About us

The Department of Ethics and Civic Education

Since its establishment, the Department has organised several international activities.  Members of the Department have been and are involved in several grants and scientific research tasks.

The Department of Ethics and Civic Education prepares teachers of civic education for the 2nd level of primary schools and secondary schools in the study programme Teacher of Education for Citizenship (combined) at the Bachelor and Master degree level, in both full-time and part-time form.

The Department was established in 1990 under the name of the Department of Humanities and provided philosophical and cultural disciplines for other disciplines of the Faculty of Education and for the general teaching base. In 1991 it was renamed the Department of Social and Cultural Studies with the same focus. Since 1993, the Department has been functioning under the name of the Department of Ethical and Civic Education.

The focus of the Department's work at that time became the training of teachers of civic and ethical education, while maintaining the previous activities. In 1998, the first graduates of the Department of Civic Education - Ethical Education graduated. At the same time, the Department teaches philosophical, political science and cultural studies disciplines on a general teaching basis (i.e. for all male and female students of the Faculty of Education) and sub-subjects for other fields of study.

The length of the Bachelor's degree is 6 semesters (3 years), the Master's degree 4 semesters (2 years). The condition for admission to the Bachelor's degree is the final examination.

The study of education for citizenship is theoretically and practically oriented: students acquire the theoretical foundations of the disciplines that are taught in the framework of civic education at primary and secondary schools. The study is built in an interdisciplinary way so that students are able to search for and find connections between the issues of different humanities disciplines. The curriculum therefore includes three main groups of subjects in the Bachelor's degree:

Core subjects - e.g. political science, history of philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, sociology

Supporting subjects - e.g. foundations of law, foundations of economics, foundations of religious studies, values and education, social psychological training

Additional subjects - e.g. sociology of education and youth, culture and multiculturalism, theory of democracy, communication and presentation skills of the teacher, etc.

The Master's degree also includes the acquisition of practical skills in practice. Whether in didactics of civics, during practical teaching in primary and secondary schools, or during excursions to various institutions of the capital. The study is built in such a way that the students equally develop the abilities, skills and knowledge necessary for the work of a teacher of civics. Students' knowledge, skills and abilities are assessed partly continuously - by tests, written work, developing activities directly in class, partly once after the course - oral and written examinations, tests, portfolios, colloquia and project work.