Dear students,
I would like to inform you that the Department of the Erasmus+ RUK program has announced a call for tenders for student mobility Erasmus+ studies for the academic year 2023/2024 for full-time and part-time bachelor's, master's and doctoral students.
Basic information about study mobility can be found on the website:
Link to application for study mobility:
To log in, use your university login name and password (the same as for AiS), the procedure for submitting an application through the university Mobility Online system was sent to your university email address and you can find it in the attachment of the given email.
You can only apply to those foreign universities that have contracted cooperation with your department. The list of current contracts of individual departments can be found on the website:
Please pay attention to the last column of your department's contract table, because only there you will find information about the degrees of study to which cooperation with a specific foreign university relates.
More detailed information about the department's foreign cooperation will be provided by the departmental coordinators of the Erasmus+ program, you can find their list on the page:
The call is open until February 15, 2023. It will no longer be possible to apply after this date.
After the system is closed, selection procedures for individual foreign universities will take place at individual departments, the dates of which will be informed by the departmental coordinators of the Erasmus+ program.