
Scientific and research activities

Scientific and research activities of the members of the Department of therapeutic education are focused on the problems of education in the context of specific therapeutic interventions.

Scientific grants at the international level

2012-2014 : Project LLP Leonardo da Vinci

ICF-TRAIN - Online training of professionals in ECI

VINCO, Kapfenberg, Rakúsko

Partner countries: Portugalsko, Nemecko, Slovensko, Turecko, Rakúsko

Master worker: Mgr. Ivana Lištiaková, PhD.

Deputy worker: Mgr. Zuzana Fábry Lucká, PhD.

Investigators: Prof. PhDr. Marta Horňáková, PhD. Doc. PaedDr. Katarína Majzlanová, PhD., Doc. PaedDr. Barbora Kováčová, PhD., Mgr. Petra Mitašíková, PhD., Mgr. Zuzana Yakhyaev, PhD, Mgr. Pavol Janoško, PhD.

more information:

Abstract: ICF-Train is a LLL (Lifelong Learning Project) funded by the European Union. It is carried out by 12 partners from 6 European countries and coordinated by VINCO from Kapfenberg, Austria. The target groups are professionals and clients in service delivery and training in Early Childhood Intervention.
The main project contents is the development of a combined Web2.0 online team assessment tool and real-time online training tool for using ICF-CY.


2011-2013 : Projekt LLP Leonardo da Vinci

ECI2.0 - Early Childhood Intervention - European Competence Innitiative 

BISEV, Istanbul, Turecko

Partner countries: Rakúsko, Litva, Slovensko, Luxembursko

Master worker: Mgr. Ivana Lištiaková, PhD.

Deputy worker: Mgr. Zuzana Fábry Lucká, PhD 

Investigators: Prof. PhDr. Marta Horňáková, PhD. Doc. PaedDr. Katarína Majzlanová, PhD., Doc. PaedDr. Barbora Kováčová, PhD., Mgr. Petra Mitašíková, PhD., PaedDr. Hroznata Živný, PhD., Mgr. Pavol Janoško, PhD.

more information:

Abstract: The issue of early intervention was the European Leonardo da Vinci LLP project on Early Intervention, called the European Initiative for Competence in Early Intervention "ECI2.0". The objectives of the project were to increase the skills of early intervention professionals by: providing training programs for parents and professionals (eg supporting the development of children and parental competencies), monitoring education through online evaluation, making online work materials available to support information transfer and communication among professionals.


2009 - 2011: Projekt LLP Leonardo da Vinci
- Strengths children in the context of mental health difficulties parents
Master worker: Dr. Manfred Pretis, S:I:N:N: Social Innovatives Network, Graz,  Austria.

Partner countries: Fínsko, Nemecko, Rakúsko, Slovensko, Maďarsko, Bulharsko, Španielsko, Portugalsko
Garant : prof. PhDr. Marta Horňáková, PhD.
Investigators: Mgr. Ivana Lištiaková (dokt.), Mgr. Barbora Vodičková, PhD., Mgr. Petra Mitašíková, PhD., PaedDr, Monika Stupková, PhD., PaedDr. Magdaléna Szabová, PaedDr. Barbora Kováčová, PhD., Mgr. Mária Bendíková (dokt.), Mgr. Jana Skraková (dokt.).
more information:

Abstract: The prevalence of mental illness is constantly increasing, depression will become the 2nd largest cause of the global health burden by 2020 (WHO) with major impacts on children and families (3-11% "forgotten" children). Improving the mental health and well-being of children and young people is one of the 5 priorities set out in the EU Pact for Mental Health at the EU high level in 6/2008. In almost no EU country "forgotten children" are included in formal training programs of professionals in diverse bio-psycho-social sectors. However a mental vulnerability of a parent always can be seen as a source of chronic distress and increased own vulnerability for young children. In terms of prevention KIDS`STRENGTHS transfers available EU training knowledge (Lets talk about children, Fostering Resilience) and tools (e.g. online resource pools like into different bio-psycho-social sectors and countries (AT; DE; ES; FI, HU, PT; SK; TR and EN) and also offers peer-oriented online-skill training and a platform for children themselves to express their worries and find support.

2008 - 2010: EU projekt  LEONARDO LLP LDV-TOI-08-AT-0011
- Professional Resources in Early Childhood Intervention: Online Tools and Standarts.
Master worker: Dr. Manfred Pretis, S:I:N:N: Social Innovatives Network, Graz,  Austria.
Garant : prof. PhDr. Marta Horňáková, PhD.
Investigators: Mgr. Tunde Kardošová (dokt.), Mgr. Ivana Lištiaková (dokt.), Mgr. Barbora Vodičková, PhD., Mgr. Petra Mitašíková, PhD., PaedDr. Magdaléna Szabová, PaedDr. Monika Stupková, Mgr. Jana Špániková, PaedDr. Barbora Kováčová, PhD.
more information:

Scientific grants at national level

2017-2019: Project VEGA 1/0598/17
Evaluation of Effective Factors of Multisensory Approaches in Therapeutical Education


Principal investigator: Comenius University in Bratislava
Responsible Person: Mgr. Ivana Lessner Lištiaková, PhD. (2017)
                                  Mgr. Zuzana Fábry Lucká, PhD. (from 2018)
Representative of the researcher: Mgr. Petra Mitašíková, PhD.
Research Team: Mgr. Ivana Lessner Lištiaková, PhD., Mgr. Zuzana Tulák Krčmáriková, PhD., PhDr. Erika Tichá, PhD., Doc. PaedDr. Daniela Valachová, PhD., Prof. PaedDr. Marta Horňáková, PhD., Mgr. Pavol Janoško, PhD.
Project website:

Abstract: The project is focused on the construction and evaluation of the theory of effective factors functioning in therapeutic-educational approaches utilizing multisensory environments in the context of therapeutic-educational intervention. From the qualitative part of the research, the researchers extract the factors of effectiveness of therapeutic-educational multisensory strategies. Based on the created theoretical paradigm, a tool for evaluation of multisensory intervention approaches will be constructed and verified in the quantitative in the quantitative part of the research. The goal of the project is the construction of the theoretical platform for scientific evaluation of multisensory intervention approaches in therapeutic education.



2016 - 2017: KEGA project no. 030UK-4/2016

Communication and collaboration with the family in an inclusive school

Research Unit: Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Education, Department of Therapeutical Pedagogy

Project partners: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculty of Behavioral and Movement Sciences; IGhB - Internationale Gesellschaft heilpädagogischer Berufs- und Fachverbände; 'Eötvös Loránd' University of Sciences 'Bárczi Gusztáv' Faculty of Special Needs Education

Responsible researcher: Mgr. Pavol Janoško, PhD.

Project team: prof. Mgr. Marta Hornakova, PhD. (Deputy Project Leader, Professional Guarantor), other members: doc. Mgr. Jana Svetlíková, CSc., PaedDr. Darina Dvorská, PhD., Mgr. Denis Liska, PhD., Mgr. Estera Köverova, PhD. PaedDr. Veronika Kušnírová, PhD., PaedDr. Božena Švábová, PhD.



2015 – 2017 : Project KEGA č. 069UK-4/2015

Support for social adaptation of adolescents with physical disabilities through group-oriented art therapy

Abstract: The main objective of the project is to create and verify model of supporting art therapeutic intervention aimed at developing and promoting social adaptation and resilience of adolescents with disabilities. The model of Art therapeutic intervention is oriented for the promotion of coping with life situations as well as the promotion of competencies for successful social adaptation. Applied research is part of the project, which is aimed at evaluation, verification the effectiveness and functionality of the generated model. The ultimate aim of this project is the application of new knowledge, methods and practices in the field of care for adolescents with disabilities.

Principal investigator: Comenius University of Bratislava

Partners: The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Main worker: doc. PaedDr. Barbora Kováčová, PhD.

Investigators: prof. Jaroslava Šicková, PhD., akad.soch., doc. PaedDr. Katarína Majzlanová, PhD.; Mgr. Ivana Lištiaková, PhD.; Mgr. Zuzana Fábry Lucká, PhD., Mgr. Petra Mitašíková, PhD., Mgr. Ružena Mojíková, PhD., Mgr. Zuzana Krnáčová, MA, Mgr. Alžbeta Poloňová,


2015 – 2017 : Project KEGA č. 067UK-4/2015

E-learning modules on the issue of behavioral disorders in children

Abstract: The project focuses on creating an electronically elaborated educational-methodical manual for the issue of behavioural disorders and problems in children in school age that will serve for supporting competences of pedagogues and counselling professionals when working with children with behavioural disorders. The material will also become a part of the university e-learning education, by which it will increase the range, quality and innovation of undergraduate education especially of therapeutic, social and special pedagogues. Freely accessible electronic material will allow pedagogical and counselling employees, and also students of pedagogical fields, to understand the psychological, educational and medical aspects of problematic behaviour in children. At the same time it will provide them with the newest scientific and research knowledge from the chosen area; it will allow them to master the possibilities of approaches and solutions for different forms of problematic behaviour; it will provide them with information about the possibilities of therapeutic education and special education and other professional diagnostics. Through a set of case studies it will also mediate adequate inerconnection between theoretical knowledge and practice.

Principal investigator: Comenius University of Bratislava

Partners: The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Main worker: Mgr. Ivana Lištiaková, PhD.

Investigators: doc. PaedDr. Katarína Majzlanová, PhD.; doc. PaedDr. Barbora Kováčová, PhD.; Mgr. Zuzana Fábry Lucká, PhD., Mgr. Petra Mitašíková, PhD., Mgr. Ružena Mojíková, PhD.


2011-2013: Project KEGA
009TVU-4/2011: Inclusive education of such multi-dimensional educational problems
Main worker : prof. PhDr. Viktor Lechta, CSc. (Trnavská Univerzita v Trnave, Pedagogická fakulta)
Co-worker: PaedDr. Barbora Kováčová, PhD.

2009-2011: Project VEGA
č. 1/0065/09: Cognitive, emotional and moral aspects of school bullying and their use in the prevention of bullying at primary school
Principal Investigator: Mgr. Miroslava Adamík Šimegová, PhD. (Trnavská Univerzita v Trnave, Pedagogická fakulta)
Co-worker: PaedDr. Barbora Kováčová, PhD.