Student Scientific, Professional and Artistic Activities

Basic information


Student Scientific, Professional and Artistic Activities (SSAA) is an important part of the development of students' creative potential and a space for the development of scientific disciplines and study programmes that can be studied at the Faculty of Education of the Comenius University in Bratislava. Together with other scientific and artistic activities, such as scientific conferences, professional seminars and workshops of the departments of the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava, in which students participate, it is one of the important professional activities of students.

The aim of the competition is:

  • to deepen the scientific, professional and artistic activity of the students of the Faculty of Education of Comenius University,
  • to stimulate and develop their abilities and competences for scientific, professional and artistic activity,
  • identify and support talented and creative students,
  • to educate prospective professionals in particular scientific and artistic disciplines,
  • to improve communication between students with each other and between students and teachers.

Competition work

The competition is announced by the Dean of the Faculty for the respective academic year. The announcement of the competition shall be published on the official notice board of the Faculty. Any student of the Faculty of Education, both full-time and part-time, may participate in the competition in one of the following two categories:

  • 1st cycle students of higher education,
  • 2nd cycle students of higher education,

The participant will prepare a thesis on a topic related to the study programme he/she is studying. The topics will be announced by the teaching and research staff of the faculty through their departments. The student may also prepare a thesis on his/her own topic, if approved by the supervisor of the field of study or the head of the department. A thesis may also be prepared by a team of students, in which case the contribution of each author must be indicated. During the preparation of the thesis, students may consult with faculty members or other experts (if this is done, it must be stated in the thesis).

Theses may be theoretical, theoretical-application, or empirical-research. The thesis may be part of a thesis; this fact must be evident and declared in the introduction of the thesis. The written thesis must respect the ISO 690 standard. The total length of the thesis with annexes is a minimum of 20 and a maximum of 45 standard pages. The thesis must have a comb or other suitable binding. The thesis must be submitted in 2 copies no later than 31 March of the academic year in question to the chair of the committee of the relevant section.

In the arts, the competitor shall submit a musical composition or interpretation of a musical work (submit a recording), a work of art or a set of works of art (in one copy). In artistic disciplines, the submission of a written work is not required.

In addition to the thesis, students must submit, by the deadline, an application form as specified in Annex 1. Students who do not meet the deadline or whose thesis does not meet the above requirements will not be admitted to the competition.

Organisation of the competition

The competition is organised by the Department of Science and Doctoral Studies. The competition takes place at the faculty in two rounds. The first round takes place in the departments, the second round is a faculty round. Both rounds of the competition are public. Both rounds are competitive and are conducted in the following sections:

A. Teacher Training Sections.

  • Section for undergraduate students
  • Section for Master's degree students

B. Non-teaching courses

  • Section for Bachelor's degree students
  • Section for Master's degree students

Students in the joint degree programme will be placed in sections according to the year in which they are studying.

Preparation of the 1st round of the SVOUČ at the departments

The preparation of the first round of the ŠVOUČ is carried out at the institutes and departments of the Faculty of Education of Comenius University. Departments are the organisers of the conference in the first round. The head of the department appoints an employee – the departmental coordinator of the SVOUČ, who will coordinate the work within the SVOUČ at the departments (e.g. announcement of the topics, informing students, colleagues, checking the deadlines). The Head of Department has the right to create subsections if more than 10 students apply for one section.

Chairpersons of the evaluation committees for Round 1 of the competition will be appointed by the Heads of Departments. The other members of the committee will be appointed by the chairperson of the committee. An expert from another institution may also be a member of the committee. The minimum number of committee members, including the chairperson, is 3.

The chairman of the committee will appoint the assessor of the thesis, who will draw up the assessment, the second assessment will be drawn up by the supervisor (consultant) of the thesis, if such is indicated in the thesis. The assessments shall be submitted in one copy to the chair of the committee. The authors must receive the assessment by e-mail or other appropriate means at least 5 working days before the 1st round of the SVOUČ. The evaluations shall be drawn up according to the templates prepared and approved separately for scientific and artistic activities.

Second Faculty-wide round of the competition

Based on the results of the first round, each department may propose up to 3 works from each section (or subsection) for the faculty round.The chairs of the sections of the SVOUČ are appointed by the Dean of the Faculty. Section chairs also in the faculty round may form a subsection if more than 5 papers are proposed in one section. The dean of the faculty appoints the chairpersons of the evaluation committee for the second round of the competition on the proposal of the section chairpersons, and the section chairpersons appoint the members of the committee. The committee must have at least three members, including the chair. An expert from another institution may also be appointed as a member of the evaluation committee.At the faculty round, the competitors will present the theses of their work, respond to the evaluations of the assessor and the supervisor (consultant), and to questions and suggestions from the audience. The date of the faculty round will be set by the OVDŠ in accordance with the schedule of the academic year. The organisation of the faculty round of the competition is organised by the Student Chamber of the AS at the Faculty of Education of Comenius University and the OVDŠ. The Dean of the Faculty may grant a Dean's leave on the day of the faculty round of the SVOUČ. The expert evaluation committee in the faculty round will announce the three best theses in each section. The committee may decide not to award a place or to propose two works for the same place. After the evaluation of the competition in their section, the committees will immediately draw up a report, which they will sign, and send it, together with one copy of the winning paper, to the Vice-Dean for Science and Doctoral Studies. The Department of Science and Doctoral Studies, on the basis of the documents of the evaluation committees, prepares diplomas/certificates of placement in the SVOUČ competition, which will be handed over after the faculty round. The academic community will be informed of the results on the faculty website. The evaluation committee may recommend works for the national (international) rounds of the SSCS, if such rounds are to be held in the given area.The Vice-Dean for Science and Doctoral Studies has the right to check whether the evaluation committees have worked correctly.

Evaluation of the works and the evaluation committee of the SVOUČ

The evaluation committee shall have a chairperson and at least 2 other members. If a member of the evaluation committee is a person who was a supervisor of a participant of the SCEAR Sectional Round, he/she does not vote in the case of evaluation of his/her thesis. The exact method of evaluation shall be agreed before the start of each round, and the members of the individual committees shall have the opportunity to get acquainted with the individual works in advance, in agreement with the chair of the committee.


The authors of the papers that take the first three places in the faculty round will receive an extraordinary scholarship in the amount of min. 100, 150, 200 euros, depending on the placement. In case of co-authorship, the reward will be divided in the proportion of co-authorship. The specific amount of the extraordinary scholarship will be determined according to the amount of funding available to the faculty for these purposes in a given academic year.

The Department of Science and Doctoral Studies will prepare diplomas/certificates on the basis of the documents submitted by the evaluation committees, which will be handed over at the end of the faculty round.

Participants in Round 1 of the competition who did not advance to the second round will receive a certificate of participation. If a national or international round of the competition is held, the faculty will cover travel and accommodation costs for the student(s) who advance to this round.

The Statute was approved by the AS PdF UK on 14.11. 2018, it entered into force on the date of approval in the AS at the Faculty of Education of Comenius University. On the effective date, the statute of SVOUČ valid from 22.11.2017 is repealed.

Submit the competition work in the form as specified in the competition announcement no later than 31 March of the relevant year.

Themes of the XV. year of the SVOUČ for the academic year 2023/2024

Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Mária Belešová, PhD.

Topic: Good and evil in fairy tales perceived by preschool children

Abstract: The central theme of many fairy tales is the theme of good and evil. The fairy tale world has required rules where good wins and evil is punished. Children consider these rules to be safe and follow them. As a result, children have a better understanding of how the real world works. The aim of the SHOW will be to find out through group interviews with preschool children how they perceive and evaluate good and evil in fairy tales. The student's task will be to select a representative selection of several fairy tale excerpts to read to the children. After the reading, a group interview will be conducted. 

Topic: Reading gifted pupils in primary education

Abstract: Gifted learners have highly developed intellectual abilities compared to their peers. The most common characteristics of gifted children include the ability to read already in the preschool period, a wide vocabulary, the use of foreign words and phrases. The aim of the SHSE will be to find out, through individual interviews, how gifted pupils relate to reading, the frequency of their reading, their comprehension of text, their ability to think critically when reading, etc.


Mgr. Lenka Szentesiová, PhD.

Topic: Children's book as a means of vocabulary development in preschool

Annotation. The aim of the thesis will be to find out the influence of reading fiction literature on the passive vocabulary of a preschool child.  The level of vocabulary will be analyzed by the researcher on the basis of the child's reproduction of short samples of fiction literature. The reproduction of the text will be preceded by a guided reading by the researcher together with the child; during the subsequent reproduction, the researcher will record in a structured observation, precisely defined categories: the occurrence of lexical units, semantic precision in naming objects, as well as the child's phrasing abilities. The research methods will be the guided reading method and structured observation.

Topic: Children's preconceptions of books and book culture

Abstract: The thesis will be theoretical and empirical in nature. The aim of the thesis will be to identify children's preconceptions and naive theories associating pre-school children with the book as both a 'physical object' and a source of knowledge and artistic experience. Phenomena related to the function of the book, the function and ritualization of reading, as well as the differentiation of the book from digital technologies with textual content will also be objects of investigation. The research method will be the analysis of children's drawings and verbal utterances/interviews with the child.


Mgr. Lucia Bundová, PhD.

Topic: Developing strength skills in pre-primary and primary education

Abstract: The development of strength skills is also one of the important components of a child's motor development. This topic is often perceived negatively, strength training is considered inappropriate for children. The aim of the SHSE is to present the possibilities of developing strength skills with respect to the age specificities of children. The work is theoretical in nature. The output of the thesis is an application part with recommended exercises.

Topic: Possibilities of using modern technologies and mobile applications in teaching physical and sports education

Abstract: Modern technologies are nowadays an important component of children's and adults' lives. Among the main objectives of the SHSE will be to implement movement exercises using modern technologies and thus to find out the degree of increase in children's motivation for physical activities.


In case of interest in any of the topics of the SVOUČ, students must contact the topic leader and submit their applications in electronic form no later than 17 February 2024 to the departmental coordinator, who is Mgr. Lucia Bundová, PhD. (