Research profile and projects

Research activity of the Department since 2000

Educators working at the Department of Special Education continuously engage in creative and research activities, as well as other professional activities and activities, and are active in various trade and professional organizations in Slovakia and abroad according to their specialization, in editorial boards of domestic and foreign magazines, commissions, etc. .

As part of the scientific and research activities, the persons responsible for the special education study program, together with other members of the department responsible for the given SP, devoted themselves and are currently devoted to the following projects (ranked from the newest to the oldest over the last 10 years):


DAAD project 2023-2024 Bildungsgänge Studierender mit Hörschädigung.

Principal investigator: prof. PaedDr. Tarcsiová, PhD., CO-INVESTIGATOR: Mgr.Tomášková, PhD.

Total number of solvers: 2


DAAD: Barrierefreistudieren - Inklusion im tertiärenBildungsbereich - 2020-2021

(Comparison of the current status of the implementation of barrier-free accessibility (current status) at the universities represented in the project; survey of the needs of students with disabilities; derivation of stimuli for barrier-free studies in tertiary education...)

Principal investigator: doc. Mgr. Schmidtová, PhD. (2020), prof. PaedDr. Tarcsiová, PhD. (2021)

Total number of solvers: 3 - doc. Mgr. Schmidtová, PhD. 2020, prof. PaedDr. Tarcsiová, PhD., Mgr. Tomášková, PhD.

ERASMUS+: De-SignBilingual (DevelopingDocumentingSignBilingual Best Practice in School) - 2014- 2016  (OEAD:2014-1-AT01-KA201-000891)

(Creation of a map of bilingual education for the deaf in Europe; collection and analysis of examples of good practice in the field of bilingual education in Europe; creation of materials for the implementation of bimodal - bilingual education for the deaf...).

Principal investigator: prof. PaedDr. Tarcsiová, PhD.


DAAD: Interkulturalitätund Horschädigung - 2014 -2015

(Project focused on families with children with hearing impairment who grow up in a foreign-language environment; research focused on the analysis of the influence of the relevant family environment on the specifics of education at the basic level of education... ).

Principal investigator: doc. Mgr. Schmidtová, PhD.

Total number of solvers 2 - doc. Mgr. Schmidtová, PhD., prof. PaedDr. Tarcsiová, PhD.


DAAD: Elternmit Migrations background and Hörgeschädigten pädagogik - 2012-2013

(A project focused on families with hearing-impaired children who grow up in a foreign-language environment; the Turkish minority in Germany and the Roma minority in Slovakia; analysis, synthesis and comparison of the specific needs of families and hearing-impaired children with a different mother tongue in early and preschool age) .

Principal investigator: doc. Mgr. Schmidtová, PhD.

Total number of solvers: 2 - doc. Mgr. Schmidtová, PhD., prof. PaedDr. Tarcsiová, PhD.



KEGA no. 018UK-4/2023 Creation and implementation of new didactic tools for learning, developing and evaluating specific communication forms of children and pupils with sensory disabilities.

Principal investigator: prof. Tarcsiova

Total number of solvers: 5


KEGA 038UK-4/2023 Support and development of innovations in aesthetic education subjects with emphasis on expressive therapies in inclusive education.

Principal investigator: Dr. Margaréta Osvaldová, PhD.

Total number of solvers: 7


KEGA no. 027UK-4/2023 New approaches in sexual education of youth with mental disabilities in the context of their inclusion in intact society.

Principal investigator: PaedDr. Mgr. Andrea Prečuchová Štefanovičová, PhD.

Total number of solvers: 8


KEGA no. 055UK-4/2023 Prevention and elimination of socio-pathological phenomena in the Internet environment for individuals with medical disabilities - digital security for inclusive education.

Principal investigator: doc. PaedDr. Jana Lopúchová, PhD.

Total number of solvers: 10


KEGA 060UK-4/23 Compulsory pre-primary education of children with autism spectrum disorders and children with severe multiple disabilities in the paradigm of special and inclusive education.

Principal investigator: Mgr. Lenka Nadányi, PhD.

Total number of solvers: 9


VEGA no. 1/0478/23 Sign language and sign communication and their use in special and inclusive pedagogy to develop the communication competence of selected groups of children and pupils with special educational needs.

Principal investigator: prof. PaedDr. Darina Tarcsiová, PhD.

Total number of solvers: 6


VEGA no. 1/0196/23 Approaches, interventions and attitudes of teachers towards pupils with specific learning disorders and specific behavioral disorders (ADHD) in Slovak primary schools.

Principal investigator: prof. PaedDr. Miroslava Bartoňová, Ph.D.

Total number of solvers: 9


KEGA no. 051UK-4/2022 Inclusive education in physical and sports education.

Principal investigator: doc. Mgr. Dagmar Nemček, PhD.

Total number of solvers: 5


KEGA 064UK-4/2020: Electronic geography textbook for students with intellectual disabilities - 2020 -2022

(Research analysis aimed at identifying practice requirements for the creation of a new textbook; development of an electronic textbook; experimental verification of an electronic textbook).

Principal investigator: prof. PaedDr. Vančová, CSc.

Total number of solvers: 10


KEGA 049UK-4/2019: Possibilities and limits of integrated/inclusive education of pupils with sensory disabilities - 2019-2021

(Meta-analysis of the issue based on research studies over the past 15 years; analysis, synthesis and comparison of cases of unsuccessfully integrated pupils; creation and publication of specialist materials for school special pedagogues and ordinary school pedagogues; creation of a website and E-learning modules for the field of auditory and visual pedagogy disabled).

Principal investigator: prof. PaedDr. Tarcsiová, PhD.

Total number of solvers: 8 (all members of the department)


VEGA 1/0582/18: Identification, analysis and description of special educational needs of individuals with health disabilities in productive age in the process of objective and subjective evaluation of their further education options in Slovakia - research analysis - 2018-2020

(Determining the current situation in the field of accessibility of further education of individuals with ZZ in productive/post-productive age as one of the determinants of raising their standard of living and the possibility of successful social inclusion; identification, analysis and description of special educational needs (SEP) of subjects - individuals with health handicaps (ZZ ) with an emphasis on individuals with visual, hearing and physical disabilities).

Principal investigator: doc. PaedDr. Lopúchová, PhD.

Total number of solvers: 7 (all members of the department)


PONTIS STpp17_025: Move with me - 2017

(The main goal of the project was the publication of the publication: Posunkuj so mno, which is focused on basic sign language for children of early and preschool age).

Principal investigator: prof. PaedDr. Tarcsiová, PhD.

Total number of solvers: 2


VEGA 1/0789/14: Determinants and deviations in the development of school-aged children with disabilities in the field of somatopathology, psychoeducation, communication and social - 2014-2017

Principal investigator: doc. PaedDr. Terézia Harčaríková, PhD.


VEGA 1/0653/14: Evaluation of the content and formal side of the written expression of students with hearing loss, educated in different educational environments - 2014 -2016

(Research on written expression in Slovakia carried out on a sample of students with hearing loss educated in different environments (special schools and regular schools) and using different hearing aids; incorporating the obtained results into the theory and practice of pedagogy for the hearing impaired).

Principal investigator: prof. PaedDr. Tarcsiová, PhD.


KEGA 079UK-4/2015: Pedagogy of the deaf, hard of hearing, deaf, children and pupils with a cochlear implant - 2015-2016

(The project is focused on the specifics of the education of the group of hearing impaired in the educational system of the Slovak Republic - in special schools and in segregated environments, as well as in inclusive environments. The output of the project is two university textbooks providing information on diagnostic methods, then methods and forms of education, a comparison of hearing education disabled abroad and in Slovakia.Part of the publications is also dedicated to the specifics of teaching individual subjects to pupils with CP at the primary level of education).

Principal investigator: doc. Mgr. Schmidtová, PhD.


KEGA 033UK-4/2014: Support for innovation and the creation of an inclusive environment in the higher education of students with disabilities - principles, goals, methods, tools, conditions - 2014-2016

(Research analysis of the current state and conditions of inclusive education in Slovakia; based on the results of the research, the implementation and description of rules, goals, methods, means and tools for the creation of methodology and the development of knowledge support for the creation of an inclusive educational and research environment for university students with medical disabilities on Slovakia).

Principal investigator: doc. PaedDr. Lopúchová, PhD.


KEGA 1/0161/13 Determinants of developing the artistic talent of individuals with disabilities in an inclusive environment - 2012-2015

(Research of individuals with disabilities and artistic talent educated in inclusive conditions; analysis, synthesis and comparison of determinants that need to be created for the needs of developing their talent; implementation of activities for art education teachers in ordinary elementary schools)

Principal investigator: doc. PaedDr. Hedviga Gregušová, CSc.


KEGA 118UK-4/2011 Pedagogy of the disabled and disadvantaged in early and preschool age - a new systemic element of special pedagogy at the theoretical-conceptual level and at the application level (new study programs of undergraduate and lifelong education) - 2011-2013

(Elaboration of an original theoretical concept of a new part of the scientific field of special pedagogy - pedagogy of the disabled and handicapped in early and preschool age as a reflection of paradigmatic changes and shifts in the epistemological level of human sciences and educational sciences; transfer and application of new theoretical and systemic knowledge obtained by the project to the field of praxology , with the penetration of epistemological, axiological and deontological levels in the field of undergraduate and lifelong education of special educators).

Principal investigator: prof. PaedDr. Vančová, CSc.


KEGA 119UK-4/2011: Special pedagogy andragogy, new specialization in the system of special pedagogy, both theoretical and applied - 2011-2012

(Analysis and comparison of professional and scientific literary sources related to the issue of special pedagogy andragogy, with a narrower focus on the situation in Central Europe; analysis of study programs for undergraduate training of experts focused on the issue of adults with various types and degrees of disabilities).

Principal investigator: prof. PaedDr. Tarcsiová, PhD.


KEGA 254-011UK-4/2010 Re-education and complex vision rehabilitation in individuals with visual impairment (project type: Monograph). VTR project of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic (projects of scientific and technical development of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic) - Transfer of knowledge from research and development in special pedagogy as a tool for improving the quality of life of citizens with disabilities with an impact on the narrower and wider environmental environment. Responsible researcher Jana Lopúchová.



Older projects:

Project PASSEMPLOI - Bridge to employment. Main investigator - Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired of Slovakia. Solution year 2008 - 2010.

KEGA project /2008-2010/ Analysis, comparison and innovation of the terminological apparatus of special pedagogy from an international aspect and transfer to the field of undergraduate and postgraduate training of special pedagogues.

KEGA project /2008-2010/ Identification, analysis, proposal and description of lifelong learning activities for primary and secondary school teachers in the field of education of pupils and students with special educational needs.

KEGA project /2005 –2007/ Use of technologies in the process of acquiring reading skills among hearing-impaired students of the first grade of elementary school with a focus on creating and verifying the basic principles of creating subtitled programs.

KEGA project /2003-2005/ Creation of a new concept of study programs for the field of special education (1/223/03).

The KEGA project /2005 – 2007/ The use of technology in the process of acquiring reading skills for hearing-impaired pupils of the first grade of primary school with a focus on creating and verifying the basic principles of creating subtitled programs. The KEGA project /2005-2007/ New technologies in the education of disadvantaged pupils and students with special educational needs in Slovakia (3/3033/05).

KEGA project /2003-2005/ Creation of a new concept of study programs for the field of study Special Education (3/1223/03).

VEGA project /2004-2006/ Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the handicapped and talented population in Slovakia (1/1404/04).

VEGA project /2000-2003/ System and methods of comprehensive care for the visually impaired in Slovakia (1/7184/20).

VEGA project /2006-2008/ Identification, analysis and design of a model of key special-pedagogical interventions for disadvantaged children of early and preschool age (1/3655/06).

The Via Lucis project - co-financed by the ESF aimed at supporting students with disabilities and further education of ordinary school teachers in the issue of integrated education of students with disabilities. Solution period: 2006 - 2008.

Project Strategy for ensuring the study of students with disabilities at university /British – Slovak Joint research collaboration program between Comenius University in Bratislava and the British Council Slovakia 1999 – 2001, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Comenius University/

Project Development of the capacity of the organization of disabled people in ten associated countries / European Disability Forum – 2003 – 2004, National Council of the Disabled SR/

Culture 2000 Project - Expression Unlimited, European Union, 2004, Sensa Scotland and Lega del Filo Dono

International project of DAAD, Deutsche akademiké austausch Dienst. Topics: 1. Historical comparison of hearing impaired education in Slovakia and Germany 2. Care of hearing impaired children with a cochlear implant. Partners: University of Munich, University of Bratislava, /2001 – 2004/.

DAAD scientific project - Die Surdologopädie als Schnittstelle uzwischen Horgeschädigten-und Sprachbehindertenpädagogik. Eine Studie im Rahmen der vergleichenden Sonderpädagogik (BRD and SR). /2004-2005/. Co-researcher Dr. Margita Schmidtová.

Comenius 2.1 - Socrates – Inculturalism and multiculturalism, migration of the hearing impaired. /2004/. Co-researcher Dr. Margita Schmidtová

IS EQUAL project no. 106/04-1/33-2.1 "Center for social rehabilitation and information services for the hearing impaired"

MATRA project - Support for improving the quality of integrated education for the visually impaired in Slovakia in common types of schools. International cooperation: Partners in the Netherlands: SENSIS. Project implementation period: 2003-2005.