Faculty of EducationComenius University Bratislava

About the Faculty

The Faculty of Education is one of the biggest faculties of Comenius University and also one of the biggest faculties of education in Slovakia. The faculty is housed in two buildings at 59 Račianska Street and 4 Šoltésova Street in Bratislava. The faculty offers education for pedagogical staff (teachers and educators) for pre-primary, primary and secondary schools, experts for education, labour and social affairs and healthcare resorts as well as teachers and educators for all kinds of special schools and facilities in Slovakia.

The Faculty, regarded as one of the leading research centres, has a highly developed programme based on an interdisciplinary approach of the so called general programme with individual subjects, subjects’ didactics and teaching practice for all levels of school education and education facilities. The importance of teacher training, modernization of methods and teaching processes is in closed connection with the current state of our school system and the results of monitoring of various surveys together with work on the new curricular programmes are among the priorities of the faculty.

The important part of the offer of study programmes is formed by non-teaching specializations such as speech therapy, social work, psychological and career counseling for individuals with disabilities, special pedagogy, medical education, tutoring and social education, foreign languages and cultures. The faculty is regarded as being a unique workplace and a centre of scientific research in many of the above mentioned fields.

The Faculty offers full-time and distant Bachelor’s, Master’s and postgraduate study programmes and confer academic, scientific-educational or artistic-educational titles. Other forms of study offered by the faculty include lifelong education programmes, preparation of educators and testing of teachers.