating a study course with a focus on creating distance form of education and a new teaching tool.)

Project Year: 2022-2024

Project number: 011UK-4/2022

Type: KEGA

Principal Investigator: Mgr. Mgr. Miroslav Tížik, PhD.

Deputy Principal Investigator:
Mgr. Tomáš Planka, Mgr. Mária Skaličanová

Investigator: Assoc. Jozef Žuffa, PhD., Mgr. et Mgr. Mgr. Lukáš Jeník, PhD.

Project Annotation:

The aim of the project is to create a new content and form of a course focused on sociology of religion, taught at Comenius University in Bratislava, to create its form usable in distance education through various online and offline tools such as Moodle or MS Teams in an appropriate didactic and visual form and the related publication of a university textbook. Content-wise, the course and the textbook will focus on the identification of various new and traditional forms of religious life in the contemporary world, the reflection on religion in the perspective of a hermeneutically based interpretation of the contemporary religious situation and its relevance in a secular society for its stronger integration (or risks of disintegration), and the related problems of the relationship between religion and human rights in the present. An innovative element in this kind of course will be that the topics contextualized in a global framework will also be specifically focused on the situation in Slovakia. The textbook should be widely available and should reach a large number of higher education institutions in Slovakia that also have courses on the sociology of religion or broader social scientific reflection on religion as part of their curricula. They should also reach out to the wider non-professional public. Inter-university collaboration on the project should also contribute to the wider reach of the course and the textbook

Applied research focusing on the vacuum between health and social care for the patient after discharge from a health care facility.

Project name: Applied research focusing on the vacuum between health and social care after discharge

Project year: 2018-2019
Project Number: 019UK-4/2018

Type : KEGA for 2018-2019
Principal Investigator : prof. Monika Mačkinová, PhD.
Deputy Principal Investigator: Doc. MUDr. Vladimír Masaryk, PhD, PhDr. Pavol Kopinec, PhD.


prof. MUDr. Anna Lesňáková, PhD., prof. Alica Vančová, CSc., doc. PhDr. Zuzana Hudáková, PhD., JUDr. Štefan Neszméry, PhD., LL.M., Mgr. Miroslava Šutvajová

Women's strategies to prevent, mitigate, and stop violence in close relationships.

Project title: Women's strategies to prevent, mitigate and stop violence in close relationships

Project year: 2017-2021
Project Number : APVV-16-0422

Type : APVV for 2017-2021 (project transferred to another organization in 2019)
Principal Investigator: PhDr. Ľuba Pavelová, PhD.
Employees of the Department of Social Work

Juvenile delinquency in the Slovak Republic in the context of selected specific factors- a national self-report research study.

Project name: Juvenile delinquency in the Slovak Republic in the context of selected specific factors - a national self-report research study
Project year: 2014-2016
Project number : VEGA 1/0462/14
Type: VEGA 2014-2016
Principal Investigator: doc. Ľuba Pavelová, PhDr., PhD.
Deputy Principal Investigator: prof. PaedDr. Vladimír Labáth, PhD.
Principal Investigators:
Mgr. Katarína Čavojská, PhD.; PhDr. Martina Čierna, PhD.; PhDr. Helena Grófová, PhD.; PhDr. Pavol Kopinec, PhD.; PhDr. Martin Lulei, PhD.; PhDr. Elena Ondrušková, PhD.; PhDr. Jana Pružinská, PhD.; PhDr. Irena Vitálošová, PhD., Mgr. Martin Smrek (D), UKF: Mgr. Zuzana Malíšková, PhD.; Mgr. Andrea Juhásová, PhD.

Key concepts of selected systems theories in assessing the riskiness of families in the context of social protection.

Project name: Key concepts of selected system theories in assessing the riskiness of families in the context of socio-legal protection
Project year: 2014-2016
Project number: VEGA 1/0487/14
Type: 2014-2016 VEGA
Principal Investigator: PhDr. Eva Mydlíková, PhD.

Deputy Principal Investigator: PhDr. Elena Ondrušková, PhD.
PhDr. Pavol Kopinec, PhD.; Mgr. Kristína Mózešová, PhD.; PhDr. Irena Vitálošová, PhD.; PhDr. Lenka Kleskeň, PhD. 

Development of cooperation through the preparation of a research project for the comparison of social aspects of long-term unemployment in selected regions of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic.

Project name: Development of cooperation through the preparation of a research project for comparison of social aspects of long-term unemployment in selected regions of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic
Project year: 2012-2013
Project number : SK-CZ-0091-11
Type : APVV / Slovak - Czech intergovernmental scientific and technical cooperation for 2012-2013
Principal investigator on the Slovak side : PhDr. Ladislav Vaska, PhD. (Department of Social Work, Department of Social Work, Faculty of Education, Comenius University in Bratislava)
PhDr. Martina Čierna
Mgr. Katarína Čavojská
Assoc. Prof. Katrin Katr. PhDr. Eva Mydlíková, PhD.

Responsible researcher on the Czech side: PhDr. Pavel Kuchař, CSc. (Department of Social Work, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, J.E.Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem)
Mgr. Mgr. Radka Michelová
PhDr. Petr Balek
Mgr. Jan Vašat

Quantification possibilities of the Semantic Choice Test.

Title : Quantification possibilities of the Semantic Selection Test
Project number : 1/0858/08
Project Year : 2008 - 2010

Type : VEGA

Principal investigator : doc. PhDr. Mydlíková Eva, PhD.