Faculty of EducationComenius University Bratislava


Workshops of the Department of Didactics of Mathematics and Science Subjects within the Open Day 2024

On Saturday, 27 January 2024, an Open Day was held at the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava. The Department of Didactics of Mathematics and Natural Sciences implemented specific creative workshops in the building on Šoltésova Street on this occasion:

  • The creative workshop focused on the educational area of pre-primary education Mathematics and information work was led by PaedDr. Martina Totkovičová, PhD.
  • The workshop focused on the educational area of pre-primary education Man and the world of work was led by Assoc Prof. PaedDr. Lilla Koreňová, PhD.

Some samples of the creative activities of the participants of DOD 2024 within the above mentioned workshops are presented in the following photos:

GAUČ (Active Teachers Group)

GAUČ (Active Teachers Group) are regular meetings at the PdF UK, designed not only for students and teachers of the faculty, but also for the general public, with interesting personalities from pedagogical practice.

The meetings are organized during the semester on the first Monday of every month at Šoltésova Street.

The first meeting took place on 2.10. Mgr. Kamila Štefeková, the author of the popular Šlabikár.

Czech-Slovak round SVOČ 2022



Differential examinations for the academic year 2022/2023

Materials on differential exams for transfer students within Comenius University can be found on the faculty's website.