Scholarships and student welfare
Social scholarships
The social scholarship is a social support programme for all students in a disadvantaged social situation and contributes to the costs associated with studying. Students of study programmes in the first two levels of study who have permanent residence in the Slovak Republic and are students of the first cycle of study, for a period not exceeding the standard length of study, are legally entitled to a social scholarship.
The social grant may be awarded to a student on the basis of a written application for the award of a social grant and the documents necessary for the calculation and assessment of entitlement. If the applicant is a student of more than one faculty or university, he/she may submit his/her application to only one faculty or university. The application for a social scholarship shall be submitted in the academic year in which the scholarship is to be awarded. It is awarded from the first day of the calendar month in which the application is submitted until the end of June of the academic year in question (or until graduation). In rare cases, the social grant is also paid to a student during the months of July and August. The main indicator for assessing entitlement to the social grant is the income of the circle of persons considered together and the income threshold for entitlement to the social grant.
In assessing the application and awarding the amount of the social grant, the Department of Social Affairs is bound by Decree No 235/2013 Coll. of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic amending Decree No 235/2013 Coll. of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Slovak Republic amending Decree No 235/2013 Coll. No. 102/2006 Coll. of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic.
Information on applying for a social grant
A social grant may be awarded to a student on the basis of a written application and annexes, which determine the relevant income for assessing eligibility, the range of persons assessed jointly and the income threshold.
The application for a social scholarship can be picked up in person at the Social Affairs Office at the Study Department of the Faculty of Arts in Bratislava, Račianska 59, 1st floor, door No. 119.
The student has the right to submit an application for reconsideration of the social scholarship whenever the amount of the determining income changes in the circle of jointly assessed persons.
The social grant shall be awarded at the new amount from the first day of the calendar month in which the student has applied for reconsideration of the amount of the social grant awarded, if the new amount of the social grant is higher than the previous amount, otherwise, from the first day of the month following the month in which the student has applied for the new amount of the social grant.
- Informácie pre žiadateľov o priznanie sociálneho štipendia
- Usmernenie pri podávaní žiadostí o sociálne štipendium
- Zmeny pri uplatňovaní sociálneho štipendia od 1.9.2013
- Postup pri vypočítaní sociálneho štipendia
Pregnancy scholarships
From 1 April 2021, a student who is a permanent resident of the Slovak Republic and is not entitled to a pregnancy grant will be granted a pregnancy grant in the period from the beginning of the 27th week before the expected date of childbirth, as determined by a doctor (beginning of the 13th week of pregnancy), in particular for the purpose of covering increased expenses related to the student's medical condition, special material needs and preparation for the birth of the child. The student is legally entitled to the pregnancy grant pursuant to Section 96b of Act No 131/2002 Coll. on higher education institutions, as amended. For the purposes of the pregnancy grant, a person whose studies have been interrupted due to pregnancy is also considered to be a student. A pregnancy grant is awarded on the basis of a written application from a student.
The application must be accompanied by the following attachments:
1. a medical certificate stating that she has started the 27th week before the expected date of delivery, as determined by a doctor,
2. a certificate from the Social Insurance Institution stating that she is not entitled to payment of the pregnancy allowance,
3. a copy of the identity card or proof of permanent residence in the Slovak Republic.
A properly written and signed application (model Application for a pregnancy grant; model Medical certificate - pregnancy grant) together with attachments (certificate from a doctor and from the social insurance company and a copy of the ID or proof of permanent residence in the Slovak Republic) should be submitted to the Rector of Charles University at the following address:
Department of Education and Social Affairs of the RUK
Šafárikovo námestie 6
P.O. Box 440
814 99 Bratislava 1
The Rector of Charles University decides on the award of a pregnancy scholarship. The amount of the pregnancy scholarship is EUR 200 per month and is granted to the student in a monthly amount to a bank account in the Slovak Republic, the number of which is registered in the Academic Information System (AiS2). The scholarship is awarded from the first day of the calendar month in which the application is submitted. If the conditions for the award of a pregnancy grant have been met for only part of the calendar month in which the application was received, the pregnancy grant shall be awarded for the entire calendar month. The pregnancy grant shall also be granted for the months of July and August.
Entitlement to the pregnancy grant shall cease:
a. the entitlement to payment of parental allowance after the birth of the child for which the student is in receipt of a pregnancy grant,
b. the entitlement to payment of the pregnancy grant,
c. the termination of the pregnancy; or
d. the end of the course of study.
The student shall notify the Department of Education and Social Affairs of the RUK and the Social Affairs Office for Students of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University no later than ten working days from the date on which this fact occurred of the reason on the basis of which her entitlement to a pregnancy grant (under a. to c.) ceased.
A person who has been granted a pregnancy grant and paid a pregnancy grant for the same period is obliged to reimburse the UK for the pregnancy grant granted for the relevant period.
For the purposes of proving eligibility for a pregnancy grant, the UK is entitled to process the student's personal data to the extent necessary to make a decision on the award of a pregnancy grant. For these purposes, the UK is also entitled to obtain the personal data of the data subject without the data subject's consent by copying, scanning or otherwise recording official documents on an information medium to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of the processing.
Further information:
Information from the Social Insurance Institution on entitlement to maternity benefits can be found HERE.
Other scholarships
Motivational scholarship
The Faculty of Education of the Charles University in Bratislava grants students an incentive scholarship from the state budget allocated by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic. The Faculty is governed by the "Scholarship Regulations of the Faculty of Education of Charles University" when awarding the motivational scholarship. The student does not apply for the award of an incentive scholarship and its award is not claimable.
An incentive scholarship may be awarded for:
excellent performance of study obligations (merit scholarship) in the previous academic year. The merit scholarship is awarded by 15 November of the relevant academic year and is granted in one instalment by the end of the relevant calendar year (the incentive merit scholarship for AR 2022/2023 will not be awarded until November 2023).
Achievement of an outstanding result in scientific activity, for results in a university-wide, national or international competition, for successful representation of the Slovak Republic, UK or the faculty in artistic, sports or knowledge competitions, for excellent performance of study obligations throughout the study (one-time extraordinary scholarship).
The conditions for awarding the incentive scholarship are regulated by
Accommodation in AR 2023/2024
Dear students of PdF UK,
In case you have a problem with the selection and allocation of a room or a deposit, please contact the specific accommodation facility or CEPIT directly. Faculty officers do not allocate accommodation nor do they have the possibility to check or return the deposit. The faculty only assigns points for PdF UK students' GPA and activity.
Thank you for your understanding