Instructions for Authors

Technical instructions:

The length of the texts should not exceed 20 NP, including footnotes

Text in the .doc, .docx, .rtf. format

Only level the text to the left, do not use spaces in between the paragraphs, do not start new paragraph with TAB (just use ENTER at the end of the previous paragraph)

In the text: font –   TIMES NEW ROMAN 12, line spacing 1.5

Footnotes – font TIMES NEW ROMAN 10, line spacing 1.0

Title of the article: TIMES NEW ROMAN 14, bold, centered

Under the headline, one line space, author´s name (TIMES NEW ROMAN 12, italics, centered).

Under the author´s name – name of the university (TIMES NEW ROMAN 10, center)

Titles of the chapters: TIMES NEW ROMAN 12, capital letters, bold, centered


Each article to be accompanied with:

At the beginning – Abstract (5 – 10 lines) and keywords (4 – 5) in English and Slovak (font – TIMES NEW ROMAN 11), in the following order: Abstract / keywords / Abstrakt / kľúčové slová

At the end: author’s details: (name, organization, the address of the organization, e-mail) (TIMES NEW ROMAN, 10).

Bibliography (at the end of the article, in alphabetical order, Times New Roman 11)

Examples of citations in the text:

The Chicago Manual of Style