Department of English Language, Literature and Didactics

The Department of English Language, Literature and Didactics (the Department) offers study programmes of the Teaching of English Language and Literature at both Bachelor (B.Sc.) and Master (M.Sc.) degree levels in full-time and part-time forms.

The main mission of the Department is to prepare teachers of English language and literature for primary schools and all types of secondary schools. Graduates of the Master's degree programme are qualified to teach English in primary schools, grammar schools, secondary vocational schools, language schools, as well as other levels and forms of foreign language education. Due to the wide range of their acquired knowledge, skills, competences and capabilities, they can also be employed in various other spheres (e.g. as translators and interpreters, editors and employees in the field of education and training.).

The Department provides rigorous proceedings (PaedDr.) in the field of Teaching of Academic Subjects of the study programme Theory of Teaching English Language and Literature.

Within the doctoral study programme (PhD.) didactics of foreign languages and literature, new dissertation topics are announced every year by: prof. PhDr. Gabriela Lojová, PhD; doc. PaedDr. Martina Šipošová, PhD. and Dr. habil. Tamás Karáth, PhD.

Due to the scientific and research aspect of the doctoral studies, doctoral students participate in Department activities but remain part of the Institute of Philological Studies.