prof. PaedDr. Miroslava Bartoňová, Ph.D.

fotka profesorky Bartoňovej


Wednesday: 13:30 - 14:30 

Thursday:    16:00 - 17:30 online, arranged consultations

(students must pre-register for consultations by email)

Room R104, Phone +421 2 9015 9288, Email


VEGA 1/0196/23 Approaches, interventions and attitudes of teachers towards pupils with specific learning disabilities and specific behavioural disorders (ADHD) in Slovak primary schools (principal investigator)

KEGA 055UK-4/2023 Prevention and elimination of socio-pathological phenomena in the Internet environment for individuals with disabilities - digital safety for inclusive education (co-investigator)

KEGA 038UK-4/2023 Support and development of innovations in aesthetic education subjects with emphasis on expressive therapies in inclusive education (co-investigator)



Prof. PaedDr. Miroslava Bartoňová, Ph.D., works at the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava. She completed her higher education at the Faculty of Education of the University of Olomouc in the field of Teaching for schools requiring special care. She completed her third degree (PhD.) in Pedagogy at the Faculty of Education of the Academy of Performing Arts in Brno. Her research and pedagogical activity is focused on the development of special and inclusive pedagogy. She profiles herself in the field of education, intervention to pupils in inclusive environment of primary and secondary school with emphasis on pupils with specific learning disabilities and pupils with intellectual disabilities. She implements her years of experience and the empirical knowledge gained from her practice in teaching students. By publishing, cooperating with foreign countries and lecturing at domestic and foreign conferences, he supports the dissemination of the acquired knowledge from scientific research activities towards the professional public. Within the academic sphere, she is currently the principal investigator of the national VEGA grant, and has been a principal investigator and co-investigator of national and international projects focused on research in the field of special and inclusive education and counselling. She is the author or co-author of several monographs, university textbooks on inclusion, inclusive didactics and intervention approaches to pupils in mainstream education.

prof. PaedDr. Darina Tarcsiová, PhD.


Wednesday: 9:00 - 10:30  also online by appointment

Wednesday: 10:45 - 11:45 Coordinator for students with hearing impairment

Thursday:    13:30 - 15:00 

(please arrange consultations in advance by email) 

Room R101, Telefón +421 2 9015 9128, Email


DAAD project 2023-2024 Bildungsgänge Studierender mit Hörschädigung (Principal Investigator)

KEGA 018UK-4/2023 Creation and implementation of new didactic means for the acquisition, development and evaluation of specific communicative forms of children and pupils with sensory disabilities (principal investigator)

VEGA 1/0478/23 Sign language and sign communication and their use in special and inclusive pedagogy for developing communicative competence of selected groups of children and pupils with special educational needs (principal investigator)



Darina Tarcsiová, prof. PaedDr. PhD., is a graduate of PdF UK in Bratislava and works in the field of Teaching and Pedagogical Sciences, specifically in Special Education. She specializes in the pedagogy of the hearing impaired and the pedagogy of the deafblind, focusing on several areas. The first is the communication of people with hearing impairment and deafblindness, with a narrower focus on the use of specific forms of communication- sign language, sign language and finger signs. Another area of her interest is bimodal bilingualism - bilingualism using spoken and signed language, relating to both deaf and hearing children of deaf parents (CODA children). In the context of the paradigm shift in pedagogy and special education towards inclusive education, she is co-author of the Strategy for Inclusive Approaches in Education 2022-2030 and subsequent materials related to support measures. She is a researcher and co-investigator of several domestic and international research projects and author and co-author of a number of publications in her fields of expertise.  She cooperates with civic associations of the hearing impaired and parents of children with hearing loss. She works as an interpreter of Slovak sign language within RTVS.



doc. PhDr. Alexandra Biščo Kastelová, PhD.


Tuesday:  10:00 - 11:30 

Wednesday: 9:00 - 10:30 

(please arrange consultations in advance by email)

Room R106, Phone +421 2 9015 9118, Email



KEGA 055UK-4/2023 Prevention and elimination of socio-pathological phenomena in the Internet environment for individuals with disabilities - digital safety for inclusive education (co-investigator)

KEGA 038UK-4/2023 Support and development of innovations in aesthetic education subjects with emphasis on expressive therapies in inclusive education (co-investigator)



Associate Professor Alexandra Biščo Kastelová, PhD is a long-standing expert in the field of special education at the Faculty of Education, Comenius University. Her academic profile is characterized by a systematic approach to research and publishing.

Education and academic degrees Alexandra Biščo Kastelová obtained her PhD in 2006 as part of her doctoral studies in the field of special education. Later, in 2007, she defended her PhD degree, thus completing her rigorosis procedure. Subsequently, in 2015, she successfully completed the habilitation procedure, thus confirming her professional qualification.

Since 2008 she has been a member of the academic staff of the Faculty of Education of Comenius University, where she works at the Department of Special Education. At this department, she lectures on subjects focused on special pedagogical diagnostics, special pedagogical counselling and comparative special pedagogy at the bachelor, master and doctoral levels of study.

Research focus: Her professional interest focuses on special education diagnosis and counselling for individuals with special educational needs.

Scientific activity: Alexandra Biščo Kastelová has a rich scientific profile with studies, chapters in university textbooks, undergraduate textbooks and scientific papers published in national and international journals since 2005. Her monographs and textbooks from 2012, 2014, 2017 and 2020 reflect her research activities in the field of special education diagnostics within special education counselling.

doc. PaedDr. Terézia Harčaríková, PhD.


Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00

Thursday:    14:00 - 16:00  online

(Please arrange consultations in advance by email)

Room R6, Phone +421 2 9015 9121, Email



VEGA 1/0196/23 Teachers' approaches, interventions and attitudes towards pupils with specific learning disabilities and specific behavioural disorders (ADHD) in Slovak primary schools (Deputy Principal Investigator)

KEGA 027UK-4/2023 New approaches in sex education of young people with intellectual disabilities in the context of their inclusion into mainstream society (co-investigator)

KEGA 055UK-4/2023 Prevention and elimination of socio-pathological phenomena in the Internet environment for individuals with disabilities - digital safety for inclusive education (co-investigator)



Doc. PaedDr. Terézia Harčaríková, PhD. works in the position of pedagogical employee - associate professor at the Department of Special Education. She specializes in the pedagogy of the disabled, sick and medically impaired, within which she focuses on several areas. She is involved in pre-vocational and vocational training of individuals with physical disabilities, issues of school self-assessment of students with physical disabilities, illness and disabilities. She is also interested in chronically and terminally ill children and pupils, specifically in the field of education of these children and pupils, and also in the field of special educational support for children and pupils with incurable, life-threatening illnesses. She is also interested in the issue of pupils with developmental learning disabilities, specifically the specifics of their education, the school self-assessment of these pupils and also pre-vocational and vocational training.

In connection with the paradigm shift in the field of special pedagogy towards inclusive education in the Slovak Republic, she has participated in the development of strategic documents. She is a co-author of the Strategy for an Inclusive Approach in Education for 2022-2030.

Recently, she has been working closely with NIVaM, the Department of Inclusion and Special Education, Early Childhood and Preschool Education. She is the author and co-author of the Catalogue of Support Measures, methodological materials on support measures focused on the area of specialised career counselling, on the provision of activities for the development of children and pupils, etc.

She is a member of the scientific board of the international scientific peer-reviewed journal Studies in Special Education, PdF PU in Prešov, and a member of the editorial board of the journal Special Pedagogy at the Charles University PdF in Prague.

She is a member of the Board of the Special Education Programme at all levels of study.  

She is the head of the Department of Special Pedagogy at the PdF UK in Bratislava.

doc. PaedDr. Jana Lopúchová, PhD.


Tuesday: 10:00 - 12:00 

Wednesday: 10:00 - 12:00 

Tutor:  Tuesday:  12:00 - 13:00

Coordinator for students with specific needs: Wednesday: 12:00 - 13:00 

(please email in advance to arrange consultations)

Room R109, Phone +421 2 9015 9123, Email



KEGA 055UK-4/2023 Prevention and elimination of socio-pathological phenomena in the Internet environment for individuals with disabilities - digital safety for inclusive education (Principal Investigator)

KEGA 018UK-4/2023 Creation and implementation of new didactic means for the acquisition, development and evaluation of specific communication forms of children and pupils with sensory disabilities (Deputy Principal Investigator)

VEGA 1/0196/23 Teachers' approaches, interventions and attitudes towards pupils with specific learning disabilities and specific behavioural disorders (ADHD) in Slovak primary schools (co-investigator)



University teacher working at the Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University in Bratislava. Her priority area of interest is special pedagogy, with a narrower focus on the pedagogy of the visually impaired, but also pedagogy of early childhood and pre-school age children, pre-primary education, digital and assistive technologies for individuals with disabilities. Longitudinally, he is engaged in scientific research and publishing activities, which includes more than 200 publications. As a co-author, she participated in the creation of documents of strategic nature for the Slovak Republic, e.g. the Strategy of Inclusive Approach in Education of Children and Pupils with Specific Needs, Manual of Debarisation, Professional Standards, etc.

She was/is a researcher of KEGA, VEGA, development projects, as well as projects aimed at making cultural institutions accessible to disadvantaged groups of the population.

As a faculty coordinator for students with specific needs, she has extensive experience in debarring and making the academic environment accessible to students with specific needs.

In the field of special education, he has 15 invited lectures at home and abroad. He actively participates in scientific conferences and professional seminars of domestic and foreign provenance.

She is the chairwoman of the Quality Council of the Faculty of Education in Bratislava, a member of the Quality Council of the University of Bratislava, a member of the Accreditation Council of the Faculty of Education in Bratislava, a member of the board of the study programme of special pedagogy at all levels of study.  

She is a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Paedagogica Specialis, a member of the scientific board of the international scientific peer-reviewed journal Studies in Special Pedagogy, PdF PU in Prešov, a member of the commission for the evaluation of specific needs of students with specific needs, a member of the examination committees for rigorosum and dissertation examinations and defences of rigorosum/dissertation theses of PdF UK in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

At the faculty she currently holds the position of Vice-Dean for Internal Quality System.

doc. Mgr. Dagmar Nemček, PhD.


Monday:     9:00 - 10:30

Thursday: 13:00 - 14:30 

(please arrange consultations in advance by email)

Room R107, Phone +421 2 9015 9497, Email



KEGA 051UK-4/2022 Inclusive Education in Physical and Sport Education (Principal Investigator)

VEGA 1/0611/23 Model of sport-specific classification of athletes with intellectual disabilities in para karate (Deputy Principal Investigator)



Doc. Mgr. Dagmar Nemček, PhD. is a graduate of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of Comenius University in Bratislava in the field of study Physical Education and Sport with specialization in Health Physical Education and Sport. At the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of Charles University she completed her doctoral studies in the field of Sport Education, in which she also habilitated. She works as a university teacher at the Department of Special Education of the Faculty of Education of the Charles University in Bratislava, where she prepares future special educators in the subjects of Physical and Sports Education and Health Physical Education. She is the author of more than 200 full-length scientific and professional papers in the field of inclusive physical and sport education and sport of the disabled with more than 600 domestic and foreign citations. She is the President of the Slovak Scientific Society for Physical Education and Sport, a member of the Executive Committee of the Slovak Association of Sport for All and a member of the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA). She is the editor-in-chief of the domestic scientific and professional journal Physical Education & Sport. Her research interest is focused on the quality of life of athletes with disabilities, inclusive physical education and health physical education. In these areas, she has been a successful investigator of several national and international projects.


Mgr. Zuzana Ivanová, PhD.


Monday: 10:30 - 11:30

Wednesday: 13:00 - 15:00

(online consultations are also available by appointment, please email in advance to arrange a consultation)

Room R108, Phone +421 2 9015 9424, Email



VEGA 1/0196/23 Teachers' approaches, interventions and attitudes towards pupils with specific learning disabilities and specific behavioural disorders (ADHD) in Slovak primary schools (co-investigator)

KEGA 027UK-4/2023 New approaches in sexual education of young people with intellectual disabilities in the context of their inclusion into mainstream society (co-investigator)

KEGA 055UK-4/2023 Prevention and elimination of socio-pathological phenomena in the Internet environment for individuals with disabilities - digital safety for inclusive education (co-investigator)



Mgr. Zuzana Ivanová, PhD. has been working as a pedagogical employee - assistant professor at the Department of Special Education since September 2022. Her pedagogical and research activity is focused on the issues of children, pupils, adolescents and adults with physical, mental and multiple disabilities. Specifically, she is working in the area of early and pre-primary education, educational rehabilitation, support and intervention measures, as well as basal stimulation issues. A key area is that of individuals with physical disabilities, illness and impairment, where the research focuses on a group of individuals with terminal illness, their quality of life and also the specifics of education for these individuals. Publication and pedagogical activities of Mgr. Zuzana Ivanová, PhD., has recently expanded her research and teaching activities in the field of inclusive education of children and pupils with SEN and also the possibilities of their support through support measures, which are gradually being introduced into the environment of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools in the Slovak Republic. It cooperates closely with the NIVaM, the Department for Inclusion and Special Education, Early Childhood and Pre-school Education. She is the author and co-author of methodological materials on support measures focused on the adjustment of objectives, methods, forms and approaches in education and training, adjustment of the content of education and training and evaluation of the results achieved by children and pupils in education, provision of activities for the development of children and pupils and others.

Mgr. Lenka Nadányi, PhD.


Thursday:    9:00 - 11:00  in person

Thursday:   11:00 - 12:00  online

(Students must pre-register for consultations by email)

Room R108, Phone +421 2 9015 9423, Email



VEGA 1/0478/23 Sign language and sign communication and their use in special and inclusive pedagogy to develop communicative competence of selected groups of children and pupils with special educational needs (co-investigator)

KEGA 060UK-4/23 Compulsory pre-primary education of children with autism spectrum disorders and children with severe multiple disabilities in the paradigm of special and inclusive education (co-investigator)



Mgr. Lenka Nadányi, PhD. works as an assistant professor at the Department of Special Education. She carries out pedagogical activity of subjects focused on autism spectrum disorders and within the scientific-research activity she also deals with the issues of autism spectrum disorders, education of individuals with these disorders, etc. She has a degree in special education within the framework of the II and III degree of university studies. She continues to educate herself in the field and expands her knowledge through webinars, courses, seminars and training. She has extensive experience in educating and supporting individuals with autism spectrum disorders, which she has gained through several years of experience in providing behavioral interventions, allowing her to connect theory to practice.


PaedDr. Margaréta Osvaldová, PhD.


Monday: 13:30 - 15:00

Wednesday: 12:30 - 14:00

Tutor:  Wednesday: 14:00 - 15:00 

(please arrange consultations in advance by email)

Room R104, Phone +421 2 9015 9125, Email



KEGA 038UK-4/2023 Support and development of innovations in aesthetic education subjects with emphasis on expressive therapies in inclusive education (Principal Investigator)




2002 - 2004: PhD. PhD - 2004 - 2004-2004, Department of Music Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University in Bratislava.

1996 - 2000: Master (Mgr.) Musicologist, Department of Musicology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Bratislava.

PaedDr. Margaréta Osvaldová, PhD., works at the Department of Special Education as an assistant professor. Her area of interest is music, musical arts and music education with a narrower focus on individuals with disabilities and inclusive education. Her creative work, which includes around 70 publications, is also focused on this area. She teaches, for example, the subjects Fundamentals of Music Education, Special Music Education, Special Didactics of Music Education, Fundamentals of Music Therapy for Special Educators, Special Music Education for the Mentally Handicapped, as well as Educational Rehabilitation of the Mentally and Multitarily Handicapped. She supervises bachelor and diploma theses with the above mentioned issues, she is a member of state examination committees. She actively participates in scientific conferences and professional seminars. At the department she holds the position of a study advisor for students of the master's degree. As part of her professional skills development, she has completed, for example, Phonemic Awareness Training.

PaedDr. Andrea Prečuchová Štefanovičová, PhD.


Monday: 14:00 - 15:30  online

Thursday: 13:30 - 14:00

Thursday: 19:00 - 20:00 

(please arrange a consultation in advance by email)

Room R106, Office phone: +421 2 9015 9439, Email:



KEGA 027UK-4/2023 New approaches in sex education of young people with intellectual disabilities in the context of their inclusion into mainstream society (Principal Investigator)

KEGA 038UK-4/2023 Support and development of innovations in aesthetic education with emphasis on expressive therapies in inclusive education (co-investigator)


PaedDr. Andrea Prečuchová Štefanovičová, PhD. is a graduate of the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Bratislava. She completed her doctoral studies in 2012 in the field of Special Education. She works as a researcher primarily in the field of pedagogy of the mentally disabled. From 2012 to 2015 she was the departmental coordinator of practice for the specialisation in pedagogy of the mentally disabled at both bachelor's and master's level of study. She has participated in the preparation of several conferences. She was a professional researcher of the project University Science Park of Comenius University in Bratislava in 2015.

Currently, she is mainly involved in the issues of complex rehabilitation, sex education of individuals with disabilities and pedagogy of adults with disabilities. He lectures and conducts bachelor and master theses focusing on the above mentioned topics. He actively participates in conferences, collaborates in the preparation of professional webinars with Edulab. He is part of several projects.

Mgr. Nikoletta Szászová, PhD.


Monday: 13:00 - 14:30  online

Tuesday: 12:30 - 14:00 

(Appointments for consultations must be made in advance by email)

Room R23, Phone +421 2 9015 9491, Email



YOUTH GRANT UK UK/145/2023 The use of the neuropedagogical approach in education, diagnosis and special education intervention (Principal Investigator)

KEGA 060UK-4/2023 Compulsory pre-primary education of children with autism spectrum disorders and children with severe multiple disabilities in the paradigm of special and inclusive education (co-investigator)



Mgr. Nikoletta Szászová graduated as part of her master's degree in special pedagogy in the specialisation of counselling and pedagogy of individuals with learning and behavioural disorders and impaired communication skills. She is a graduate of full-time doctoral studies at the Department of Special Education. She is mainly interested in specific learning disabilities, impaired communication skills and neuropedagogical approaches in education. Her dissertation deals with the adaptation and modification of a foreign movement intervention programme (KMT programme) for Slovak conditions. Within her pedagogical activity she provides courses in the field of disrupted communication skills and learning disabilities as well as integrative/inclusive special pedagogy. During her doctoral studies she was twice awarded the Young UK Grant, which allows her to more effectively implement the research part of her dissertation. Within the Geosen project, she is collaborating on the translation of an electronic geography textbook into Hungarian. She also works in a private counselling and prevention centre, where she is involved in the diagnosis of specific learning disabilities and special education intervention. She is also a member of the KMT Academy in Budapest, where she works closely with experts in the field of neuropedagogy and movement therapy.

Mgr. Miroslava Tomášková, PhD.


Tuesday:    9:00 - 11:00 

Wednesday: 14:00 - 15:00  

(please arrange your consultation date in advance via email)

Room R101, Phone +421 2 9015 9386, Email



DAAD project Bildungsgänge Studierender mit Hörschädigung (co-investigator)

KEGA 018UK-4/2023 Creation and implementation of new didactic means for the acquisition, development and evaluation of specific communication forms of children and pupils with sensory disabilities (co-investigator)

VEGA 1/0478/23 - Sign language and sign communication and their use in special and inclusive pedagogy for developing communicative competence of selected groups of children and pupils with special educational needs (deputy principal investigator)



Mgr. Miroslava Tomášková, PhD., graduated in special education with a narrower focus on the pedagogy of the hearing impaired and counselling. She is currently a researcher at the Institute of Special Pedagogical Studies and Inclusive Education at the Pedagogical Faculty of the Charles University in Bratislava. The subject of her interest so far is the diagnosis of communication of pupils with hearing impairment and the support of pupils with hearing impairment in the school environment. The issue of diagnostics was also the subject of her interest in her dissertation, which she elaborated on the topic of Assessment of communication competences in children and pupils with hearing loss. She is also very close to this issue on the basis of her personal experience and involvement, as she herself has a hearing impairment.

Within her pedagogical activity she is engaged in manual forms of communication by teaching subjects such as the Basics of Sign Language and Finger Signs, or the education of children and pupils with hearing impairment in the subjects of Pre-primary Education of the Hearing Impaired and Educational Rehabilitation of the Hearing Impaired. At the same time, she acts as a practice methodologist in the pedagogy of the hearing impaired for students of the Bachelor's degree. In her scientific and research activities she is a co-investigator of the deputy principal investigator of the national projects KEGA/VEGA implemented in the field of education not only of the hearing impaired and the foreign project of DAAD. Her publications are mainly the output of these projects.

In the past, she has worked as a teaching assistant in mainstream and special primary schools, and collaborates with non-profit organizations dedicated to individuals with hearing impairments. Currently, in addition to college, she works at the counseling and methodological center Development of the Child o.z. as a professional therapist, where she works with different groups of children with special educational needs.


1 Grant No UK/187/2018 - Identification, analysis and assessment of communication competence in children/pupils with hearing impairment

2 Principal Investigator of Grant No. UK/183/2019 entitled Diagnostic tool for the assessment of communication behaviour in children and pupils with hearing impairment - KOZK.

3 Co-investigator of KEGA 049UK-4/2019 Possibilities and limits of integrated/inclusive education of pupils with sensory impairment (completed)

4 Co-investigator KEGA 034UK-4/2018 Innovation of the educational process of the subject geography for pupils with intellectual disabilities (completed)

 5 Co-researcher of DAAD (Deutscher akademischer Austauschdienst), implemented at PdF UK in Bratislava, in the years 2020 - 2021 under the title : Barrierefrei studieren - Inklusion im tertiären Bildungsbereich - Co-researcher of the project

Mgr. Martin Záni, PhD.


Tuesday:   15:00 – 17:00

Thursday: 12:30 – 13:30

(Please arrange a consultation in advance by email)

Room: R 107, Phone: +421 2 9015 9531,  e-mail:



University teacher Mgr. Martin Záni, PhD. works as an assistant professor at the Department of Special Education. He specializes in the fields of pedagogy of the mentally handicapped, pedagogy of the physically handicapped, sick and disabled, pedagogy of the visually handicapped. He is interested in the history of special education and comparison. He gained practical experience as a school special educator.





Mgr. Kristína Tkáčová, PhD.


Tuesday:   10:00 - 10:45  online

Thursday:  15:30 - 16:15  online

Room R108, Phone +421 2 9015 9438, Email 



KEGA 038UK-4/2023 Support and development of innovations in aesthetic education subjects with emphasis on expressive therapies in inclusive education (co-investigator)

KEGA 060UK-4/2023 Compulsory pre-primary education of children with autism spectrum disorders and children with severe multiple disabilities in the paradigm of special and inclusive education (representative of the principal investigator)

VEGA 1/0196/23 Approaches, interventions and attitudes of teachers towards pupils with specific learning disabilities and specific behavioral disorders (ADHD) in Slovak primary schools (co-investigator)



Mgr. Kristína Tkáčová, PhD., graduated in special pedagogy with a focus on the pedagogy of the mentally disabled and counseling. He works as a scientific researcher at the Institute of Special Pedagogical Studies and Inclusive Education at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Charles University in Bratislava. Her pedagogical and research activity is focused on the issue of children and students with mental, physical and multiple disabilities. In addition, she deals with the issue of children and pupils with a disease, which was the subject of her interest when preparing her dissertation on the topic Individual with an incurable disease in the context of pedagogy of the sick.

As part of her pedagogical activities, she is dedicated to early care, pre-primary education, education of the terminally ill, and is also a methodologist for professional practices.

In the past, she worked as a school special pedagogue in the Rozmanita inclusive kindergarten, as a professional therapist in the counseling and methodical center Rozvoj Dieťa o.z., as a therapist in n.o. Plamenok and as a research and development employee for the field of inclusive and special education at NIVaM.


Investigator of Grant no. UK/180/2016 An individual with an incurable disease in the context of pedagogy of the sick

Co-researcher KEGA 064UK-4/2020 Electronic geography textbook for pupils with mental disabilities

Co-researcher VEGA 1/0789/14 Determinants and deviations in the development of school-aged children with disabilities in the field of somatopathological, psychoeducational, communication and social


Mgr. Kristína Ondrašinová


Monday: 13:00 - 14:30 

Wednesday: 16:00 - 17:30 online 

(Students must pre-register for consultations by email) 

Room R23, Phone +421 2 9015 9493, Email



YOUTH GRANT UK UK UK/240/2023 Individuals with intellectual disabilities - possibilities and limits of using sign communication in special education practice (Principal Investigator)

VEGA 1/0478/23 Sign language and sign communication and their use in special and inclusive pedagogy to develop communicative competence of selected groups of children and pupils with special educational needs (co-investigator)



Mgr. Kristína Ondrašinová works at the Department of Special Education at the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava as an internal PhD student. She studied at the Department of Special Education at the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava in the study programme of special education. In her dissertation within the framework of her higher education studies of the III degree, she deals with the possibilities of the use of signing and sign communication for individuals with other types of disabilities. In addition to the above, her area of research interest is in the field of augmentative and alternative communication.

Mgr. Daša Švecová


Tuesday: 14:00 - 15:30

Wednesday: 10:00 - 11:30

(Please arrange consultations in advance by email)

Room R23, Email



Mgr. Daša Švecová is an internal PhD student at the Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University. She graduated in specialisation of special pedagogy - counselling in combination with pedagogy of mentally disabled. Her dissertation deals with pupils with special educational needs and their attitudes towards physical and sport education.

Mgr. Jana Zeman


Tuesday:     14:00 - 15:30  online

Wednesday:  8:30 - 10:00 

(please arrange consultations in advance by email)

Room R113, Phone +421 2 9015 9509, Email



Mgr. Jana Zeman is an internal PhD student at the Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University. She graduated in specialisation of special pedagogy - counselling in combination with pedagogy of the mentally disabled. Her doctoral thesis focuses on early care in children with disabilities and their families. She also deals with the issue of autism spectrum disorders.

Mgr. Monika Podhorská


Tuesday: 10:00 - 11:30 

Wednesday: 13:30 - 15:00 online

(please arrange consultations in advance by email)

Room R113, Phone +421 2 9015 9510, Email



Mgr. Monika Podhorská is an internal PhD student at the Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University. She graduated in specialisation of special pedagogy - counselling in combination with pedagogy of individuals with learning and behavioural disorders and impaired communication skills. Her doctoral thesis focuses on the school achievement of pupils with specific developmental learning disabilities.