Department of Special Education

For more than 50 years, the department has been a leader in the field of special education theory, praxeology and special education research.

The Department of Special Education provides study programmes in special education at the Bachelor's (B.Sc.), Master's (M.Sc.) and Doctoral (Ph.D.) levels in a structure that no other faculty in the Slovak Republic provides. The Department also provides services in teaching for those fields of study that have disciplines in the field of special education in the content of education.

The Department has been granted the right to hold rigorous examinations and doctoral studies in special education (PhD.).

Habilitation and inauguration proceedings are possible in the School of Special Education.

Members of the Department are experienced university teachers, authors of many professional publications, university and secondary school textbooks as well as textbooks for special schools, solvers of scientific research tasks and projects. Several teachers of the department also participate significantly in the activities of non-governmental organizations in Europe and Slovakia. They are also members of many important Slovak and foreign professional organisations and committees in the field of special education and members of editorial boards of scientific and professional journals.

However, our efforts are mainly focused on the preparation of quality special educators at all levels of higher education.

By graduating from the first degree of the study programme in special education, the graduate will be employed in the labour market as: pedagogical employee in the categories of kindergarten teacher for children with special educational needs, pedagogical assistant, educator.

Graduating from the second degree of the study programme in special pedagogy, the graduate will be employed in the labour market as: pedagogical employee in the categories of school special educator, teacher for children/pupils with special educational needs, professional employee in the category of special educator and field special educator.

Graduating from the third degree of the study programme in special pedagogy, the graduate will be employed in the labour market as: a university teacher working as an assistant professor, a researcher in a university environment focused on special pedagogy or inclusive pedagogy, a conceptual, managerial and programme worker in the state administration in the field of education and education.