Research activities of the Department of Psychology and Pathopsychology are focused on:
• psychology of individuals with disabilities (pathopsychology),
• counseling individuals with disabilities,
• childhood developmental disorders,
• health psychology,
• psychology courses and teaching subjects of personal and social development,
• culture and marketing of school institutions,
• psychology for teachers, socio-psychological competencies in pre-gradual training and early career of teachers,
• child and youth development with an emphasis on the themes:
• emotional intelligence,
• coping with stress (resilience),
• level, diagnosis and attention deficit disorders,
• identity, value orientation, health and morality of adolescents,
• success and lifestyle of people with disabilities,
• language acquisition in children within intentional bilingual environment.
Recent research projects VEGA:
2013-2015 Psychological determinants of activity and participation of the people with disabilities in health care (principal investigator: Doc. PhDr. M. Groma, PhD.)
2013-2015 Social psychological competencies in teachers pre-gradual training and early teaching career (principal investigator: Mgr. L. Sokolová, PhD.)
2015-2018 Value Messages Perceived by Pupils in Formal Education (principal investigator: PaedDr. A. Hamranová, PhD.)
2016-2019 Psychological determinants of activity and participation of children and adolescents with disabilities educated in integrated/inclusive education settings (principal investigator: doc. PhDr. M. Groma, PhD.)
2017-2019 Teachers´ personality and professional vision related to the dealing with challenging situations in the classroom during the transition into service (principal investigator: doc. Mgr. Lenka Sokolová, PhD.)
2019-2021 Life styles and stragegies in the cohorts of Slovak adolescents (principal investigator: Doc. PhDr. Blandína Šramová, PhD.)
Recent research projects KEGA:
2013-2015 Teaching of psychology and the social and personal development courses – set at teaching materials (principal investigator: Mgr. L. Sokolová, PhD.)
2014-2016 The integrative method for interpersonal communication enhancement and fostering of emotional intelligence and resilience of adolescent pupils and students in the context of crosscutting themes of ISCED 2 and ISCED 3A (principal investigator: PaedDr. E. Vancu, Ph.D.)
2017-2019 Supporting narrative competence in the Slovak language for children from marginalized language environment - a set of teaching materials (principal investigator: Mgr. Zlatica Jursová Zacharová, PhD.)
2017-2019 Developing and implementation of a methodology for work in teen dating violence prevention (principal investigator: PhDr. J. Vernarcová, PhD.)