doc. Mgr. Zlatica Zacharová. PhD.
- 2005 Pedagogical Faculty of UK in Bratislava - Teacher of Psychology and German Language and Literature (Mgr.)
- 2006 Faculty of Arts, UK in Bratislava - Psychology (Mgr.)
- 2013 Faculty of Education of UK in Bratislava - doctoral studies in Preschool and Elementary Education (PhD.)
- 2022 Faculty of Pedagogy of UK in Bratislava - habilitation proceedings in the field of Preschool and Elementary Pedagogy (associate professor)
Course of practice to date:
- 2002 - 2004 technical assistant (PdF UK, Institute for Child Development Research)
- 2010 - 2013 internal PhD student at the Department of English Language and Literature
- 2006 - 2013 Psychologist at the Centre for International Legal Protection of Children and Youth
- since 2011 managing director of Havava, s. r. o. and trainer of certified training for teachers of kindergartens and primary schools for didactics of foreign languages in work with children from 0 to 12 years
- since 2022 - crisis intervention psychologist for refugees from Ukraine (Tenenet)
Teaching practice:
- Developmental Psychology,
- Educational and school psychology,
- Psychology for Teachers 1,
- Crisis intervention in school,
- Psychological Propedeutics,
- Cognitive Psychology and Neurodidactics
- Cognitive and behavioural theories
Education for other organisations:
- Psychology (for teachers) - Slovak Technical University, Department of Pedagogy
- Motivation, Power and Assistance in the Helping Professions
- Trainer Havava, s.r.o., training topics in cooperation with Universita La Sapienza prof. Traute Taeschner: Narrative format, Neuropedagogical aspects of language learning
Scientific and research activities:
- KA2 - 2022-1-BE02-KA220-SCH-000089287, Inclusion through interprofessional COllaboration in a Community Of Practice in Education, Sept. 2023 - Dec. 2026, international project (Belgium, Portugal, Austria, Slovakia)
- KEGA 035UK-4/2022 Psychological education for non-psychological professions: methodological and content support - co-investigator
- KEGA 046UK-4/2021 Support for the implementation of moral education in primary school: applied research and methodological material for teachers - co-investigator
- 2020/2021 YOUTH AND A.I. (UN)LEARNING WITH ROBOTS / NAO in cooperation with Goethe Institute, Slovak Design Centre and Sensorium - co-investigator
- KEGA 060UK-4/2017 Supporting narrative competence in Slovak language in children from marginalised linguistic backgrounds - set of methodological materials - principal investigator
- VEGA 1/0409/14 2017-2019 Teacher's personality and professional vision in relation to dealing with challenging situations in the school classroom in the period of transition to practice - co-investigator
- VEGA 1/0150/16 2016-2018 Dimensions of reading in families of children from bilingual backgrounds - co-investigator
- KEGA 067UK-4/2014 Integrative methodology to improve interpersonal communication competences, development of emotional intelligence and resilience of adolescent pupils and adolescents in the context of ISCED 2 and ISCED 3A cross-cutting themes - co-investigator
- VEGA 1/0562/13 Social-psychological competences in pregraduate training and early pedagogical career of teachers - co-investigator
- Research projects on language acquisition
Membership in national and international bodies and organisations, editorial boards, professional societies:
AŠP - Asociácia školskej psychológie SR a ČR
POPI Slovensko - Inštitút procesorientovanej psychológie na Slovensku
SIVP - Slovenský inštitút pre vzdelávanie v psychoterapii
EECERA - European Early Childhood Education Research Association
REYLL - Research into Early Years Language Learning - Multilingual Childhoods