Department of History and History Didactics
Department of History
Department of History
General information:
The Department of History was established in 1992. It offers study programmes in history and its combinations with other subjects at the Bachelor´s and the Master´s level. Students may also sign up for doctoral study programme (PhD.). The doctoral studies may be taken within the study programme „Teaching academic and artistic subjects “.
At the Bachelor´s level, a strong focus of the study programme is laid upon basic courses in the Slovak and the world history, altogether with introduction courses into further branches of history studies. At the Master´s level, students focus on didactics of history and they specialize in one of the history periods. The doctoral studies offer education in science and research needed for academic work in the fields of didactics of history. In the doctoral study programme students also learn how to apply the theoretical knowledge into teaching practice. The programme prepares research workers in the fields of pedagogical research of the individual environments, research methodology and implementation of history into the current and the future teaching and learning processes. The department may administer bachelor exams, master exams, PaedDr. doctoral exams and PhD. exams.
Specifics of the department: the department specializes in didactics of history, regional history of Slovakia and the history of Central Europe. It also offers optional courses in the fields of the Slovak and world history.
Student´s future careers: Students will find their jobs as primary and secondary history teachers. They may also work in various research work places including the faculty department of history, archives, museums, libraries, etc. They may also work in the field of regional history (history of towns and regions).
Research and publication activities: since its establishment the department has organized ten international conferences. Five of them were organized in international cooperation with the Council of Europe and university research centres in the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary and Great Britain. The conferences majored in the didactics of history, regional history, the role of a personality in history, confesionalism, the questions of history awareness in the young population, the issues of integration and disintegration in history, the issues of Slovak students studying abroad and the questions of the Slovak geographical territory through history periods.
International contacts: the department actively cooperates with a number of foreign research centres. The department organizes international seminars for students. It also participates in ERASMUS+ exchange programmes.
1. Department of History, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic),
2. Department of History, Faculty of Education, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem (Czech Republic),
3. Department of History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic),
4. The research centre of the current history of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague (Czech Republic),
5. Masaryk´s research centre and archive, the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague (Czech Republic),
6. Institut für Ost- und Südost Europa Forschung Wien (Austria),
7. Universität Wien, Institut für Geschichte (Austria),
8. Universität Regensburg, Philosophische Fakultät I. Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte (Germany),
9. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia, Történeti Intézet, Budapest (Hungary),
10. Univerza v Ljubljane, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za zgodovino (Slovenia).