Which study programmes does the faculty offer in combination with the teaching of English language and literature?
Teaching of English Language and Literature and Teaching of History
Teaching of English Language and Literature and Teaching of German Language and Literature
Teaching of English Language and Literature and Teaching of Art
Teaching of English language and literature and Teaching of Italian language and literature
Teaching of English Language and Literature and Teaching of Pedagogy
Teaching of Spanish Language and Literature and Teaching of English Language and Literature
Teaching of Civics and Teaching of English Language and Literature
Teaching of Psychology and Teaching of English Language and Literature (only on the bachelor’s level)
Teaching of Slovak Language and Literature and Teaching of English Language and Literature
Are the study programmes equally weighted or is one programme considered to be the major programme?
The study programmes are equally weighted.
What are the conditions for being accepted to study at the Pedagogical Faculty?
See the section Podrobné kritériá pre prijímacie konanie pre bakalárske štúdium on the faculty’s webpage.
Are the lessons only conducted in English or is it also necessary to understand and speak Slovak?
Some of the subjects are conducted only in English but Slovak is also used in some of the lessons.
Does the department issue a certificate indicating the student’s level of English?
What are the possibilities for obtaining or gaining access to the study materials?
The study materials can be obtained at the faculty library. Some of the materials are made accessible by the instructors through online platforms (MS Teams, Moodle, etc.).
Where are the classes held?
Most of the classes are held in the building on Šoltésovej Street, but some lessons are held in the building on Račianska Street.
When are lessons for full-time students held?
Lessons for full-time students are held between 7:45 – 19:45 from Monday through Friday. They are usually 90 minutes long; however, some of the lessons are 135 minutes long.
What are the days and times of lessons for part-time students?
Lessons for part-time students are held on Fridays and Saturdays. Some of the subjects feature both in-class instruction and online instruction.
Which free time amenities are available for students in the buildings (free wif-fi, pcs, library, student lounges)?
The buildings on Šoltésovej Street and Račianska Street are equipped with free wi-fi, PC access and rest areas for students. The building on Šoltésovej Street has two mini-libraries. Both buildings are equipped with coffee and beverage machines.
Who represents the students (presenting their opinions and requests) before the faculty?
See the section entitled Študentské záležitosti zastupuje študentská časť Akademického senátu fakulty.
Who can I contact if I have problems regarding my schedule?
An advisor is assigned for each year of study. Students are free to contact their advisor with questions regarding their schedule or any other school-related questions. The names and office hours of the advisors are listed on the English department website.
See the section entitled Tutorial help (KAJL)
Does the faculty offer opportunities to study abroad?
Yes, students can participate in foreign exchange programmes with our partner universities.
See the section entitled Erasmus