Department of Didactics of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


Supporting technical education as one of the priorities of the educational reform requires that the preparation of teachers be represented by natural and technical subjects at a level that corresponds to the current state of science and technology development. Necessary basis for technical education is quality mathematical and informatics education.

The Department of Didactics of Mathematics and Science Subjects (KDMPP) is a part of the Institute of Educational Studies and is a department focused on natural sciences, including mathematics and informatics. In addition to improving the quality of the research activity, the department also provides for the improvement of the quality of student´s education with a perspective for the promotion of teacher´s education programs focused on educational fields.

In the field of teaching, the department provides mathematical, informational and natural science subjects in joint pedagogical study programs, pre-primary and primary pedagogy, primary education, special pedagogy and counselling as well as subjects for statistical literacy and statistics as a basis for quantitative research.

In the science and research area, The Department of Didactics of Mathematics and Science Subjects focuses on examining the effectiveness of teaching mathematics at elementary schools, examining the impact of new technologies on teaching mathematics and exploring science and technology education at elementary school.