Mgr. Ľubica Blažencová, PhD. – assistant professor
02/ 90 15 91 53
Room Š 316
Current project:
VEGA 2/0042/23 Transformations and contexts of cultural identity in the enclave and diaspora: on the example of Slovaks and Rusnaks in the Lowlands. Principal investigator for FEDU CU (2023 – 2026)
Hlavná riešiteľka za PdF UK: Mgr. Ľubica Blažencová, PhD. Spoluriešitelia: doc. PhDr. Erika Brtáňová, CSc., prof. PhDr. Peter Žeňuch, DrSc. (2023 – 2026)
Scientific and pedagogical characteristics:
In her pedagogical practice he deals with the periods of Classicism, Pre-Romanticism, Romanticism and Realism in Slovak literature. She focuses on research and teaching of Slovak as a foreign language. Her research focuses on the older history of Slovak literature with an emphasis on the spiritual poetry of the Baroque period. In her studies she interprets the genre of the psalm and its paraphrases in the poetry of authors of earlier and more recent periods of development. Her final Bachelorʾs and Masterʾs theses are mainly focused on the analysis and interpretation of literary works of older Slovak literature, on literary works of Great Moravian history, on historical songs of the Renaissance period, and on travel and memoir prose of the Baroque period in the context of European literature. The thesis provides a definition and typology of characters, national and non-national motifs, explores biblical themes and moral values in the work of authors of Slovak literary realism, and provides a reflection of this period in textbooks of Slovak literature.
VEGA 2/0042/23 Premeny a súvislosti kultúrnej identity v enkláve a diaspóre: na príklade Slovákov a Rusnákov na Dolnej zemi
Hlavná riešiteľka za PdF UK: Mgr. Ľubica Blažencová, PhD. Spoluriešitelia: doc. PhDr. Erika Brtáňová, CSc., prof. PhDr. Peter Žeňuch, DrSc. (2023 – 2026)
doc. PhDr. Erika Brtáňová, CSc. – associate professor
02/ 90 15 9154
Room Š 317
Current projects:
APVV-22-0088 What do Slovak archives hold? The Spiritual Legacy of the East in the West. Co-investigator (2023 – 2027)
VEGA 2/0042/23 Transformations and contexts of cultural identity in the enclave and diaspora: on the example of Slovaks and Rusnaks in the Lowlands. Co-investigator (2023 – 2026)
Scientific and pedagogical characteristics:
Her research focuses on the history of early Slovak literature, with an emphasis on fiction and religious-educational genres. She conducts lectures and interpretive seminars on older Slovak literature, world literature and the contexts of European cultural thought.
She is the author of the monographs Medieval Scholastic Discipline (2000), On the Margins of Older Literature (2012), and The Enlightenment Writing of Ladislav Bartolomeides (2022). She co-authored the monographs Pannonia docta = The Learned Pannonia : From the Prehistory of Hungarian-Slovak literary (2003), D. Tureček - P. Zajac et al. A Synoptic-Pulsational Model of Cultural Phenomenon (2017), E. Uhrin et al.: Chapters from the past and present of Slovaks in Békéšská Čaba (2018), E. Brtáňová - D. Soukup: From the History of Preaching Prose I (2019), et al. She prepared for publication the editions Jozef Ignác Bajza: The Work (2009), Travel and Memoir Literature of the 16th-18th Century (2010), Karol Kuzmány: The Work (2014), Jonáš Záborský: The Wisdom of Life in Temple Speeches (2015), The Word of the Lord Remains Faithful. From the preaching works of Slovak writers of the 18th-19th centuries (2018). She is the compiler of the Literary and Historical Colloquium, which presents the results of Slovak literary and historical research from the periods of the Middle Ages, Humanism and Renaissance (2013), Baroque (2017) and Classicism (2017).
Mgr. Mária Dziviaková, PhD. – assistant professor
02/ 90 15 91 54
Room Š 318
Scientific and pedagogical characteristics:
In her teaching practice she focuses on the contemporary standard Slovak language - on the area of morphology, syntax and orthography, she also teaches introduction to language study and complex language analysis.
She has long been scientifically oriented to the problems of morphology and syntax of the contemporary standard Slovak language, her research focuses mainly on the syntax of contemporary Slovak, especially on the problem of the verb and its central position in the sentence, the question of sentence types and verbal and verbal-non-verbal one-member sentences.
The final Bachelorʾs and Masterʾs theses are in accordance with the scientific research focus of the supervisor oriented on the area of morphology, syntax and orthography of the contemporary standard Slovak language; on the investigation of selected, especially with regard to school practice, problematic phenomena in the given areas; the theses provide a definition, characterization, typology of the morphological, syntactic and orthographic phenomena under study, with special emphasis on their rich excerpts from written expressions of various functional styles of standard Slovak or from works of fiction by renowned Slovak authors, demonstrating their real representation, use and function in the texts in question, as well as the differentiation of the phenomena under study from similar linguistic phenomena. In the case of diploma theses, attention is also paid to the analysis of the understanding of grammatical and orthographic phenomena in Slovak language textbooks intended for the second level of primary schools and for secondary schools, as well as to pointing out the linguistic phenomena causing the greatest difficulties in school or language practice in a given area.
Mgr. Eva Faithová, PhD. – assistant professor
02/ 90 15 9155
Room Š 314
Current project:
KEGA 017KU-4/2022 Stimulus and barriers to differentiated learning with a view to ensuring equal opportunities in education for socially disadvantaged pupils. Co-investigator (2022 – 2024)
Scientific and pedagogical characteristics:
She has a long-standing scientific interest in literature for children and youth, selected aspects of literary theory, world literature and didactics of literature, her research focuses mainly on the issues of non-fiction, genre invariants and their updates, ideological schematism in Slovak literature and innovative ways of working with fiction texts in the teaching of literature in lower and upper secondary education.
Her final theses are professionally and thematically focused mainly on genre invariants and their updates, on the category of the literary character, on the possibilities of using fiction literature of a particular thematic focus in the construction of the pupil's value system, as well as on innovative ways of working with fiction text in the framework of teaching literature in lower and upper secondary education.
Mgr. Mária Halašková – lecturer
02/ 90 15 91 56
Room Š 316
Current project:
VEGA 1/0061/22 Forms and Functions of Minimalism in Contemporary Slovak Poetry. Co-investigator (2022 – 2024)
Scientific and pedagogical characteristics:
In her pedagogical practice she is engaged in teaching Slovak language and literature at the primary level of education. She teaches courses focused on didactics of Slovak language and work with literary text at the primary level of education.
Her dissertation focuses on historical, poetological and didactic aspects of visual poetry for children. She has published reviews and scholarly articles in domestic literary journals and magazines.
Her theses have a professional and thematic focus on the innovative use of literary text and illustration in school children's clubs.
Mgr. Ľubica Horváthová, PhD. – assistant professor
02/ 90 15 91 57
Room Š 318
Current project:
ESF Project No. 312011AFX7 Improvement of the preparation of future teaching staff in the field of education of humanities and social sciences, languages and artistic sciences. Professional methodologist (2020 - 2023)
Scientific and pedagogical characteristics:
In her pedagogical practice she focuses on the field of lexicology, stylistics and didactics of the Slovak language, on the competences of a teacher of Slovak language and literature in practice and on the pedagogical practice of students.
Her areas of professional and research interest are in particular the specifics of the use of linguistic means in various types of language expression in different spheres of communication, the language and style of Slovak authors of literature for children and youth, the possibilities of developing students' knowledge and skills in the teaching of Slovak language and literature, the evaluation of speech and narrative skills of persons with impaired communication skills, as well as the development of narrative competence of children from marginalized backgrounds.
Her final theses are professionally and thematically focused on the analysis of the language and style of contemporary Slovak writers for children and youth, on the specifics of the use of linguistic (mainly lexical) means in various types of language expressions in different spheres of communication, the relationship between linguistic theory and linguistic practice, current issues and problems of language and school practice, the analysis of Slovak language textbooks and innovative ways of developing pupils' knowledge and skills in the teaching of Slovak language and literature in secondary education.
prof. PhDr. Ján Kačala, DrSc. – profesor
02/ 90 15 91 58
Room Š 319
Scientific and pedagogical characteristics:
His scientific work focuses on the research of the standard Slovak language, especially its syntactic level (systematic research in the field of sentence semantics), he pays constant attention to theoretical and practical issues of language culture and issues of lexicology and lexicography, the issues of theoretical concepts used in Slovak linguistics, personalities and works of important figures of Slovak linguistics, research of language and style of leading contemporary Slovak writers.
He conducts final theses focused on the field of contemporary standard language and its recent history, on the excerpt, description and interpretation of selected linguistic phenomena from the field of syntax, morphology and spelling of contemporary standard Slovak, on the description of theoretical concepts used in Slovak linguistics, the personality and work of important figures of Slovak linguistics, the description and analysis of linguistic works important from the point of view of the history of standard Slovak and Slovak linguistics, the analysis of the language and style of the leading contemporary Slovak writers, the description of the linguistic situation in the individual periods of the development of standard Slovak, the description of the dialect of the native community.
doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Šrank, PhD. – associate professor
02/ 90 15 91 61
Room Š 317
Current project:
VEGA 1/0061/22 Forms and Functions of Minimalism in Contemporary Slovak Poetry. Co-investigator (2022 – 2024)
Scientific and pedagogical characteristics:
Focuses on the history and poetics of Slovak literature of the 20th century and after 1989, selected aspects of literary theory, analysis and interpretation of poetry, Slovak literature of the 20th century in the context of socio-political and cultural-civilizational transformations, sociology of literary life, poetics of Socialist Realism, poetics and history of Slovak experimental (visual) poetry and intermediality of artistic literature, urban topics in Slovak poetry. He is continuously engaged in literary-critical reflection on contemporary Slovak poetry.
Final theses are focused on the field of analysis and interpretation of literary works of modern Slovak literature of the first half of the 20th century, on the analysis and interpretation of literary works of modern Slovak literature of the 2nd half of the 20th century, the analysis and interpretation of literary works of modern Slovak literature after 1989, the history of 20th century Slovak literature, its aesthetics and poetics, 20th century Slovak literature in the context of socio-political and cultural-civilisational transformations, the poetics and history of Slovak experimental (visual) poetry, urban poetics in Slovak poetry, the poetics of socialist realism, the sociology of literary life.
VEGA 1/0061/22 Podoby a funkcie minimalizmu v súčasnej slovenskej poézii
Spoluriešitelia: Mgr. Mária Halašková, doc. Mgr. Jaroslav Šrank, PhD. (2022 – 2024)
Mgr. Monika Turočeková, PhD. – assistant professor
02/ 90 15 94 06
Room Š 319
Scientific and pedagogical characteristics:
Her scientific research focuses on the contemporary standard Slovak language, especially on lexicology, syntax and the sound level of the Slovak language. Her pedagogical activity is focused on phonetics and phonology, language culture, orthoepy and orthography. Her final theses are professionally and thematically focused on various aspects of lexical vocabulary, on the relationship between orthoepy and orthography in speech and written discourse, on the analysis of written discourse of primary school pupils and on the analysis of speech discourse in pre-school and school environments.
Prof. PhDr. Peter Žeňuch, DrSc. – professor
02/ 90 15 91 62
Room Š 319
Current projects:
APVV-22-0088 What do Slovak archives hold? The Spiritual Legacy of the East in the West. Principal investigator for FEDU CU (2023 – 2027)
VEGA 2/0042/23 Transformations and contexts of cultural identity in the enclave and diaspora: on the example of Slovaks and Rusnaks in the Lowlands. Co-investigator (2023 – 2026)
Scientific and pedagogical characteristics:
He has been systematically researching Cyrillic writings, manuscripts and old prints for a long time. He examines the use of vernacular, official and sacred language in written and spoken form as an identifier of ethnic and confessional affiliation. His research focuses on the boundaries of the linguistic and religious conglomerates of Slavia Latina and Slavia Byzantina. He pays special importance to research on language and culture, Church Slavonic and its influence on the vernacular language in the Byzantine-Slavic environment in Slovakia and in the Carpathian region. He has carried out field and archival research, which has yielded important results, especially in the field of research into the earlier history of Slovak language and culture and its relationship to the Byzantine-Slavic linguistic and cultural environment; he has managed to collect and digitise over 300 manuscripts and old prints from the environment of eastern Slovakia in Church Slavonic, Slovak and Latin, which had gone unnoticed, and often even completely unknown. He is systematically processing this corpus of materials and making it available to the Slovak and international scientific community and the wider public. This corpus of monuments is the basis for scientific studies, monographic publications, scientific and popular lectures and outputs in which interdisciplinary issues are not limited to the field of Slavic studies and the history of Slovak language and culture, but extend mainly into the field of cultural studies, ethnology and historiography. The published studies and scholarly books point out in particular that Cyrillic and liturgical Church Slavonic used in the environment of Byzantine tradition and culture in Slovakia cannot be considered the only criterion by which the cultural, linguistic or ethnic affiliation of its users can be reliably determined from the earliest times. Liturgical language is only indicative of belonging to a rite and the preservation of a liturgical tradition. The Cyrillic and Church Slavonic spiritual-cultural tradition forms an integral part of the cultural identity of Slovakia.