Application for the rigorosum examination: You can apply for the rigorosum examination and the defence of the rigorosum thesis after completing a master's degree in a completed or related field of study. The procedure of the rigorosum examination is regulated by the Internal Regulation No. 22/2018 Principles of the rigorosum examination at Comenius University.
You can apply for the rigorosum examination at any time during the year.
Before applying for the rigorosum examination, please contact the Lifelong Learning Department of the Pedagogical Faculty of Comenius University by e-mail
The proposal of the topic of the rigorosum thesis will be agreed with the chair of the rigorosum committee in the completed or related field of study in the relevant department. Please attach the topic confirmed by the chair of the rigoroscopy committee (signed form or e-mail with the agreed topic) to the application form.
The fee for the rigorosum procedure is 480,-€. The fee is payable only after the application for the rigor examination has been accepted
The basic requirements of the final and qualifying theses are informed by the Directive of the Rector of Comenius University VP2023_32
Submission of the rigorous thesis: Submit the electronic version of the rigorous thesis via AIS by the deadline. Before submitting the thesis, please request the access data to the AIS from the Lifelong Learning Office by e-mail
PdF UK Račianska 59, 813 34 Bratislava
Department for Lifelong Learning, 120
PaedDr. Andrea Ďurčová
tel.: + 421 2 9015 9363 mobile: 0905 595 730
Office Hours:
Monday 8.30 - 11.00
Tuesday 8.30 - 11.00
Wednesday 13.00 -14.00
Thursday 8.30 - 11.00
Friday non working day
Opening hours during holidays:
Monday 8.30 - 11.00
Tuesday 8.30 - 11.00