Departmental Coordinators

Department Coordinator e-mail
Department of Communication Disorders prof. PaedDr. Zsolt Cséfalvay, PhD. csefalvay(at)
Department of Didactics of Mathematics and Natural Sciences doc. PaedDr. Ján Gunčaga, PhD. guncaga(at)
Department of English Language, Literature and Didactics Mgr. Patrícia Kotlebová, PhD. kotlebova(at)
Department of Ethics and Civic Education prof. PhDr. Erich Mistrík, PhD. mistrik(at)
Department of Arts and Culture - Section of of Fine Arts Education Mgr. art. Natália Okolicsányiová, ArtD. okolicsanyiova(at)
Department of German Language, Literature and Didactics PaedDr. Peter Gergel, PhD. gergel(at)
Department of History and History Didactics prof. Pavol Matula, PhD. matula(at)
Department of Arts and Culture - Section of of Music Education Mgr. art. et Mgr. Monika Bažíková, ArtD. monika.bazikova(at)
Department of Pedagogy Mgr. Peter Ostradický, PhD. peter.ostradicky(at)
Department of Pre-Primary and Primary Education Mgr. Lenka Szentesiová, PhD. szentesiova(at)
Department of Psychology and Patopsychology doc. PhDr. Mária Glasová, PhD. glasova(at)
Department of Romance Languages, Literatures and Didactics Mgr. Radana Štrbáková, PhD. strbakova(at)
Department of Slovak Language, Literature and Didactics Mgr. Eva Faithová, PhD. faithova(at)
Department of Social Work doc. PhDr. Pavol Kopinec, PhD. kopinec(at)
Department of Special Education PaedDr. Margaréta Osvaldová, PhD. osvaldova(at)
Department of Therapeutic Education Mgr. Pavol Janoško, PhD. janosko(at)