Final theses and state exams

Procedure for the student:

After selecting the topic of the final thesis (FT), it is necessary to contact the teacher who wrote it via the faculty email. If you and the faculty member agree to take you to the selected topic, download the form (application for the final thesis) to your computer, fill it out electronically, and email it to the faculty member.

Students in the 2nd year of their Bachelor's degree and 1st year of their Master's degree are required to apply for a thesis topic by the end of October AY:

  • Hand in (or email the script to) the thesis supervisor once;
  • 1x to the department secretariat (or send a scenario of the application form signed by both the student and the thesis supervisor to


Final thesis topics

Témy záverečných prác v akademickom roku 2023/2024

Electronic signing of licence agreements for theses:

As of 14.4.2021, electronic signing of thesis contracts is available in the AiS2 system.

In connection with the new processes for submitting the thesis, the license agreement is no longer printed by the student and sent to the faculty.

Instructions on how to electronically sign the license agreement even though it has already been marked as final or sent for originality check.

All information regarding the FT can be found HERE!