Open Day at PdF UK (27 January 2024)
A short video of Open Day 2024 can be found on the faculty website:
GAUČ (Active Teachers Group) – 2.10.2023
On the first Monday in October, we welcomed a rare personality of the pedagogical world to our faculty. The first guest of the new informal format of GAUČ was the author of the popular Šlabikár Mgr. Kamila Štefeková. She shared her memories of how she learned to read, as well as her experiences with learning to read and what motivated her to write the Shlabikar, not only with our students but also with the teachers.
Conference "What is and what could be the preparation of future teachers"
The Department of Didactics of Mathematics and Science Subjects together with the Department of Pre-primary and Primary Pedagogy organized on 12 September 2023 an international scientific and professional conference entitled "What is and what could be the preparation of future teachers" in the premises of the Faculty of Education of the Comenius University in Bratislava, under the auspices of the Dean of the Faculty of Education of the Comenius University in Bratislava, prof. PaedDr. Katarína Žilková, PhD.
The conference was oriented towards solving current issues related to the personality of the teacher with an emphasis on his/her pregraduate preparation. During the conference were presented papers focused on the research approach in the preparation of future teachers, especially within the individual disciplinary didactics (didactics of mathematics, didactics of science subjects, technology and informatics, etc.), as well as papers focused on the possibility of creating an interdisciplinary space for solving some problems and presenting partial results of currently implemented research, as well as suggestions for innovations in educational theory and practice.
EME Conference 2019
The Department of Didactics of Mathematics and Science Subjects together with the Department of Pre-primary and Primary Pedagogy organized on 10-12 April 2019 the 24th International Scientific Conference EME 2019 entitled "Reflection of current abilities and needs of pupils of younger school age" in the premises of the Congress Centre Družba of Comenius University in Bratislava, under the auspices of the Dean of the Faculty of Education of the Comenius University in Bratislava Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Edita Partová, PhD.
Faculty of Education at the European Researchers' Night 2019
The Department of Didactics of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in cooperation with the Department of Pre-primary and Primary Education and the Department of Pedagogy of the Faculty of Education of Comenius University prepared a stand called Mirror Games (.pdf, 1,1 MB) during the European Researchers' Night on 27 September 2019.
The interactive activities we offered to primary education students and teachers, parents, as well as other interested parties, were aimed at exploring the principles of symmetrical figures and their properties. The preferred methods were to gain experience with symmetry through own discoveries with manipulatives and virtual aids. The activities presented were titled Create a Symmetrical Image (or What Do You See in the Mirror?), Create a Mirror Image, Create an Equally Symmetrical Image, Draw a Mirror Image, and Use Two Mirrors to Create a Mirror Image.
The goal of the presentation was to provide examples of manipulative and virtual activities aimed at creating symmetrical images and exploring the properties of axial or planar symmetry using mirrors. The activities had the same mathematical content but were designed in different modifications for different environments and with different aids. Aids of a haptic nature were preferred, such as cubes with different coloured walls, different sets of jigsaw puzzles, and a square grid, all using one or two mirrors. Equally important was the validation of the author's interactive applets, which worked with axial
The presentation reflected the results of the research project "Optimization of teaching materials in mathematics based on the analysis of current needs and abilities of pupils of younger school age" (OPTIMAT_APVV 15-0378), which aims to adapt teaching materials in mathematics to the abilities, interests and needs of primary education pupils.
We are delighted that our booth with interactive activities enjoyed general interest from all generations until late in the evening. We were able to grade the tasks and activities according to the abilities and interest of the individuals, resulting in participants staying more than expected at our booth. The positive feedback that was recorded during the Researchers' Night 2019 convinces us of the meaningfulness of popularizing the results of scientific research in the didactics of elementary mathematics and the dissemination of the authors' products in the form of interactive games freely available on the Internet within the student, teacher and parent community.
Katarína Žilková a Edita Partová